A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _


AbstractCreateOrEditPage - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.test.page
The general base class for create or edit definition pages tested in the framework.
AbstractCreateOrEditPage() - Constructor in AbstractCreateOrEditPage
AbstractCrudPage - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.test.page
The general base class for all CRUD list pages tested in the framework.
AbstractCrudPage() - Constructor in AbstractCrudPage
AbstractPage - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.test.page
The general base class for all pages tested in the framework.
AbstractPage() - Constructor in AbstractPage
AbstractShowPage - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.test.page
The general base class for show definition pages tested in the framework.
AbstractShowPage() - Constructor in AbstractShowPage
accessRefreshTokenGenerator - Field in LoginAuthController
accessToken(HttpRequest<?>, java.lang.String) - Method in LoginAuthController
ACTIVITY_PARAMETERS_NAME - Field in DashboardMarker
The data model name that will hold the activity parameters from the controller.
add(org.simplemes.eframe.data.FieldDefinitionInterface) - Method in FieldDefinitions
add(java.util.Map) - Method in MessageHolder
Internal add method.
addBulkIndexStatus(org.simplemes.eframe.search.SearchStatus) - Method in SearchHelper
Adds the bulk index request status to the given status.
addChildToDomain(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object, java.lang.String) - Method in DomainUtils
Adds a single child to the given element using the dynamic addToXYZ method.
addConfigurableTypeFields(org.simplemes.eframe.data.FieldDefinitions, java.lang.Object) - Method in ExtensibleFieldHelper
Find the effective FieldDefinitions for the dynamic Configurable Type field values.
ADDED_MENUS_NAME - Field in ShowMarker
The name of the element in the marker coordinator defines any additional submenus to the toolbar.
addedTime - Field in ShortTermCacheMap
The time the given element was most recently added.
addError(int, java.lang.String, java.lang.Object) - Method in DomainBinder
Adds the given message as a validation error to the current list of errors.
addError(java.util.Map) - Method in MessageHolder
Adds single error message to the holder.
addField(java.lang.String, java.lang.Class, int, boolean, Expression, ClassNode, org.codehaus.groovy.control.SourceUnit) - Method in ASTUtils
Adds the given field to class.
addFieldForDisplay(java.lang.StringBuilder, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.util.Map) - Method in TextUtils
Adds a single field to the output buffer, formatted for display.
addFieldSpecificParameters(org.simplemes.eframe.web.ui.webix.widget.WidgetContext, java.lang.String, java.util.Map) - Method in BaseMarker
Adds any field-specific parameters from the marker parameters to the given widget context's parameters for the field widget.
addGetter(FieldNode, ClassNode, int, org.codehaus.groovy.control.SourceUnit) - Method in ASTUtils
Adds a getter() method for the given field to the given class.
addGlobalPostscript(java.lang.String) - Method in MarkerCoordinator
Adds the given global post script text to the end of the current global postscript.
addGlobalPostscriptText(java.lang.String) - Method in BaseWidget
Adds the given text in a holding area to be added to the generated UI text at the end.
addInfo(java.util.Map) - Method in MessageHolder
Adds single info message to the holder.
addInlineGridRow(java.lang.String, java.util.Map, org.simplemes.eframe.data.FieldDefinitionInterface) - Method in CRUDGUITester
Adds a single row to the given inline grid.
Addition - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.custom
Defines the features/requirements for a given Module (Addition) to be added to the application.
Addition() - Constructor in Addition
AdditionFieldDefinition - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.data
A field definition for a field added by a module addition.
AdditionFieldDefinition() - Constructor in AdditionFieldDefinition
AdditionHelper - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.custom
Support methods and data for additions.
AdditionHelper() - Constructor in AdditionHelper
AdditionInterface - Interface in org.simplemes.eframe.custom
Defines the methods an addition class must provide.
AdditionInterface() - Constructor in AdditionInterface
AdditionMarker - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.web.ui.webix.freemarker
Provides the efAddition Freemarker marker implementation.
AdditionMarker() - Constructor in AdditionMarker
AdditionTestUtils - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.test
Utility methods for testing additions in unit tests.
AdditionTestUtils() - Constructor in AdditionTestUtils
addLoadersFromAdditions(List<Class>) - Method in InitialDataLoader
Adds any non-domain loaders from additions.
addLocaleFolder(java.lang.String) - Method in WebClientLookup
Adds the locale folder to the web client lookup.
addMonths(java.util.Date, int) - Method in DateUtils
Adds the number of months to the given date.
addOtherLogger(java.lang.String) - Method in LoggingController
Adds an other logger to the list displayed.
addOtherLoggerToPref(java.lang.String) - Method in LoggingController
Adds a single level to the 'Others' logger list in the user preferences.
addParametersToURI(java.lang.String, java.util.Map) - Method in URLUtils
Adds any arguments to the URI (encoded) to the given URI.
addPostscript(java.lang.String) - Method in MarkerCoordinator
Adds the given post script text to the end of the current postscript.
addPostscriptText(java.lang.String) - Method in BaseWidget
Adds the given text in a holding area to be added to the generated UI text at the end.
addPrescript(java.lang.String) - Method in MarkerCoordinator
Adds the given pre script text to the end of the current prescript.
addRequest(org.simplemes.eframe.search.SearchEngineRequestInterface) - Method in SearchEnginePoolExecutor
Adds a request to the queue for processing.
addSharedVariables(freemarker.template.Configuration) - Method in FreemarkerDirectiveConfiguration
Adds all of the framework markers to the freemarker configuration.
addWarn(java.util.Map) - Method in MessageHolder
Adds single warning message to the holder.
addWarning(java.util.Map) - Method in MessageHolder
Adds single warning message to the holder (convenience method).
addYears(java.util.Date, int) - Method in DateUtils
Adds the number of years to the given date.
adjustAssetPath(java.lang.String) - Method in AssetMarker
Allows access to the asset logic for other markers to use.
adjustFieldCharacterWidth(int) - Method in BaseLabeledFieldWidget
Determine the display width (in characters) for the given maxLength of the input field.
adjustMenuLevel(int) - Method in MenuMarker
Increment/decrement the menu level as needed in the marker coordinator.
adjustQuery(java.lang.String, java.lang.Class) - Method in SearchService
Adjusts the query string to make the input more user friendly.
AdjustQueryInterface - Interface in org.simplemes.eframe.search
Defines the API for the adjustQuery extension point.
AdjustQueryInterface() - Constructor in AdjustQueryInterface
adjustSQLValue(java.sql.ResultSet, int) - Method in DomainBinder
Converts some special SQL types to internal types (mainly dates).
admin(java.security.Principal) - Method in SearchController
Displays the search admin page.
afterExecute(java.lang.Runnable, java.lang.Throwable) - Method in SearchEnginePoolExecutor
This afterExecute hook mainly detects exceptions and logs them.
ALL - Field in HistoryTracking
All Data is retained, including user and date/time.
AllFieldsDomain - Class in sample.domain
A test/Sample domain class with all field types as optional fields.
AllFieldsDomain() - Constructor in AllFieldsDomain
AllFieldsDomainController - Class in sample.controller
Handles the controller actions for the AllFieldsDomain objects.
AllFieldsDomainController() - Constructor in AllFieldsDomainController
AllFieldsDomainRepository - Interface in sample.domain
The AllFieldsDomain repository base interface.
AllFieldsDomainRepository() - Constructor in AllFieldsDomainRepository
allParamsHaveValues(java.lang.Throwable) - Method in UnitTestUtils
This method tests that the given exception's string value has all replaceable parameters replaced with a value.
API_TEST_USER - Field in SecurityUtils
The generic test user for the API tests.
append(java.lang.Object) - Method in MockAppender
Application - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.application
The main application class.
Application() - Constructor in Application
apply(java.lang.Object) - Method in DomainEntityHelper.TransactionCallbackWrapper
Applies this function to the given argument.
apply(List<String>) - Method in FieldAdjustmentInterface
Applies the field adjustment to the given list of fields.
apply(List<String>) - Method in FieldInsertAdjustment
Applies the field adjustment to the given list of fields.
apply(List<String>) - Method in FieldMoveAdjustment
Applies the field adjustment to the given list of fields.
apply(List<String>) - Method in FieldRemoveAdjustment
Applies the field adjustment to the given list of fields.
apply(List<String>) - Method in FieldReplaceAllAdjustment
Applies the field adjustment to the given list of fields.
applyUserAdjustments(java.lang.Class, List<String>) - Method in FieldAdjuster
Finds and applies any field order adjustments to the core field order.
archive(java.lang.Object) - Method in ArchiverInterface
Adds the given object to the archive.
archive(java.lang.Object) - Method in FileArchiver
Adds the given object to the archive.
ARCHIVE_INDEX_SUFFIX - Field in SearchHelper
The suffix to add to all indices created for archived elements.
ArchiveLog - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.archive.domain
This tracks archiving of old records no longer needed in the active database.
ArchiveLog() - Constructor in ArchiveLog
ArchiveLogRepository - Interface in org.simplemes.eframe.archive.domain
The ArchiveLog repository base interface.
ArchiveLogRepository() - Constructor in ArchiveLogRepository
ArchiverFactory - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.archive
Returns the configured Archiver.
ArchiverFactory() - Constructor in ArchiverFactory
ArchiverFactoryInterface - Interface in org.simplemes.eframe.archive
Defines the interface for a Archiver Factory.
ArchiverFactoryInterface() - Constructor in ArchiverFactoryInterface
ArchiverInterface - Interface in org.simplemes.eframe.archive
Defines the interface for an archiver.
ArchiverInterface() - Constructor in ArchiverInterface
ArchiveSearchHit - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.search
A single archive search hit from the search engine.
ArchiveSearchHit() - Constructor in ArchiveSearchHit
ArgumentUtils - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.misc
ArgumentUtils() - Constructor in ArgumentUtils
assertClose(int, int, java.lang.String, int) - Method in UnitTestUtils
Tests if the given value is within the range of the given target.
assertContainsAllIgnoreCase(java.lang.Object, List<String>) - Method in UnitTestUtils
Asserts that the given string contains all of the values (in any order).
assertContainsError(List<ValidationErrorInterface>, int, java.lang.String, List<String>) - Method in UnitTestUtils
Asserts that the given list of validation errors contains the given error on the given field with the strings in the message.
assertErrorIsPresent(List<ValidationErrorInterface>, java.lang.String, int, java.lang.String) - Method in DomainTester
Verifies that the given code/fieldName pair is in the list of validation errors.
assertExceptionIsValid(java.lang.Throwable, List<String>, java.lang.Integer) - Method in UnitTestUtils
A convenience method to make sure the given exception has the right values.
assertFirstFoundMessageIsValid(java.lang.String, List<String>) - Method in MockAppender
Finds the first log message that contains the given search string.
assertLocalized(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String) - Method in CRUDGUITester
Verifies that the given text has been localized and the text was found in the properties file.
assertMessageIsValid(List<String>, int) - Method in MockAppender
Checks the given message to verify it contains all of the values (case ignored) and has all parameters filled in.
assertOrderInText(java.lang.Object, List<String>) - Method in HTMLTestUtils
Make sure that the given list of strings occur in the same order in the given text.
assertTagHasClass(java.lang.String, java.lang.String) - Method in HTMLTestUtils
Parses the given tag text and determines if it has the given class.
assertValidationFails(java.lang.Object, int, java.lang.String, List<String>) - Method in BaseSpecification
Runs the validation on the given domain object and verifies that the given validation (code/fieldName) are found.
AssetMarker - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.web.ui.webix.freemarker
Provides the efAsset Freemarker marker implementation.
AssetMarker() - Constructor in AssetMarker
assignIDs(java.lang.Object) - Method in LoggingController
Assign a unique ID to all elements.
