eframe 0.5 API

Package Description
org.simplemes.eframe.application Application definition classes.
org.simplemes.eframe.application.controller Controller classes for the top-level application elements.
org.simplemes.eframe.application.issues Classes to work-around issues in libraries.
org.simplemes.eframe.archive Archiving support classes.
org.simplemes.eframe.archive.domain Domains used for archiving records.
org.simplemes.eframe.controller Controller support classes for the framework.
org.simplemes.eframe.custom Defines mechanisms to customize an application.
org.simplemes.eframe.custom.annotation Defines annotations that allow application customization.
org.simplemes.eframe.custom.controller Controllers used to support customization of the application.
org.simplemes.eframe.custom.domain Domains used when customizing an application.
org.simplemes.eframe.custom.gui GUI support classes for user defined custom fields.
org.simplemes.eframe.custom.service Service classes that provides mechanisms to customize an application.
org.simplemes.eframe.dashboard Dashboard domains and controllers.
org.simplemes.eframe.dashboard.controller Dashboard controller classes.
org.simplemes.eframe.dashboard.domain Dashboard domain classes.
org.simplemes.eframe.data Defines data fields and classes for manipulating the data.
org.simplemes.eframe.data.format Defines supported field formats.
org.simplemes.eframe.date Date and Time related classes.
org.simplemes.eframe.domain Classes to support access to Domain objects and their structure.
org.simplemes.eframe.exception Exception and support classes.
org.simplemes.eframe.i18n Globalization/Internationalization classes.
org.simplemes.eframe.json JSON Support classes.
org.simplemes.eframe.misc Misc classes.
org.simplemes.eframe.preference Classes that manage user preference, primarily for the GUI.
org.simplemes.eframe.preference.controller Controller (HTTP access) classes that manage user preference.
org.simplemes.eframe.preference.domain Domain (persistent) classes that manage user preference.
org.simplemes.eframe.preference.event UI Event related classes.
org.simplemes.eframe.preference.service Service classes that manage user preference, primarily for the GUI.
org.simplemes.eframe.reports Classes that provide access to the third party report engine.
org.simplemes.eframe.reports.controller The controller classes for access to the third party report engine.
org.simplemes.eframe.search Classes that provide the search engine features.
org.simplemes.eframe.search.controller Classes that provide the search engine features with controller access (HTTP).
org.simplemes.eframe.search.service Classes that provide the search engine services.
org.simplemes.eframe.security Security support classes for the framework.
org.simplemes.eframe.security.controller Controller security support for the framework.
org.simplemes.eframe.security.service Services for security support for the framework.
org.simplemes.eframe.service Service utilities for the framework.
org.simplemes.eframe.system System support classes.
org.simplemes.eframe.system.controller Controller for system support classes.
org.simplemes.eframe.test Classes to support automated testing - Not for Production Use.
org.simplemes.eframe.test.page Pages classes for common framework pages needed by modules.
org.simplemes.eframe.web Web-related classes and sub-packages for generating UIs.
org.simplemes.eframe.web.asset Asset Pipeline support classes.
org.simplemes.eframe.web.task Support for the main Task Menu.
org.simplemes.eframe.web.task.controller Controller for the main Task Menu.
org.simplemes.eframe.web.ui GUI Toolkit-specific logic.
org.simplemes.eframe.web.ui.webix GUI Toolkit-specific logic for the webix UI framework.
org.simplemes.eframe.web.ui.webix.freemarker Marker (helper) classes for the GUI Toolkit that provide Freemarker marker support.
org.simplemes.eframe.web.ui.webix.widget GUI Widgets to generate UI elements as Toolkit-specific elements.
org.simplemes.eframe.web.view Supports view generation using Freemarker.
sample Sample and Test classes - NOT shipped.