@groovy.transform.ToString(includePackage: false, includeNames: true, includeSuper: true) @groovy.transform.EqualsAndHashCode(includes: [column]) class ColumnPreference extends BasePreferenceSetting
This holds the specific preferences for a single column in a list. The column's width, display order and sorting options are stored here.
Type | Name and description |
private java.lang.String |
column The column (name) for this preference. |
private java.lang.Integer |
sequence The sequence (order) this column is displayed in. |
private java.lang.Boolean |
sortAscending The sort direction (of sortLevel is non-null). |
private java.lang.Integer |
sortLevel If non-null, then this is the sorting order for this column. |
private BigDecimal |
width The width of the column, in percentage of screen width. |
Constructor and description |
() |
(java.util.Map options) Standard map constructor. |
() |
Type Params | Return Type | Name and description |
boolean |
determineIfEmpty() Determines if this column preference is empty (has not settings). |
java.lang.String |
getKey() The key (column name) for this preference. |
The column (name) for this preference.
The sequence (order) this column is displayed in.
The sort direction (of sortLevel is non-null). Defaults to ascending.
If non-null, then this is the sorting order for this column. sortLevel=1 is the primary sort key, etc.
The width of the column, in percentage of screen width. If null, then use the default width.
Standard map constructor.
- The options.Determines if this column preference is empty (has not settings). This is used to keep the list of column preferences as small as possible.
Note: This is not called isEmpty() to avoid XML parsing issues.
The key (column name) for this preference. This is unique within a single Preference object's settings list.
Groovy Documentation