ASTUtils - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.ast
Common utilities used by most AST (annotation) transformations.
auth(io.micronaut.http.HttpRequest, java.security.Principal) - Method in LoginAuthController
authenticate(HttpRequest<?>, AuthenticationRequest<?, ?>) - Method in DBAuthenticationProvider
Authenticates a user with the given request.
AutoCleanupMockInterface - Interface in org.simplemes.eframe.test
Defines the methods need by a mock object that handles its own cleanup.
AutoCleanupMockInterface() - Constructor in AutoCleanupMockInterface
AutoRefreshAuthenticationFetcher - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.security
Authentication fetcher that will trigger a JWT refresh if possible on all requests.
AutoRefreshAuthenticationFetcher() - Constructor in AutoRefreshAuthenticationFetcher
AutoRefreshTokenFilter - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.security
Checks all incoming requests and will trigger an auto-refresh of the access token if needed.
AutoRefreshTokenFilter() - Constructor in AutoRefreshTokenFilter


BaseAddition - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.custom
Base class for most Addition classes.
BaseAddition() - Constructor in BaseAddition
BaseAPISpecification - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.test
The base class for Spock tests that need to make API calls (over HTTP) to a running (embedded) server.
BaseAPISpecification() - Constructor in BaseAPISpecification
BaseController - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.controller
Provides the standard error handler definition for a normal controller.
BaseController() - Constructor in BaseController
BaseCrudController - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.controller
A base class for normal CRUD GUI controller actions such as index, list, edit, etc.
BaseCrudController2 - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.controller
Defines common JSON/REST API behavior for controllers.
BaseCrudController2() - Constructor in BaseCrudController2
BaseCrudController() - Constructor in BaseCrudController
BaseCrudRestController - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.controller
Defines common JSON/REST API behavior for controllers.
BaseCrudRestController() - Constructor in BaseCrudRestController
BaseDashboardSpecification - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.test
This is the common Spock specification base class for testing Dashboard related activities.
BaseDashboardSpecification() - Constructor in BaseDashboardSpecification
BaseDefinitionPageMarker - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.web.ui.webix.freemarker
Provides the basic behavior for the efShow, efCreate and efEdit definition page Freemarker markers.
BaseDefinitionPageMarker() - Constructor in BaseDefinitionPageMarker
BaseFailureListener - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.test
The failure listener for Spock specifications.
BaseFailureListener() - Constructor in BaseFailureListener
BaseGUISpecification - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.test
This is the common Spock specification base class for GUI/GEB tests.
BaseGUISpecification() - Constructor in BaseGUISpecification
BaseJSSpecification - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.test
This is the common Spock specification base class for GUI/GEB tests with support for easy testing fo javascript libraries in a real browser page.
BaseJSSpecification() - Constructor in BaseJSSpecification
BaseLabeledFieldWidget - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.web.ui.webix.widget
The basic field widget that has a label.
BaseLabeledFieldWidget() - Constructor in BaseLabeledFieldWidget
BaseMarker - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.web.ui.webix.freemarker
Defines the base marker class.
BaseMarker() - Constructor in BaseMarker
BaseMarkerSpecification - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.test
This is a base class that provide additional support for testing the Freemarker marker (helper) classes.
BaseMarkerSpecification() - Constructor in BaseMarkerSpecification
baseNames - Field in MessageSource
The list of bundle base names to use
BasePreferenceSetting - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.preference
Defines the base class for all core preference settings.
BasePreferenceSetting() - Constructor in BasePreferenceSetting
BaseRepository - Interface in org.simplemes.eframe.domain
Defines common repository features.
BaseRepository() - Constructor in BaseRepository
BaseSpecification - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.test
The base class for most non-GUI tests.
BaseSpecification() - Constructor in BaseSpecification
BaseWidget - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.web.ui.webix.widget
Common elements used by most UI widgets.
BaseWidget() - Constructor in BaseWidget
BaseWidgetSpecification - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.test
This is a base class that provide additional support for testing the UI widget classes.
BaseWidgetSpecification() - Constructor in BaseWidgetSpecification
BasicFieldFormat - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.data.format
Defines the common base field format features.
BasicFieldFormat() - Constructor in BasicFieldFormat
BasicStatus - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.system
Defines a basic enabled/disabled status that can be applied to domain objects.
BasicStatus() - Constructor in BasicStatus
beforeDelete() - Method in FieldExtension
Delete will remove any references to this field from any FieldGUIExtensions
beforeDelete() - Method in Order
Sample beforeSave method.
beforeSave() - Method in DashboardConfig
beforeSave() - Method in FlexType
Called before validate happens.
beforeSave() - Method in Order
Sample beforeSave method.
beforeSave() - Method in UserPreference
Called before a save() happens.
beforeValidate() - Method in DashboardConfig
Called before validate happens.
beforeValidate() - Method in Order
Sample beforeValidate method.
beforeValidate() - Method in User
Called before new records are created.
BigDecimalFieldFormat - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.data.format
Defines a basic BigDecimal field format.
BigDecimalFieldFormat() - Constructor in BigDecimalFieldFormat
bind(java.lang.Object, java.sql.ResultSet) - Method in DomainBinder
Binds the current row of the result set to the given object instance.
bindChildren(java.lang.Object, java.util.Map, java.lang.String) - Method in DomainBinder
Binds the given parameters to the given object instance for child elements.
bindConfigurableTypeReference(java.lang.Object, org.simplemes.eframe.data.FieldDefinitionInterface, java.lang.Object) - Method in DomainBinder
Binds the given value to a configurable type reference.
bindEvent(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object) - Method in BaseCrudController
An overridable method that can do additional binding from HTTP params to the domain object.
bindEvent(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object) - Method in UserController
An overridable method that can do additional binding from HTTP params to the domain object.
bindPossibleDomainReference(java.lang.String, java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object) - Method in DomainBinder
Attempt to bind the given value to the given object as a domain reference.
bindResultSet(java.sql.ResultSet, java.lang.Class) - Method in DomainBinder
Converts the current row in the result set to the given domain object.
bindResultSet(java.sql.ResultSet, java.lang.Class) - Method in SQLUtils
Binds the current row of the given result set to an instance of the given domain class.
BooleanFieldFormat - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.data.format
Defines a basic Boolean field format.
BooleanFieldFormat() - Constructor in BooleanFieldFormat
BooleanFieldModule - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.test.page
Defines the GEB page elements for a standard editable text field.
BooleanFieldModule() - Constructor in BooleanFieldModule
BooleanFieldWidget - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.web.ui.webix.widget
The text input field for a boolean (checkbox) widget.
BooleanFieldWidget() - Constructor in BooleanFieldWidget
browser - Field in CRUDGUITester
The browser automation object (from GEB).
build() - Method in BaseLabeledFieldWidget
Builds the string for the UI elements.
build() - Method in BaseWidget
Builds the string for the UI elements.
build() - Method in ButtonWidget
Builds the text for the UI elements.
build() - Method in ConfigurableTypeFieldWidget
Builds the string for the UI elements.
build(org.simplemes.eframe.domain.DomainBinder) - Method in DomainBinder
Factory method to build a new DomainBinder.
build(java.lang.Class, org.simplemes.eframe.domain.PersistentProperty) - Method in FieldFormatFactory
Builds the correct field format for the given class.
build() - Method in ListWidget
Builds the string for the UI elements.
build() - Method in PagerWidget
Builds the text for the UI elements.
build() - Method in ToolbarWidget
Builds the string for the UI elements.
build(org.simplemes.eframe.web.ui.webix.widget.WidgetContext) - Method in WidgetFactory
Builds the correct field widget for the given context (e.g. field Definition).
build() - Method in WidgetInterface
Builds the string for the UI elements.
buildActionButtonColumn() - Method in ListWidget
Builds the action button column (if needed).
buildActivity(java.lang.String, java.lang.String) - Method in BaseDashboardSpecification
Builds the correct activity URL/content reference for the
buildAddButtonHandler(List<String>) - Method in GridWidget
Builds the add/remove button handle functions for the table.
buildAdditionalActivityParameters() - Method in DashboardMarker
Build the Javascript to create additional activity parameters needed fto be passed from the dashboard URI to the activity URIs.
buildAddRemoveButtons() - Method in GridWidget
Builds the add/remove buttons for the table.
buildAndSubmitBulkArchiveIndexRequests() - Method in SearchHelper
Builds the list of bulk index requests on archive files and submits them to the queue to be processed.
buildAndSubmitBulkIndexRequests() - Method in SearchHelper
Builds the list of bulk index requests and submits them to the queue to be processed.
buildArgs(int) - Method in PagerWidget
Builds the page arguments (e.g.
buildArtefact(java.util.Map) - Method in AdditionTestUtils
buildAttributes(java.lang.String) - Method in NumberFieldWidget
Builds the attributes clause for the given max input length for the field.
buildAttributes(java.lang.String) - Method in TextFieldWidget
Builds the attributes clause for the widget's max input length and other attributes for the field.
buildAutoSelectFirstRow(java.util.Collection) - Method in GridWidget
Returns a focus handle that auto selects the first row.
buildBaseParametersForReport() - Method in Report
Builds the base input parameters to pass to the report.
buildBody() - Method in BaseDefinitionPageMarker
Builds the fields for the given panel (optional).
buildBulkIndexContent(java.util.List, List<String>) - Method in SearchEngineClient
Builds the bulk index request content for a list of domain objects.
buildButton(java.lang.Object, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, int) - Method in BaseDashboardSpecification
Builds the button activities based on the inputs.
buildButton() - Method in ButtonWidget
Builds the text for the UI elements.
buildButtonActivities(List<Map>) - Method in DashboardMarker
Writes the button activities so the dashboard.js functions can display them.
buildButtonDefinitions() - Method in DashboardMarker
Writes the button definitions so the dashboard.js functions can display them.
buildColumnOptions(List<String>) - Method in GridWidget
Build the options for the buildTableColumns() call, with default sizes from the preferences.
buildColumnOptions(List<String>) - Method in ListWidget
Build the options for the buildTableColumns() call, with default sizes from the preferences.
buildColumnSizingEventHandler() - Method in GridWidget
Build the event handler that reacts to columns resizing
buildColumnSizingEventHandler() - Method in ListWidget
Build the event handler that reacts to columns resizing
buildColumnSortEventHandler(java.lang.Class) - Method in GridWidget
Build the event handler that reacts to columns sorting.
buildColumnSortEventHandler() - Method in ListWidget
Build the event handler that reacts to columns sorting.
buildComboEditorOptions(org.simplemes.eframe.data.FieldDefinitionInterface) - Method in DomainToolkitUtils
Builds the combobox editor options (list of choices) and other options to display the choice list correctly.
buildCommunicationVariables() - Method in DashboardMarker
Builds the Javascript variables used to communicate with activities (e.g.
buildCustomField(List<Map>) - Method in DataGenerator
Convenience method to build a custom field for the given domain class.
buildDashboard(java.util.Map) - Method in BaseDashboardSpecification
Builds a test dashboard for use by this GUI tester.
buildDashboardConfig(java.lang.String, List<String>, List<Map>) - Method in DashboardUnitTestUtils
Defines a dashboard config for testing.
buildDataSource(java.lang.String) - Method in ListWidget
Builds the data source element for the datatable.
buildDefault(org.simplemes.eframe.data.FieldDefinitionInterface, java.lang.Class) - Method in DomainController
Builds the default value for the given field (if any).
buildDefaultPanelSelection() - Method in BaseDefinitionPageMarker
Builds the javascript needed to select the right default panel.
buildDeniedResponse(io.micronaut.http.HttpRequest, java.lang.String, java.security.Principal) - Method in BaseController
Builds an HTTP Forbidden Response to with an error message in the standard format.
buildDisplayFieldNameForJSON(java.lang.String) - Method in NameUtils
Builds a field name for a display version of a field.
buildDocText(java.lang.reflect.Method, org.simplemes.eframe.custom.annotation.ExtensionPoint) - Method in ExtensionPointDocumentExtractor
Builds the adoc line for a given method.
buildDomainReference(java.lang.String) - Method in DomainReference
Builds domain reference from a given field name.
buildDynamicFieldArea() - Method in ConfigurableTypeFieldWidget
Builds the dynamic field area
buildErrorResponse(java.lang.String) - Method in BaseController
Builds an HTTP Response with an error message in the standard format.
buildEventHandlers() - Method in DefinitionListWidget
Builds the event handlers (in the post script).
buildEventHandlers() - Method in ListWidget
Builds the event handlers (in the post script).
buildFieldDefinition(java.lang.reflect.Field) - Method in FieldDefinitionFactory
Builds the correct field definition for a normal Java field.
buildFieldDefinitionsFromParameters(org.simplemes.eframe.reports.Report) - Method in ReportHelper
Builds the FieldDefinitions from the list of report parameters.
buildFieldElement(org.simplemes.eframe.data.FieldDefinitionInterface, java.lang.Class) - Method in DomainController
Builds the single field definition needed for the client.
buildFields(List<String>, java.lang.Boolean) - Method in BaseDefinitionPageMarker
Builds the fields for the given panel (optional).
buildFields(org.simplemes.eframe.data.ConfigurableTypeInterface) - Method in ConfigurableTypeFieldWidget
Builds the fields for the input panel for the given configurable type value.
buildFieldsFromDefinitions() - Method in FormMarker
Builds fields from the field definitions stored in the model.
buildFlexType(List<Map>) - Method in DataGenerator
Builds a flex type with the given list of fields/formats.
buildFocusScript() - Method in BaseDefinitionPageMarker
Builds the script to set initial focus to a given field (focusFieldName).
buildFolder(java.lang.String) - Method in TaskMenuFolder
Convenience builder to build one folder with an optional display order from the string.
buildFolders(java.lang.String) - Method in TaskMenuFolder
Convenience builder to build one or more folders from the given folder definition.
buildFoldersIfNeeded(List<TaskMenuFolder>, List<TaskMenuFolder>) - Method in TaskMenu
This will build the folders in the correct hierarchy.
buildFooter() - Method in BaseDefinitionPageMarker
Builds the footer for the definition page (e.g. the place for buttons outside of the tabbed panel).
buildFooter() - Method in CreateMarker
Builds the footer for the definition page (e.g. the place for buttons outside of the tabbed panel).
buildFooter() - Method in EditMarker
Builds the footer for the definition page (e.g. the place for buttons outside of the tabbed panel).
buildFunctions() - Method in BaseDefinitionPageMarker
Builds the javascript functions used by the page.
buildFunctions() - Method in CreateMarker
Builds the javascript functions used by the page.
buildFunctions() - Method in EditMarker
Builds the javascript functions used by the page.
buildHit(java.util.Map) - Method in SearchResult
Builds the correct SearchHit object based on the contents of the hit.
buildHTMLFilterSection(org.simplemes.eframe.reports.Report) - Method in ReportEngine
Builds the HTML filter section div for reports generated by the report engine.
buildHTMLHeader(org.simplemes.eframe.reports.Report) - Method in ReportEngine
Builds the HTML header for reports generated by the report engine.
buildJarFileUrl(java.io.File, java.lang.String) - Method in ClassPathScanner
Builds a jar file URL for the given jar file and path.
buildJavascriptForDefault(org.simplemes.eframe.data.FieldDefinitionInterface, java.lang.Object) - Method in DomainController
Builds the JS-legal form of the given object for use as a default.
buildJavascriptObject(List<Map>) - Method in JavascriptUtils
Builds a Javascript code fragment from the list of maps with all of the properties.
buildJSON(java.util.List) - Method in TaskMenuController
Optimizes the string for use as a single line of quoted text in Javascript.
buildKeyHandlers() - Method in GridWidget
buildKeySection() - Method in BaseDefinitionPageMarker
Builds the fields for the given panel (optional).
buildLoggerSetup() - Method in GUISetupMarker
Builds the javascript logger setup for this page.
buildLoginRedirect(io.micronaut.http.HttpRequest) - Method in GlobalErrorController
Builds a redirect (303) to the login page or the access denied response.
buildMapForOneTopLevel(java.lang.String, List<Object>, List<String>, boolean) - Method in LoggingController
Builds one top level node of loggers for the given list.
buildMarkSorting() - Method in GridWidget
Builds the script to mark the default sorting column/order.
buildMenuButton() - Method in ButtonWidget
Build a menu-style button.
buildMenuItem() - Method in MenuItemMarker
Writes the JS a normal menu item.
buildMessage(org.simplemes.eframe.exception.MessageHolder) - Method in MessagesMarker
Builds a single message HTML text.
buildMessageFromParams(java.lang.String, java.util.Map) - Method in MessagesMarker
Builds a single message HTML text from a URI parameter of the given type.
buildOkResponse(java.lang.Object) - Method in BaseController
Builds an HTTP Response with the given content object as JSON string.
buildOneSplitterPanel(int) - Method in DashboardMarker
Builds one level of splitters.
buildPager(int, int, java.lang.String) - Method in HTMLUtils
Builds the pager, if needed.
buildPager() - Method in ListWidget
Builds the pager view element.
buildPanel(java.lang.String, List<String>) - Method in BaseDefinitionPageMarker
Builds the given tabbed-panel contents.
buildPanelDefinitions() - Method in DashboardMarker
Writes the panel definitions so the dashboard.js functions can operate on them.
buildPanelEnd() - Method in BaseDefinitionPageMarker
Builds the end of the tabbed-panel element.
buildPanels() - Method in DashboardMarker
Builds the panels needed for the dashboard.
buildPanelStart() - Method in BaseDefinitionPageMarker
Builds the start of the tabbed-panel element.
buildPostScript() - Method in BaseDefinitionPageMarker
Builds the script section for use after the UI elements are built.
buildPostScript() - Method in CreateMarker
Builds the script section for use after the UI elements are built.
buildPostScript() - Method in EditMarker
Builds the script section for use after the UI elements are built.
buildPostScript() - Method in ShowMarker
Builds the script section for use after the UI elements are built.
buildPreference(java.lang.Object) - Method in SimplePreferenceFactory
Builds the correct type of simple preference needed for the given value.
buildPreloadedMessages(List<String>) - Method in BaseMarker
Builds the codes to pre-load for the code generated by a marker (e.g. for dialog elements created by this marker).
buildRegisterForSubmission() - Method in GridWidget
Returns the post-script code to register this form for submission.
buildRowData(List<String>, java.util.Collection) - Method in GridWidget
Builds the row data (in JS object format) for the grid.
buildSearchEnterKeyEventHandler() - Method in DefinitionListWidget
Build the event handler that performs the search.
buildSelectionHandler() - Method in ListWidget
Build the event handler that handles row select events.
buildSeparatorMenuItem() - Method in MenuItemMarker
Writes the JS a separator menu item.
buildSimplePanel(java.util.Map) - Method in BaseDashboardSpecification
Builds the text for simple panel.
buildSinglePanel() - Method in DashboardMarker
Builds the single panel scenario (no splitters).
buildSortingMarkEventHandler() - Method in ListWidget
Build the event handler that marks the sort direction based on the server's list() result.
buildSplitterPanelMember(org.simplemes.eframe.dashboard.domain.DashboardPanelSplitter, boolean, java.lang.Boolean) - Method in DashboardMarker
Builds one of the splitter's panels.
buildStandardLabelWidth() - Method in BaseWidget
Returns the javascript expression for the standard label width.
buildSubMenu() - Method in MenuMarker
Writes the JS for a sub-menu.
buildTable() - Method in ListWidget
Builds the table creation javascript.
buildTableColumns(java.lang.Class, List<String>, java.util.Map) - Method in DomainToolkitUtils
Builds the column definitions needed for a GUI toolkit-based grid/table.
buildTableDataParser(java.lang.Class, List<String>, java.util.Map) - Method in DomainToolkitUtils
Builds a data parser (scheme) needed for a GUI toolkit-based grid/table.
buildTargetForLink() - Method in HTMLUtils
Builds the 'target' option for an HTML >a< link that will open in a new window/tab.
buildTestUser(java.lang.String) - Method in DataGenerator
Creates one user with one role.
buildToolbar() - Method in BaseDefinitionPageMarker
Builds the toolbar element for the page.
buildToolbar() - Method in CreateMarker
Builds the toolbar element for the show page.
buildToolbar() - Method in DefinitionListWidget
Builds the toolbar section of the list.
buildToolbar() - Method in EditMarker
Builds the toolbar element for the show page.
buildToolbar() - Method in ListWidget
Builds the toolbar section of the list.
buildToolbar() - Method in ShowMarker
Builds the toolbar element for the show page.
buildTopLevelMenu() - Method in MenuMarker
Writes the JS a menu and its content.
buildTree(org.simplemes.eframe.web.task.TaskMenuFolder) - Method in TaskMenuController
Builds the menu tree for a single level.
buildTreeData(java.lang.String) - Method in LoggingController
Finds the current logging level for the given logger (class).
buildUniqueID(java.lang.String) - Method in ReportResourceHandler
Builds a semi-unique resource ID from the report path and the given resource ID from the report engine.
buildURI(java.lang.String, java.util.Map) - Method in ControllerUtils
Builds a URI from the base URI and the given parameters.
buildURIForIndexRequest(java.lang.Object) - Method in SearchEngineClient
Builds the URI needed to send the PUT request to index the object.
buildURIForSearchRequest(java.lang.Class) - Method in SearchEngineClient
Builds the URI needed to make a search request on a domainClass.
buildValues() - Method in ComboboxWidget
Build the value options for the combobox.
buildWidget(java.lang.String, java.lang.Object) - Method in BaseLabeledFieldWidget
Builds the field content widget itself.
buildWidget(java.lang.String, java.lang.Object) - Method in BooleanFieldWidget
Builds the field content widget itself.
buildWidget(java.lang.String, java.lang.Object) - Method in ComboboxWidget
Builds the field content widget itself.
buildWidget(java.lang.String, java.lang.Object) - Method in DateFieldWidget
Builds the field content widget itself.
buildWidget(java.lang.String, java.lang.Object) - Method in GridWidget
Builds the field content widget itself.
buildWidget(java.lang.String, java.lang.Object) - Method in TextFieldWidget
Builds the field content widget itself.
buildWidgetContext(org.simplemes.eframe.data.FieldDefinitionInterface) - Method in BaseMarker
Builds the widget context for this marker.
buildWidgetContext(java.util.Map) - Method in BaseWidgetSpecification
Builds a WidgetContext with a mock field definition with the given options.
buildWidgetContext(org.simplemes.eframe.data.FieldDefinitionInterface) - Method in MarkerInterface
Builds the widget context for this marker.
buildWidgetContext(org.simplemes.eframe.data.FieldDefinitionInterface) - Method in ShowMarker
Builds the widget context for this marker.
bulkIndex(java.util.List, List<String>) - Method in MockSearchEngineClient
Performs a bulk index on a list of objects, waiting for completion.
bulkIndex(java.util.List, List<String>) - Method in SearchEngineClient
Indexes a single object, waiting for completion.
bulkIndex(java.util.List, List<String>) - Method in SearchEngineClientInterface
Indexes a list of objects, waiting for completion.
bulkIndex(java.util.List, List<String>) - Method in SearchHelper
Indexes a list of objects, waiting for completion.
bundleControl - Field in MessageSource
The control used to load the bundle.
BusinessException - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.exception
Generic business exception that is based on error numbers.
BusinessException() - Constructor in BusinessException
BUTTON_PANEL - Field in BaseDashboardSpecification
The panel content used to generate only dashboard buttons.
buttonDetailsDialog(java.security.Principal) - Method in DashboardConfigController
Displays the button details dialog page.
ButtonGroupMarker - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.web.ui.webix.freemarker
Provides the efButtonGroup Freemarker marker implementation.
ButtonGroupMarker() - Constructor in ButtonGroupMarker
ButtonMarker - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.web.ui.webix.freemarker
Provides the freemarker marker implementation.
ButtonMarker() - Constructor in ButtonMarker
ButtonModule - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.test.page
Defines the GEB page elements for a standard button with the given id.
ButtonModule() - Constructor in ButtonModule
ButtonWidget - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.web.ui.webix.widget
The button widget.
ButtonWidget() - Constructor in ButtonWidget


cachedBundles - Field in MessageSource
Cache to hold the bundle for each unique URL.
cachedMessageFormats - Field in MessageSource
Cache to hold already generated lookup values from the .properties files.
cachedResourceBundles - Field in MessageSource
Cache to hold loaded ResourceBundles.
cacheShortTerm(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object) - Method in ExtensibleFieldHelper
Add an object to the short-term cache in the domain object.
calculateFromAndSizeForList(java.util.Map, boolean) - Method in ControllerUtils
Calculates the effective from (page start) and size(page size) for standard list queries.
calculateOffset(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object) - Method in BaseGUISpecification
Calculates the display offsets between a given pair of GEB (HTML) elements.
calculateSortingForList(java.util.Map) - Method in ControllerUtils
Calculates the effective sortdatafield and sortorder for standard list queries.
calculateSortOrder(List<String>) - Method in GridWidget
Determines the sorting from the user preferences.
call(io.micronaut.transaction.TransactionStatus) - Method in DomainEntityHelper.TransactionCallbackWrapper
Code that runs within the context of a transaction will implement this method.
canBeAvailable(java.lang.Class, java.lang.String) - Method in ExtensionService
Returns true if the given field can be in the available list.
cancel() - Method in ArchiverInterface
Cancels the archive action.
cancel() - Method in FileArchiver
Cancels the archive action.
CATEGORY_BASIC - Field in FlexType
The BASIC category type.
ceiling(java.util.Date, java.time.temporal.ChronoUnit, java.util.TimeZone) - Method in DateUtils
Round up to the next value for the given date field.
check() - Method in TaskMenuItem
Verifies that this menu item is valid.
checkAllMethodsAreSecured() - Method in ControllerTester
Verifies that all methods are secured, using the optional _role.
checkAndFillInField(java.lang.String, org.simplemes.eframe.domain.DomainReference, java.lang.Object) - Method in CRUDGUITester
Checks a single edit/create field label and value.
checkChildRecordValues(java.lang.String, java.lang.Object, java.util.Collection) - Method in CRUDGUITester
Checks the child record values against the input values.
checkClass(java.lang.Class) - Method in ExtensionPointDocumentExtractor
Finds all extension points for this class.
checkComplexField(org.simplemes.eframe.web.ui.webix.widget.WidgetContext) - Method in WidgetFactory
Checks for complex field types and builds the widget for them, if possible.
checkCreateTitle(java.lang.String) - Method in AbstractCreateOrEditPage
Checks the create page's title using the given lookup key for the domain class.
checkDOptions() - Method in CRUDGUITester
Check for command-line overrides to run single test.
checkEditTitle(java.lang.String) - Method in AbstractCreateOrEditPage
Checks the edit page's title using the given lookup key for the domain class.
checkFieldLabel(java.lang.String) - Method in CRUDGUITester
Checks the field label.
checkFieldValue(java.lang.String, org.simplemes.eframe.domain.DomainReference, org.simplemes.eframe.data.FieldDefinitionInterface, boolean) - Method in CRUDGUITester
Checks the field value against the expected value.
checkForClassLevelAnonymous() - Method in ControllerTester
Makes sure that the class is not flagged as anonymous.
checkForDBConnectionLeaks() - Method in BaseSpecification
Checks for any DB leaks.
checkForErrors() - Method in DomainBinder
Checks for any errors accumulated for this domain (handled at top-level only).
checkForLeftoverRecords() - Method in BaseSpecification
Checks for any left-over records that may have been created by this test.
checkForMissingRoles(org.simplemes.eframe.reports.Report) - Method in ReportEngine
Checks the current user against the required roles from the given compiled report.
checkForPrecedence(java.lang.Object, java.lang.String) - Method in InitialDataLoader
Checks for any precedence static lists in the given object.
checkForProperties(java.lang.Object, java.util.List) - Method in ArgumentUtils
Check the given POGO for existing properties with the given name(s).
checkForTransaction() - Method in DomainEntityHelper
Makes sure there is an active transaction for this thread.
checkForTransaction(java.lang.Object) - Method in EFrameJdbcRepositoryOperations
Ensure that the current SQL is being executed in a transaction.
checkForTransactionStatic() - Method in EFrameJdbcRepositoryOperations
Ensure that the current SQL is being executed in a transaction - Static version for a single data source.
checkForUserSortOrder(java.util.Map) - Method in ListSorted
Handles the list sorted event (called explicitly from the server-side sorting).
checkHTML(java.lang.String, List<String>) - Method in HTMLTestUtils
Checks the given HTML page text that all tags are balance and properly formed.
checkInlineGridValues(java.lang.String, java.util.Collection, org.simplemes.eframe.data.FieldDefinitionInterface) - Method in CRUDGUITester
Checks the inline grid displayed values against the expected values for the list.
checkJavascript(java.lang.String) - Method in BaseSpecification
Checks the page for JS errors.
checkJavascriptFragment(java.lang.String) - Method in BaseSpecification
Checks the page for JS errors.
checkListColumn(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.Object, int) - Method in CRUDGUITester
Checks a single column in the list.
checkListValue(geb.navigator.Navigator, java.lang.Object, java.lang.String) - Method in CRUDGUITester
Checks the value for a given element's text() against given value.
checkLookedUpLabel(java.lang.String) - Method in CRUDGUITester
Verifies that the given label is looked up and found in the messages.properties.
checkMenuLabels(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, List<List<String>>) - Method in BaseGUISpecification
Check a menu from a toolbar-style menu with some sub menus.
checkMethodSecurity() - Method in ControllerTester
Checks for method level security issues.
checkMissing(java.lang.Object, java.lang.String) - Method in ArgumentUtils
Throws an IllegalArgumentException if the given value is null.
checkOtherTypes(java.lang.Class, org.simplemes.eframe.domain.PersistentProperty) - Method in FieldFormatFactory
Check for other, more complex types.
checkPage(java.lang.String) - Method in BaseSpecification
Checks the HTML and Javascript for basic format errors.
checkRecord(java.lang.Object, java.util.Map, boolean) - Method in CRUDGUITester
Checks to see if the record's values matches the expected values.
checkRoleFromSubClass(java.lang.Object, java.security.Principal) - Method in SecurityUtils
Verifies that the sub-class
annotation is valid for this given user principal.
checkScript(java.lang.String) - Method in JavascriptTestUtils
Checks the syntax for the given valid javascript formatting.
checkScriptFragment(java.lang.String) - Method in JavascriptTestUtils
Checks the syntax for the given valid javascript formatting.
checkScriptsOnPage(java.lang.String) - Method in JavascriptTestUtils
Checks the given page text for all <script> sections and compiles them in Javascript.
checkSecurity() - Method in ControllerTester
Verifies that all methods are flagged with the security annotation.
checkShowField(java.lang.String, org.simplemes.eframe.domain.DomainReference) - Method in CRUDGUITester
Checks a single show field label and value.
checkSQL(java.lang.String) - Method in SQLUtils
Checks the SQL for possible issues.
checkTaskMenus() - Method in ControllerTester
Verifies that the specified task menus are in the controller.
checkTitle(java.lang.String) - Method in AbstractShowPage
Checks the show page's title using the given lookup key for the domain class.
checkToolbarButton(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String) - Method in CRUDGUITester
Verifies that the given toolbar button works.
checkUpdateCount(int, java.lang.Object) - Method in EFrameJdbcRepositoryOperationsJava
ChildListFieldFormat - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.data.format
ChildListFieldFormat() - Constructor in ChildListFieldFormat
childRecordUpdated(org.simplemes.eframe.domain.annotation.DomainEntityInterface, org.simplemes.eframe.domain.annotation.DomainEntityInterface) - Method in DomainEntityHelper
Notifies the framework that a child record was updated directly without updating the parent.
ChoiceListInterface - Interface in org.simplemes.eframe.data
Defines the list of possible choices for a combobox type widget.
ChoiceListInterface() - Constructor in ChoiceListInterface
ChoiceListItemInterface - Interface in org.simplemes.eframe.data
Defines a single instance of the possible choices for a class.
ChoiceListItemInterface() - Constructor in ChoiceListItemInterface
ClassPathScanner - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.misc
Utility to scan the class path for folder with resources from all modules (.jar files) and class path directories.
ClassPathScanner() - Constructor in ClassPathScanner
ClassPathUtils - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.misc
Utilities to process the class path definitions.
ClassPathUtils() - Constructor in ClassPathUtils
CLEANUP_AGE_DAYS - Field in RefreshTokenService
Tokens that expired more than this many days ago are eligible for cleanup.
cleanup() - Method in BaseDashboardSpecification
cleanup() - Method in BaseGUISpecification
Restores any globals that were mocked.
cleanup() - Method in BaseSpecification
Restores any globals that were mocked.
cleanup() - Method in MockAppender
Cleans up all MockAppenders and resets the log level to the original value.
cleanupAdditionArtefacts() - Method in AdditionTestUtils
cleanupCreatedRecords() - Method in CRUDGUITester
Clean up any records create by this test.
cleanupDomainRecords() - Method in BaseSpecification
Cleans up any records before and after each test, based on the values in the dirtyDomains array.
cleanupMockedUtilityClasses() - Method in BaseSpecification
Cleans up any mocked .instance values in the common utility classes.
cleanupOldUserTokens(java.lang.String) - Method in RefreshTokenService
Deletes any old, normal tokens.
clearCacheOnFileChanged - Field in MessageSource
A dev/test mode option to clear the caches when the i18n/messages.properties changes.
clearCaches() - Method in DomainEntityHelper
Clear any internal caches used to speed up execution.
clearCaches() - Method in ExtensionPointHelper
Clear any cached objects.
clearDashboardEvents() - Method in BaseDashboardSpecification
Clears the event display area in the standard test activity DashboardTestController.DISPLAY_EVENT_ACTIVITY.
clearMemoryPages() - Method in DashboardTestController
Utility method to clear any memory pages.
clearMessages() - Method in MockAppender
Clears any messages for this appender.
clearOtherDefaultDashboardsIfNeeded() - Method in DashboardConfig
Internal method to clear the other dashboards if the default flag is set on this dashboard.
clearRequestSent(org.simplemes.eframe.domain.annotation.DomainEntityInterface) - Method in SearchHelper
Clears the request sent flag for the given domain index.
clearStartCounters() - Method in DashboardTestController
Clears the in memory counters for testing purposes.
clearStatistics(java.security.Principal) - Method in SearchController
Clears the current statistics.
clearStatistics() - Method in SearchHelper
Clears the current statistics.
clearStatistics() - Method in SearchService
Clears the current statistics.
clearUUIDs(List<DomainEntityInterface>) - Method in FileArchiver
Clears the UUIDs from the given records.
click() - Method in BooleanFieldModule
click() - Method in ButtonModule
Clicks the button.
click() - Method in PanelModule
Clicks the tab.
clickButton(java.lang.String) - Method in BaseGUISpecification
Clicks a toolkit button with the given view ID.
clickButton(java.lang.String) - Method in CRUDGUITester
Click on the given button.
clickDashboardButton(java.lang.Integer) - Method in BaseDashboardSpecification
Clicks a dashboard-defined button with the given view integer button number.
clickMenu(java.lang.String, java.lang.String) - Method in BaseGUISpecification
Clicks a menu (and maybe sub menu).
clickPanel(java.lang.String) - Method in CRUDGUITester
Click on the given panel to make sure it is displayed.
CLIENT_LOGGER - Field in LoggingController
The name of the top-level client logger.
client(io.micronaut.http.HttpRequest, java.lang.String) - Method in LoggingController
Logs a client message to the server log.
CLIENT_PREFIX - Field in LoggingController
The prefix to apply to all client views for the logger name.
CLIENT_TO_SERVER_LOGGER - Field in LoggingController
The name of the logger that controls which messages are sent to the server.
clone() - Method in EFrameDateFormat
clone() - Method in FieldDefinitions
Returns a shallow copy of this instance.
cloneCollection(java.util.Collection, java.util.Map) - Method in DataGenerator
Clones the given collection of Domain objects.
cloneDomainObject(org.simplemes.eframe.domain.annotation.DomainEntityInterface, java.util.Map) - Method in DataGenerator
Clones the given Domain object.
close() - Method in ArchiverInterface
Closes the current archive and removes the archived records from the database.
close() - Method in FileArchiver
Closes the current archive and removes the archived records from the database.
ColumnPreference - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.preference
This holds the specific preferences for a single column in a list.
ColumnPreference() - Constructor in ColumnPreference
ColumnResized - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.preference.event
Handles the ColumnResized event from a list GUI.
ColumnResized() - Constructor in ColumnResized
COMBO_READ_ONLY_PARAMETER - Field in ConfigurableTypeFieldWidget
The name of the marker attribute/param that indicates that the combobox for this widget will be read only.
ComboboxModule - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.test.page
Defines the GEB page elements for a standard editable combobox field.
ComboboxModule() - Constructor in ComboboxModule
ComboboxWidget - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.web.ui.webix.widget
The combo box widget input field for a single selection widget.
ComboboxWidget() - Constructor in ComboboxWidget
comment - Field in ExtensionPoint
An optional comment that is used in the generation of ASCII Doctor file that contains all of the current module's extension points.
compareActions(java.util.Map, java.util.Map) - Method in MockSearchEngineClient
Compares two Maps for matching expected actions.
compareDates(java.util.Date, java.util.Date, java.lang.Long) - Method in UnitTestUtils
Verify that the given date/time is recent (within 2 seconds) of the given time.
compareModules(java.lang.String, java.lang.String) - Method in ModuleUtils
compareTo(java.lang.Object) - Method in OrderLine
Compares this object with the specified object for order.
compareTo(java.lang.Object) - Method in SampleChild
Compares this object with the specified object for order.
compile(org.simplemes.eframe.reports.Report) - Method in ReportEngine
Compile a report for execution.
CompilerTestUtils - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.test
Utility methods for testing annotations and other compiler features in unit tests.
CompilerTestUtils() - Constructor in CompilerTestUtils
compileSimpleClass(java.util.Map) - Method in CompilerTestUtils
Convenience method that compiles a class for testing.
compileSource(java.lang.String) - Method in CompilerTestUtils
Convenience method that compiles a given source string for testing.
compileSubReports(org.simplemes.eframe.reports.Report, Map<String, Object>) - Method in ReportEngine
Compiles any sub-reports found in the current report.
ComplexCustomFieldSerializer - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.json
A serializer for writing custom fields to a JSON output.
ComplexCustomFieldSerializer() - Constructor in ComplexCustomFieldSerializer
ConfigButtonPreference - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.preference
This holds the specific preferences for the initial state of a config toggle button (only one globally).
ConfigButtonPreference() - Constructor in ConfigButtonPreference
ConfigButtonToggled - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.preference.event
Detects when the global configuration toggle buttons is clicked and stores this new state in the users preferences.
ConfigButtonToggled() - Constructor in ConfigButtonToggled
configDialog(io.micronaut.http.HttpRequest, java.security.Principal) - Method in ExtensionController
Serves the configuration dialog content for the definition GUI configuration editor.
ConfigurableFormatInterface - Interface in org.simplemes.eframe.data.format
Defines a custom field format works with a Configurable Type field.
ConfigurableFormatInterface() - Constructor in ConfigurableFormatInterface
ConfigurableTypeDomainFormat - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.data.format
Defines the format for a field that is Configurable Type used with a domain such as Flex Type.
ConfigurableTypeDomainFormat() - Constructor in ConfigurableTypeDomainFormat
ConfigurableTypeFieldDefinition - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.custom
Holds the basic definition needed for a single field in a configurable type field element.
ConfigurableTypeFieldDefinition() - Constructor in ConfigurableTypeFieldDefinition
ConfigurableTypeFieldWidget - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.web.ui.webix.widget
This is a multi-field widget that supports an optional selection combobox that determines the dynamic fileds display below the combobox.
ConfigurableTypeFieldWidget() - Constructor in ConfigurableTypeFieldWidget
ConfigurableTypeInterface - Interface in org.simplemes.eframe.data
Defines an open-ended data type that can be configured by the end-user without extensive GUI or domain changes.
ConfigurableTypeInterface() - Constructor in ConfigurableTypeInterface
configure(groovy.lang.Closure) - Method in Addition
The main entry point to define the configuration for the addition.
configureCreateFields() - Method in CRUDGUITester
Configures the list of fields to test on the create page.
configureDashboard() - Method in DashboardMarker
Read and configure the dashboard for display.
configureEditFields() - Method in CRUDGUITester
Configures the list of fields to test on the edit page.
configureJacksonObjectMapper(com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper) - Method in StartupHandler
Configures the Jackson object mapper with the settings we need.
configureListColumns() - Method in CRUDGUITester
Configures the list of columns to test on the list page.
configureShowFields() - Method in CRUDGUITester
Configures the list of fields to test on the show page.
controller(java.lang.Class) - Method in ControllerTester
Sets the controller class to test.
ControllerTester - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.test
Helps tests common features of controller classes, such as security and the TaskMenu support.
ControllerTester() - Constructor in ControllerTester
ControllerUtils - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.controller
Controller support utilities.
ControllerUtils() - Constructor in ControllerUtils
convertClientLevelToServerLevel(java.lang.Integer) - Method in LogUtils
Converts a client-side trace level number to a server-side trace level.
convertDateFormatToToolkit(java.text.SimpleDateFormat) - Method in DomainToolkitUtils
Converts the given date format to a toolkit-style date/time format.
convertFromColumnName(java.lang.String) - Method in NameUtils
Converts a given DB column name to the standard mixed case field name in a domain class.
convertFromHyphenatedName(java.lang.String) - Method in NameUtils
Converts the given hyphenated name to a mixed-case (e.g.
convertFromJsonFormat(java.lang.Object, org.simplemes.eframe.data.FieldDefinitionInterface) - Method in BasicFieldFormat
Converts the given value from a format suitable for JSON storage.
convertFromJsonFormat(java.lang.Object, org.simplemes.eframe.data.FieldDefinitionInterface) - Method in DateFieldFormat
Converts the given value from a format suitable for JSON storage.
convertFromJsonFormat(java.lang.Object, org.simplemes.eframe.data.FieldDefinitionInterface) - Method in DateOnlyFieldFormat
Converts the given value from a format suitable for JSON storage.
convertFromJsonFormat(java.lang.Object, org.simplemes.eframe.data.FieldDefinitionInterface) - Method in DomainReferenceFieldFormat
Converts the given value from a format suitable for JSON storage.
convertFromJsonFormat(java.lang.Object, org.simplemes.eframe.data.FieldDefinitionInterface) - Method in EncodedTypeFieldFormat
Converts the given value from a format suitable for JSON storage.
convertFromJsonFormat(java.lang.Object, org.simplemes.eframe.data.FieldDefinitionInterface) - Method in EnumFieldFormat
Converts the given value from a format suitable for JSON storage.
convertFromJsonFormat(java.lang.Object, org.simplemes.eframe.data.FieldDefinitionInterface) - Method in FieldFormatInterface
Converts the given value from a format suitable for JSON storage.
convertLevelToClientLogSetting(ch.qos.logback.classic.Level) - Method in LogUtils
Converts a server-side trace level to a client-side trace level number.
convertNode(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object) - Method in DeserializationProblemHandler
Converts the given node to text or a Map as needed.
convertPageToClientLoggerName(java.lang.String) - Method in LogUtils
Converts a page URI to a server-side logger name for use with client-side logging.
convertPagingFromToolkitToSearch(java.util.Map) - Method in SearchEngineClient
Converts the paging parameters from the toolkit (start,count,sort[name]=asc) to the standard search engine protocol (from,size,
convertToBigDecimal(java.lang.Object) - Method in ArgumentUtils
Safely convert to BigDecimal if needed and return the value.
convertToBoolean(java.lang.Object) - Method in ArgumentUtils
Safely convert to Boolean if needed and return the value.
convertToHTMLID(java.lang.String) - Method in NameUtils
Converts a key field value (name) from a domain class to a legal HTML ID.
convertToHyphenatedName(java.lang.String) - Method in NameUtils
Converts the given mixed-case name (e.g a Domain name) to a hyphenated URL-style name.
convertToInteger(java.lang.Object) - Method in ArgumentUtils
Safely convert to Integer if needed and return the value.
convertToJsonFormat(java.lang.Object, org.simplemes.eframe.data.FieldDefinitionInterface) - Method in BasicFieldFormat
Converts the given value to a format suitable for JSON storage.
convertToJsonFormat(java.lang.Object, org.simplemes.eframe.data.FieldDefinitionInterface) - Method in DateFieldFormat
Converts the given value to a format suitable for JSON storage.
convertToJsonFormat(java.lang.Object, org.simplemes.eframe.data.FieldDefinitionInterface) - Method in DateOnlyFieldFormat
Converts the given value to a format suitable for JSON storage.
convertToJsonFormat(java.lang.Object, org.simplemes.eframe.data.FieldDefinitionInterface) - Method in DomainReferenceFieldFormat
Converts the given value to a format suitable for JSON storage.
convertToJsonFormat(java.lang.Object, org.simplemes.eframe.data.FieldDefinitionInterface) - Method in EncodedTypeFieldFormat
Converts the given value to a format suitable for JSON storage.
convertToJsonFormat(java.lang.Object, org.simplemes.eframe.data.FieldDefinitionInterface) - Method in EnumFieldFormat
Converts the given value to a format suitable for JSON storage.
convertToJsonFormat(java.lang.Object, org.simplemes.eframe.data.FieldDefinitionInterface) - Method in FieldFormatInterface
Converts the given value to a format suitable for JSON storage.
convertToMap(io.micronaut.http.HttpParameters) - Method in ControllerUtils
Converts the given http request parameters to a true map.
convertToOriginalType(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object) - Method in FieldHolderMap
Converts the given value to the correct type, if it is a String and has a defined element type in the _config.
convertToOSPath(java.lang.String) - Method in FileUtils
Converts the OS-independent path to OS-dependent.
convertToPath(java.lang.Object) - Method in AbstractCreateOrEditPage
Generates the path arguments from the arguments.
convertToPath(java.lang.Object) - Method in AbstractShowPage
Generates the path arguments from the arguments.
convertToUUIDIfPossible(java.lang.Object) - Method in UUIDUtils
Converts a possible object (string) to a UUID.
convertUIChildParamsToAPIForm(java.util.Map) - Method in DomainBinder
Converts any child elements from the UI format to API format.
CookieClearingLogoutHandler - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.security
A logout handler that clears the JWT and Access cookies upon logout.
CookieClearingLogoutHandler() - Constructor in CookieClearingLogoutHandler
cookies(io.micronaut.http.HttpRequest) - Method in DashboardTestController
Displays the cookies submitted to the server (for testing purposes).
The name of the element in the markerContext.markerCoordinator.others that holds a Boolean flag indicating this set of markers is working in snippet (or dashboard) mode.
The name of the element in the markerContext.markerCoordinator.others that holds the toolbar javascript.
copy(org.simplemes.eframe.data.FieldDefinitionInterface, java.util.Map) - Method in FieldDefinitionFactory
Create a new instance of this field definition and adjust the copy's fields with the given options.
count(java.lang.Integer) - Method in DataGenerator
Sets the number of records to generate (Default: 1).
create(java.security.Principal) - Method in BaseCrudController
Displays the create page.
createArchiveDirsIfNeeded(java.lang.String) - Method in FileUtils
Create the dynamic Archive directory.
createClosure(groovy.lang.Closure) - Method in CRUDGUITester
Set the closure to run when the create page is tested.
createFields(java.lang.String) - Method in CRUDGUITester
A list of columns that are displayed in the create page.
CreateMarker - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.web.ui.webix.freemarker
Provides the efCreate handlebars marker implementation.
CreateMarker() - Constructor in CreateMarker
createMode - Field in CRUDGUITester
If true, then the test is working on the create page.
createPost(io.micronaut.http.HttpRequest, java.lang.Object, java.security.Principal) - Method in BaseCrudController
Accepts the save from a create page and either creates the record or re-displays with errors shown.
createRecord(java.util.Map) - Method in CRUDGUITester
Creates a single domain record for the given set of parameters.
createRegistry(java.lang.String, net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRPropertiesMap) - Method in HyperlinkProducerFactory
Instantiates an extensions registry.
createReportLabel(java.lang.String) - Method in BaseSpecification
Builds a unique file name.
createRoleIfNeeded(java.lang.String, java.lang.String) - Method in Role
Creates the role if it doesn't exist in the DB.
createSuccessResponse(io.micronaut.security.authentication.UserDetails, java.lang.String, HttpRequest<?>) - Method in LoginAuthController
Creates a simple page for the response (suitable for iframe use).
CRUDGUITester - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.test
A full-scale GUI tester to test a standardized set of definition pages for a single domain/controller.
CRUDGUITester() - Constructor in CRUDGUITester
CrudListModule - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.test.page
Defines the GEB page elements for a toolkit-based grid used for Crud page lists.
CrudListModule() - Constructor in CrudListModule
currentLocale - Field in CRUDGUITester
The locale being tested.
CUSTOM_RANGE - Field in ReportTimeIntervalEnum
A custom range is used (values specified elsewhere)
CustomChildListFieldFormat - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.data.format
Defines the format for a field that is list of custom child records.
CustomChildListFieldFormat() - Constructor in CustomChildListFieldFormat
CustomFieldDefinition - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.data
A field definition for custom fields created by user or addition modules.
CustomFieldDefinition() - Constructor in CustomFieldDefinition
CustomOrderComponent - Class in sample.domain
A sample domain class that simulates an custom order component record.
CustomOrderComponent() - Constructor in CustomOrderComponent
CustomOrderComponentRepository - Interface in sample.domain
The CustomOrderComponent repository base interface.
CustomOrderComponentRepository() - Constructor in CustomOrderComponentRepository


DashboardButton - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.dashboard.domain
This domain class defines a single configurable button on a dashboard.
DashboardButton() - Constructor in DashboardButton
DashboardButtonRepository - Interface in org.simplemes.eframe.dashboard.domain
The DashboardButton repository base interface.
DashboardButtonRepository() - Constructor in DashboardButtonRepository
DashboardConfig - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.dashboard.domain
Defines the basic dashboard configuration.
DashboardConfig() - Constructor in DashboardConfig
DashboardConfigController - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.dashboard.controller
Provides definition-time access to a dashboard configuration.
DashboardConfigController() - Constructor in DashboardConfigController
DashboardConfigRepository - Interface in org.simplemes.eframe.dashboard.domain
The DashboardConfig repository base interface.
DashboardConfigRepository() - Constructor in DashboardConfigRepository
DashboardController - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.dashboard.controller
Provides runtime access to a dashboard (configured or not).
DashboardController() - Constructor in DashboardController
DashboardDemoDataLoader - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.dashboard
Used to test the loading of demo data - Test dashboards using mockup activities.
DashboardDemoDataLoader() - Constructor in DashboardDemoDataLoader
DashboardMarker - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.web.ui.webix.freemarker
Provides the implementation of the <ef:dashboard/> tag.
DashboardMarker() - Constructor in DashboardMarker
DashboardPage - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.test.page
Defines the GEB Page for the framework's standard dashboard page.
DashboardPage() - Constructor in DashboardPage
DashboardPanel - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.dashboard.domain
Defines a single dashboard panel that displays contents.
DashboardPanel() - Constructor in DashboardPanel
DashboardPanelRepository - Interface in org.simplemes.eframe.dashboard.domain
The DashboardPanel repository base interface.
DashboardPanelRepository() - Constructor in DashboardPanelRepository
DashboardPanelSplitter - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.dashboard.domain
Defines a single dashboard panel splitter.
DashboardPanelSplitter() - Constructor in DashboardPanelSplitter
DashboardPanelSplitterRepository - Interface in org.simplemes.eframe.dashboard.domain
The DashboardPanelSplitter repository base interface.
DashboardPanelSplitterRepository() - Constructor in DashboardPanelSplitterRepository
DashboardTestController - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.dashboard.controller
Test controller for dashboard testing.
DashboardTestController() - Constructor in DashboardTestController
DashboardUnitTestUtils - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.test
Utility methods to help test Dashboard features.
DashboardUnitTestUtils() - Constructor in DashboardUnitTestUtils
dashDOption(java.lang.String) - Method in CRUDGUITester
The -D testOnly option from the command line (or simulated for unit testing).
DataGenerator - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.test
A simple data generator for test data.
DataGenerator() - Constructor in DataGenerator
dataLoad() - Method in InitialDataLoader
DateFieldFormat - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.data.format
Defines a basic Date/Time field format.
DateFieldFormat() - Constructor in DateFieldFormat
DateFieldModule - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.test.page
Defines the GEB page elements for a standard editable text field.
DateFieldModule() - Constructor in DateFieldModule
DateFieldWidget - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.web.ui.webix.widget
The text input field for date/time widget.
DateFieldWidget() - Constructor in DateFieldWidget
dateIsCloseToNow(java.util.Date, java.lang.Long) - Method in UnitTestUtils
Verify that the given date/time is within a certain tolerance (2 seconds) of the current time.
DateOnly - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.date
Date only class.
DateOnly() - Constructor in DateOnly
DateOnlyConverters - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.date
Convert to/from SQL Date for DateOnly.
DateOnlyConverters() - Constructor in DateOnlyConverters
DateOnlyDeserializer - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.json
A deserializer for read a DateOnly field from JSON.
DateOnlyDeserializer() - Constructor in DateOnlyDeserializer
DateOnlyFieldFormat - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.data.format
Defines a basic DateOnly field format (no time).
DateOnlyFieldFormat() - Constructor in DateOnlyFieldFormat
DateOnlyFieldWidget - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.web.ui.webix.widget
The text input field for dateOnly widget.
DateOnlyFieldWidget() - Constructor in DateOnlyFieldWidget
DateOnlySerializer - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.json
A serializer for writing a DateOnly field to a JSON output.
DateOnlySerializer() - Constructor in DateOnlySerializer
dateOnlyToDateConverter() - Method in DateOnlyConverters
DateRange - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.date
Defines a single range of time (date/time) from a given start date/time to an end date/time.
DateRange() - Constructor in DateRange
dateToDateOnlyConverter() - Method in DateOnlyConverters
DateUtils - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.date
Various date manipulation utility methods.
DateUtils() - Constructor in DateUtils
DBAuthenticationProvider - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.security
Defines the basic DB-based user authentication.
DBAuthenticationProvider() - Constructor in DBAuthenticationProvider
debug - Field in BaseMarker
A debug flag to write the marker class on all output.
decode(java.lang.String, org.simplemes.eframe.data.FieldDefinitionInterface) - Method in BigDecimalFieldFormat
Decodes the given string from internal storage into the appropriate type.
decode(java.lang.String, org.simplemes.eframe.data.FieldDefinitionInterface) - Method in BooleanFieldFormat
Decodes the given string from internal storage into the appropriate type.
decode(java.lang.String, org.simplemes.eframe.data.FieldDefinitionInterface) - Method in ChildListFieldFormat
Decodes the given string from internal storage into the appropriate type.
decode(java.lang.String, org.simplemes.eframe.data.FieldDefinitionInterface) - Method in CustomChildListFieldFormat
Decodes the given string from internal storage into the appropriate type.
decode(java.lang.String, org.simplemes.eframe.data.FieldDefinitionInterface) - Method in DateFieldFormat
Decodes the given string from internal storage into the appropriate type.
decode(java.lang.String, org.simplemes.eframe.data.FieldDefinitionInterface) - Method in DateOnlyFieldFormat
Decodes the given string from internal storage into the appropriate type.
decode(java.lang.String, org.simplemes.eframe.data.FieldDefinitionInterface) - Method in DomainReferenceFieldFormat
Decodes the given string from internal storage into the appropriate type.
decode(java.lang.String, org.simplemes.eframe.data.FieldDefinitionInterface) - Method in DomainRefListFieldFormat
Decodes the given string from internal storage into the appropriate type.
decode(java.lang.String, org.simplemes.eframe.data.FieldDefinitionInterface) - Method in EncodedTypeFieldFormat
Decodes the given string from internal storage into the appropriate type.
decode(java.lang.String, org.simplemes.eframe.data.FieldDefinitionInterface) - Method in EnumFieldFormat
Decodes the given string from internal storage into the appropriate type.
decode(java.lang.String, org.simplemes.eframe.data.FieldDefinitionInterface) - Method in FieldFormatInterface
Decodes the given string from internal storage into the appropriate type.
decode(java.lang.String, org.simplemes.eframe.data.FieldDefinitionInterface) - Method in IntegerFieldFormat
Decodes the given string from internal storage into the appropriate type.
decode(java.lang.String, org.simplemes.eframe.data.FieldDefinitionInterface) - Method in LongFieldFormat
Decodes the given string from internal storage into the appropriate type.
decode(java.lang.String, org.simplemes.eframe.data.FieldDefinitionInterface) - Method in StringFieldFormat
Decodes the given string from internal storage into the appropriate type.
DEFAULT_BUTTONS_PER_ROW - Field in ReportController
The number of buttons per row in the reportActivity (Dashboard activity).
DEFAULT_CATEGORY - Field in DashboardConfig
The default category assigned if none are defined in the dashboard configuration.
DEFAULT_KEY - Field in NameUtils
This is the string value used for a number of default records that are created on startup.
DEFAULT_OTHERS - Field in LoggingController
The default entries in the list of 'others'.
DefinitionListMarker - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.web.ui.webix.freemarker
Provides the efDefinitionList Freemarker marker implementation.
DefinitionListMarker() - Constructor in DefinitionListMarker
DefinitionListModule - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.test.page
Defines the GEB page elements for a toolkit-based grid used for definition lists.
DefinitionListModule() - Constructor in DefinitionListModule
DefinitionListWidget - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.web.ui.webix.widget
The base definition list widget class.
DefinitionListWidget() - Constructor in DefinitionListWidget
delayForTesting(java.lang.String) - Method in ControllerUtils
Pauses for a user-configurable delay for testing purposes.
delete(io.micronaut.http.HttpRequest, java.lang.Object, java.security.Principal) - Method in BaseCrudController
Deletes a single top-level domain object.
delete() - Method in DomainEntityInterface
Deletes the record.
delete() - Method in MockFile
Does nothing.
deleteAllIndices() - Method in MockSearchEngineClient
Deletes all Indices in the search engine.
deleteAllIndices() - Method in SearchEngineClient
Deletes all Indices in the search engine.
deleteAllIndices() - Method in SearchEngineClientInterface
Deletes all Indices in the search engine.
deleteAllRecords(java.lang.Class, java.lang.Boolean) - Method in BaseSpecification
Utility method to clean up all records in a given domain.
deleteField(io.micronaut.http.HttpRequest, java.security.Principal) - Method in ExtensionController
Deletes the custom field definition and removes it from the field order.
deleteField(java.lang.String) - Method in ExtensionService
Deletes a custom field and it use in the field order for the domain.
deleteUnusedChildRecords(java.util.Collection, List<Map>, java.lang.String, org.simplemes.eframe.data.FieldDefinitionInterface) - Method in DomainBinder
Deletes the DB records for child records that are not in the updated list of children.
DemoDataController - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.system.controller
This controller provides a way to create demo data.
DemoDataController() - Constructor in DemoDataController
DemoDataLoaderInterface - Interface in org.simplemes.eframe.system
Defines the interface for loading demo data.
DemoDataLoaderInterface() - Constructor in DemoDataLoaderInterface
DeniedPage - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.test.page
Defines the GEB Page content for the denied page content.
DeniedPage() - Constructor in DeniedPage
DeserializationProblemHandler - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.json
A serializer for writing an encoded type field.
DeserializationProblemHandler() - Constructor in DeserializationProblemHandler
deserialize(com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonParser, com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.DeserializationContext) - Method in DateOnlyDeserializer
Deserialize into a DateOnly field.
deserialize(com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonParser, com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.DeserializationContext, org.simplemes.eframe.custom.FieldHolderMapInterface) - Method in FieldHolderMapDeserializer
Alternate deserialization method (compared to the most commonly used, deserialize(JsonParser, DeserializationContext)), which takes in initialized value instance, to be configured and/or populated by deserializer.
deserialize(com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonParser, com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.DeserializationContext) - Method in JSONByIDDeserializer
Converts an object ID to a domain object.
deserialize(com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonParser, com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.DeserializationContext) - Method in JSONByKeyDeserializer
Converts an object key to a domain object.
deserialize(com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonParser, com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.DeserializationContext) - Method in PreferenceDeserializer
Method to deserialize a Preference from JSON.
deserializeConfigurableTypes(java.lang.String, org.simplemes.eframe.data.FieldDefinitions, java.lang.Object, com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonParser) - Method in DeserializationProblemHandler
Will de-serialize a field from a configurable type.
deserializeCustomList(java.lang.Object, com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode, org.simplemes.eframe.data.FieldDefinitionInterface) - Method in DeserializationProblemHandler
Deserialize the given custom child list for the given bean node.
detailsDialog(java.security.Principal) - Method in DashboardConfigController
Displays the main details dialog page.
determineArchiveDirectory() - Method in FileArchiver
Determines the archive main directory from the configuration element: org.simplemes.eframe.archive.top.
determineBaseURI(java.lang.String) - Method in ControllerUtils
Determines the base URI for a given page URI.
determineBuiltinReports() - Method in ReportHelper
Finds the list of available built-in reports from the file system and/or the class path.
determineDecimalSeparator(java.util.Locale) - Method in NumberUtils
Returns the decimal separator character for a locale.
determineDifferences(List<String>, List<String>) - Method in FieldAdjuster
Compares the two display order lists and generates a list of field adjustments needed to make the fields display in the listB order.
determineExpectedRowsAfterSave(java.lang.String) - Method in CRUDGUITester
Combines the minimal and record params values for child records into the list expected after create/edit is finished.
determineFieldsToDisplay() - Method in BaseDefinitionPageMarker
Determines which fields to display.
determineFieldType(java.lang.String, org.simplemes.eframe.data.format.FieldFormatInterface) - Method in ExtensionService
Determines the field type for the Configuration GUI use.
determineGroupingSeparator(java.util.Locale) - Method in NumberUtils
Returns the grouoping (thousands) separator character for a locale.
determineHosts() - Method in SearchHelper
Determines the search hosts to be contacted.
determineIfEmpty() - Method in ColumnPreference
Determines if this column preference is empty (has not settings).
determineInputFields(java.lang.String) - Method in ConfigurableTypeInterface
Builds the fields needed to configure this type.
determineInputFields(java.lang.String) - Method in FlexType
Builds the fields needed to configure this type.
determineLocale(java.lang.String) - Method in WebClientLookup
Determines the locale for the given file.
determinePagerLinksNeeded(int, int) - Method in PagerWidget
Determines which links are needed in a pager, given the current page and total number of pages.
determineParameterSequence(java.lang.Object) - Method in Report
Determines the effective display sequence to use for the given report engine parameter.
determineRange(java.util.Date) - Method in ReportTimeIntervalEnum
Calculates the date range for this enum instance, relative to now.
determineReportBaseName(java.lang.String) - Method in ReportHelper
Determines the base file name for the given report path.
determineReportParams(java.util.Map) - Method in Report
Determines the effective report parameters to use.
determineThreadInitSize() - Method in SearchEnginePoolExecutor
Determines the initial size of the thread pool (coreSize).
determineThreadMaxSize() - Method in SearchEnginePoolExecutor
Determines the initial size of the thread pool (coreSize).
determineTimeZone() - Method in DateUtils
Determines the UI TimeZone.
devModeCheckForChanges() - Method in MessageSource
Checks for changes to the i18n/messages.properties file.
dialog(io.micronaut.http.HttpRequest, java.security.Principal) - Method in ExtensionController
Serves up a page for the extension-related client functions.
DialogChanged - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.preference.event
Handles the DialogChanged event from the browser.
DialogChanged() - Constructor in DialogChanged
DialogModule - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.test.page
Defines the GEB page elements for a standard framework dialog.
DialogModule() - Constructor in DialogModule
DialogPreference - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.preference
This holds the specific preferences for a single dialog from.
DialogPreference() - Constructor in DialogPreference
dirty - Field in FieldHolderMap
True if the Map has changed since the last time the JSON was generated (toJSON()).
DisabledStatus - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.system
DisabledStatus() - Constructor in DisabledStatus
disableSQLTrace() - Method in BaseSpecification
Disables the SQL trace level.
disableStackTraceLogging() - Method in BaseSpecification
For the current test, disable the stack trace logging.
DISPLAY_EVENT_ACTIVITY - Field in DashboardTestController
A simple dashboard activity that will display dashboard events (as JSON) as they are received.
DISPLAY_PARAMETERS_ACTIVITY - Field in DashboardTestController
A simple dashboard activity that will parameters provided by the dashboard when displayed.
displayDashboard(java.util.Map) - Method in BaseDashboardSpecification
Navigates to the dashboard page with the given options.
displayFields(io.micronaut.http.HttpRequest, java.lang.String) - Method in DomainController
Provides the domain class fields define, including field extensions.
displayTesterPage() - Method in BaseJSSpecification
Displays the tester page, if not already displayed.
divideRoundingUp(long, int) - Method in NumberUtils
Divides the top by the bottom, round up for any fraction.
doAppend(java.lang.Object) - Method in MockAppender
The appender.
doAutoCleanups() - Method in BaseSpecification
Cleanup up any registered mocks that need cleanup tasks.
doCleanup(org.simplemes.eframe.test.BaseSpecification) - Method in AutoCleanupMockInterface
Performs the cleanup action.
doCleanup(org.simplemes.eframe.test.BaseSpecification) - Method in MockAdditionHelper
Performs the cleanup action.
doCleanup(org.simplemes.eframe.test.BaseSpecification) - Method in MockBean
Performs the cleanup action.
doCleanup(org.simplemes.eframe.test.BaseSpecification) - Method in MockControllerUtils
Performs the cleanup action.
doCleanup(org.simplemes.eframe.test.BaseSpecification) - Method in MockDomainUtils
Performs the cleanup action.
doCleanup(org.simplemes.eframe.test.BaseSpecification) - Method in MockFieldExtension
Performs the cleanup action.
doCleanup(org.simplemes.eframe.test.BaseSpecification) - Method in MockPreferenceHolder
Performs the cleanup action.
doCleanup(org.simplemes.eframe.test.BaseSpecification) - Method in MockSecurityUtils
Performs the cleanup action.
doesClassHaveStaticMethod(java.lang.Class, java.lang.String) - Method in TypeUtils
Determines if the given class has the given static method (no arguments).
doFilter(HttpRequest<?>, io.micronaut.http.filter.ServerFilterChain) - Method in AutoRefreshTokenFilter
Variation of the doFilter(HttpRequest, io.micronaut.http.filter.FilterChain) method that accepts a ServerFilterChain which allows to mutate the outgoing HTTP response.
doFilter(HttpRequest<?>, io.micronaut.http.filter.ServerFilterChain) - Method in WebClientAssetFilter
Handles the request for the vue-based client asset requests on the '/client/**' path.
doGenerate() - Method in DataGenerator
Generates the data.
domain(java.lang.Class) - Method in CRUDGUITester
Sets the domain to test the CRUD GUIs for.
domain(java.lang.Class) - Method in DataGenerator
Sets the domain class to generate record for.
domain(java.lang.Class) - Method in DomainTester
Sets the domain class to test.
DOMAIN_SETTINGS_FIELD_NAME - Field in DomainEntityHelper
The name of the transient holder for internal domain settings.
DomainBinder - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.domain
Provides standardized binding of HTTP-style parameters to a domain or POGO class.
DomainBinder() - Constructor in DomainBinder
DomainController - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.domain.controller
The controller for domain class configuration queries.
DomainController() - Constructor in DomainController
DomainEntity - Annotation Type in org.simplemes.eframe.domain.annotation
This annotation allows the application developer to mark a domain object as allowing extension fields (custom fields).
DomainEntityHelper - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.domain.annotation
Support methods for the
DomainEntityHelper.TransactionCallbackWrapper - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.domain.annotation
Local class used to call the closure from the as a TransactionCallback.
DomainEntityInterface - Interface in org.simplemes.eframe.domain.annotation
A marker interface to indicate this is a domain entity that has some features added by the DomainEntity annotation.
DomainEntityTransformation - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.domain.annotation
This class provides the compile-time AST transformation that adds an extensible field to the given domain class.
DomainEntityTransformation() - Constructor in DomainEntityTransformation
Basic Constructor.
domainName - Field in CRUDGUITester
The domain name (with initial lowercase letter).
DomainReference - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.domain
A simple POGO that contains the information needed for a reference to a domain property.
DomainReference() - Constructor in DomainReference
DomainReferenceFieldFormat - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.data.format
DomainReferenceFieldFormat() - Constructor in DomainReferenceFieldFormat
DomainRefListFieldFormat - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.data.format
DomainRefListFieldFormat() - Constructor in DomainRefListFieldFormat
DomainSaveTransactionEvent - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.domain
Event published when a single domain record is saved.
DomainSaveTransactionEvent(org.simplemes.eframe.domain.annotation.DomainEntityInterface) - Constructor in DomainSaveTransactionEvent
domainSearch(java.lang.Class, java.lang.String, java.util.Map) - Method in MockSearchEngineClient
Performs a standard domain search with the query string.
domainSearch(java.lang.Class, java.lang.String, java.util.Map) - Method in SearchEngineClient
Performs a standard domain search with the query string.
domainSearch(java.lang.Class, java.lang.String, java.util.Map) - Method in SearchEngineClientInterface
Performs a standard domain search with the query string.
domainSearch(java.lang.Class, java.lang.String, java.util.Map) - Method in SearchHelper
Performs a standard domain search with the query string using the external search engine.
domainSearch(java.lang.Class, java.lang.String, java.util.Map) - Method in SearchService
Performs a standard domain search with the query string.
domainSearchInDB(java.lang.Class, java.lang.String, java.util.Map) - Method in SearchHelper
Performs a domain search via SQL with the query string.
DomainTester - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.test
Helps tests common features of domain classes, such as constraints and field order.
DomainTester() - Constructor in DomainTester
DomainToolkitUtils - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.web.ui.webix
This class provides utilities to create schemas and other data needed for toolkit actions.
DomainToolkitUtils() - Constructor in DomainToolkitUtils
DomainUtils - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.domain
Domain Object manipulation utilities.
DomainUtils() - Constructor in DomainUtils
doMaxSizeTest(java.lang.String, int) - Method in DomainTester
Performs a single max size check.
doNotNullTest(java.lang.String) - Method in DomainTester
Performs a not null check.
doOtherCleanups() - Method in BaseSpecification
Do other, misc cleanups.
doSetup() - Method in CRUDGUITester
Prepare for the test.
doTest() - Method in ControllerTester
Performs the test.
doTest(java.util.Locale) - Method in CRUDGUITester
Tests the domain/controller/pages in a single locale.
doTest() - Method in DomainTester
Performs the test.
dumpElement(java.lang.Object, int) - Method in BaseGUISpecification
Creates a human readable debug representation of the given element and its children (recursive).


echo(io.micronaut.http.HttpRequest, java.security.Principal) - Method in DashboardTestController
Sample test method to process a POST request with a JSON body and echo the JSON in the response as a message.
edit(java.lang.String, java.security.Principal) - Method in BaseCrudController
Displays the edit page.
editClosure(groovy.lang.Closure) - Method in CRUDGUITester
Set the closure to run when the edit page is tested.
editFields(java.lang.String) - Method in CRUDGUITester
A list of columns that are displayed in the edit page.
EditMarker - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.web.ui.webix.freemarker
Provides the efEdit Freemarker marker implementation.
EditMarker() - Constructor in EditMarker
editor(io.micronaut.http.HttpRequest, java.security.Principal) - Method in DashboardConfigController
Displays the editor dialog page.
editPost(io.micronaut.http.HttpRequest, java.lang.Object, java.security.Principal) - Method in BaseCrudController
Accepts the save from a edit page and either updates the record or re-displays with errors shown.
EFEnvironments - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.misc
Defines some frameworks for the enterprise framework.
EFEnvironments() - Constructor in EFEnvironments
effectiveCreateFields - Field in CRUDGUITester
The effective list of fields that are displayed in the create page.
effectiveEditFields - Field in CRUDGUITester
The effective list of fields that are displayed in the edit page.
effectiveListColumns - Field in CRUDGUITester
The effective list of columns that are displayed in the list page.
effectiveShowFields - Field in CRUDGUITester
The effective list of fields that are displayed in the show page.
EFrameAssetPipelineService - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.web.asset
Development mode asset pipeline service.
EFrameAssetPipelineService() - Constructor in EFrameAssetPipelineService
EFrameAssetPipelineServiceGroovy - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.web.asset
A groovy implementation of the asset pipeline replacement.
EFrameAssetPipelineServiceGroovy() - Constructor in EFrameAssetPipelineServiceGroovy
EFrameConfiguration - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.application
Defines the main, global framework configuration values.
EFrameConfiguration.Archive - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.application
EFrameConfiguration.Archive() - Constructor in EFrameConfiguration.Archive
EFrameConfiguration.Report - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.application
EFrameConfiguration.Report() - Constructor in EFrameConfiguration.Report
EFrameConfiguration.Search - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.application
The config properties used for the external search engine interface.
EFrameConfiguration.Search() - Constructor in EFrameConfiguration.Search
EFrameConfiguration.Security - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.application
The config properties used for the framework-specific security settings.
EFrameConfiguration.Security() - Constructor in EFrameConfiguration.Security
EFrameConfiguration() - Constructor in EFrameConfiguration
EFrameDateFormat - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.date
Defines the date/time format to use a standard ISO formatter.
EFrameDateFormat() - Constructor in EFrameDateFormat
EFrameFreemarkerConfiguration - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.web.view
EFrameFreemarkerConfiguration() - Constructor in EFrameFreemarkerConfiguration
EFrameFreemarkerFactory - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.web.view
Defines a freemarker factory to create the configuration for the enterprise framework.
EFrameFreemarkerFactory() - Constructor in EFrameFreemarkerFactory
EFrameJacksonModule - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.json
Provides extra features for Micronaut Data's use of the Jackson object mapper.
EFrameJacksonModule() - Constructor in EFrameJacksonModule
EFrameJdbcRepositoryOperations - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.domain
A substitute for the micronaut JdbcRepositoryOperations implementation to add features for the enterprise framework.
EFrameJdbcRepositoryOperations() - Constructor in EFrameJdbcRepositoryOperations
EFrameJdbcRepositoryOperationsJava - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.domain
A substitute for the micronaut JdbcRepositoryOperations implementation to add features for the enterprise framework.
EFrameJdbcRepositoryOperationsJava(java.lang.String, javax.sql.DataSource, TransactionOperations<Connection>, java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService, io.micronaut.context.BeanContext, List<MediaTypeCodec>, io.micronaut.data.runtime.date.DateTimeProvider) - Constructor in EFrameJdbcRepositoryOperationsJava
elapsed(java.lang.String) - Method in PerformanceUtils
Calculates the elapsed time since the last elapsed time point.
elapsedPrint(java.lang.String) - Method in PerformanceUtils
Calculates the elapsed time since the last elapsed time point and prints it to std out.
element(java.lang.String) - Method in PreferenceHolder
Sets the HTML element ID/name for this preference.
ELEMENT_PREFIX - Field in DashboardMarker
The prefix to add to the dashboard name for the preferences element name(s).
EMPTY_ACTIVITY - Field in DashboardTestController
A simple dashboard activity that will display dashboard events (as JSON) as they are received.
enableCreateTests(boolean) - Method in CRUDGUITester
If true, then enable the create page tests.
EnabledStatus - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.system
EnabledStatus() - Constructor in EnabledStatus
enableEditTests(boolean) - Method in CRUDGUITester
If true, then enable the edit page tests.
enableListTests(boolean) - Method in CRUDGUITester
If true, then enable the list page tests.
enableShowTests(boolean) - Method in CRUDGUITester
If true, then enable the show page tests.
enableSQLTrace(boolean) - Method in BaseSpecification
Enable SQL trace.
encode(java.lang.Object, org.simplemes.eframe.data.FieldDefinitionInterface) - Method in BigDecimalFieldFormat
Encodes the given value as a string for internal storage.
encode(java.lang.Object, org.simplemes.eframe.data.FieldDefinitionInterface) - Method in BooleanFieldFormat
Encodes the given value as a string for internal storage.
encode(java.lang.Object, org.simplemes.eframe.data.FieldDefinitionInterface) - Method in ChildListFieldFormat
Encodes the given value as a string for internal storage.
encode(java.lang.Object, org.simplemes.eframe.data.FieldDefinitionInterface) - Method in CustomChildListFieldFormat
Encodes the given value as a string for internal storage.
encode(java.lang.Object, org.simplemes.eframe.data.FieldDefinitionInterface) - Method in DateFieldFormat
Encodes the given value as a string for internal storage.
encode(java.lang.Object, org.simplemes.eframe.data.FieldDefinitionInterface) - Method in DateOnlyFieldFormat
Encodes the given value as a string for internal storage.
encode(java.lang.Object, org.simplemes.eframe.data.FieldDefinitionInterface) - Method in DomainReferenceFieldFormat
Encodes the given value as a string for internal storage.
encode(java.lang.Object, org.simplemes.eframe.data.FieldDefinitionInterface) - Method in DomainRefListFieldFormat
Encodes the given value as a string for internal storage.
encode(java.lang.Object, org.simplemes.eframe.data.FieldDefinitionInterface) - Method in EncodedTypeFieldFormat
Encodes the given value as a string for internal storage.
encode(java.lang.Object, org.simplemes.eframe.data.FieldDefinitionInterface) - Method in EnumFieldFormat
Encodes the given value as a string for internal storage.
encode(java.lang.Object, org.simplemes.eframe.data.FieldDefinitionInterface) - Method in FieldFormatInterface
Encodes the given value as a string for internal storage.
encode(java.lang.Object, org.simplemes.eframe.data.FieldDefinitionInterface) - Method in IntegerFieldFormat
Encodes the given value as a string for internal storage.
encode(java.lang.Object, org.simplemes.eframe.data.FieldDefinitionInterface) - Method in LongFieldFormat
Encodes the given value as a string for internal storage.
encode(java.lang.String) - Method in PasswordEncoderService
encode(java.lang.Object, org.simplemes.eframe.data.FieldDefinitionInterface) - Method in StringFieldFormat
Encodes the given value as a string for internal storage.
encode(java.lang.String) - Method in URLUtils
Internal encoding of URI strings.
encodedToStringConverter() - Method in EncodedTypeConverters
EncodedTypeConverters - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.data
Convert to/from SQL String to encoded types.
EncodedTypeConverters() - Constructor in EncodedTypeConverters
EncodedTypeFieldFormat - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.data.format
EncodedTypeFieldFormat() - Constructor in EncodedTypeFieldFormat
EncodedTypeInterface - Interface in org.simplemes.eframe.data
Flags a basic type that is stored as an encoded value in the database.
EncodedTypeInterface() - Constructor in EncodedTypeInterface
EncodedTypeListUtils - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.data
Provides utility methods to access a list of choices that implement the ChoiceListInterface.
EncodedTypeListUtils() - Constructor in EncodedTypeListUtils
EncodedTypeSerializer - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.json
A serializer for writing an encoded type field.
EncodedTypeSerializer() - Constructor in EncodedTypeSerializer
encodePassword() - Method in User
Encodes the raw password before saving, if needed.
EnumFieldFormat - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.data.format
Defines the format for a field that is a single enumeration.
EnumFieldFormat() - Constructor in EnumFieldFormat
EnumSerializer - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.json
A serializer for writing enum instances.
EnumSerializer() - Constructor in EnumSerializer
error(io.micronaut.http.HttpRequest, java.lang.Throwable) - Method in BaseController
Handles uncaught exceptions in this controller.
error(org.spockframework.runtime.model.ErrorInfo) - Method in BaseFailureListener
error(io.micronaut.http.HttpRequest, java.lang.Exception) - Method in ExtensionController
ErrorPage - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.test.page
Defines the GEB Page content for the general purpose error page content.
ErrorPage() - Constructor in ErrorPage
escape(java.lang.String) - Method in BaseMarker
Escape the string for safe HTML output.
escape(java.lang.String) - Method in BaseWidget
Escape the string for safe HTML output.
escapeForJavascript(java.lang.String, java.lang.Boolean) - Method in BaseWidget
Escape the string for safe use inside of a Javascript string variable.
escapeForJavascript(java.lang.String, java.lang.Boolean) - Method in JavascriptUtils
Escape the string for safe use inside of a Javascript string variable.
escapeHTMLForJavascript(java.lang.String) - Method in JavascriptUtils
Escape the HTML string for safe use inside of a Javascript string variable.
evaluateGString(java.lang.String, java.util.Map) - Method in TextUtils
Evaluates a given GString with the given parameters.
evaluateParameterDefaultValues(org.simplemes.eframe.reports.Report) - Method in ReportEngine
Determines the default values for the compiled report.
execute() - Method in AdditionMarker
Executes the directive, with the values passed by the setValues() method.
execute() - Method in AssetMarker
Executes the directive, with the values passed by the setValues() method.
execute() - Method in BaseDefinitionPageMarker
Executes the directive, with the values passed by the setValues() method.
execute(java.lang.String) - Method in BaseJSSpecification
Executes the given javascript on the client.
execute(java.util.Map) - Method in BaseMarkerSpecification
Executes the marker to generate the page content.
execute() - Method in ButtonGroupMarker
Executes the directive, with the values passed by the setValues() method.
execute() - Method in ButtonMarker
Executes the directive, with the values passed by the setValues() method.
execute() - Method in CreateMarker
Executes the directive, with the values passed by the setValues() method.
execute() - Method in DashboardMarker
Executes the directive, with the values passed by the setValues() method.
execute() - Method in DefinitionListMarker
Executes the directive, with the values passed by the setValues() method.
execute() - Method in EditMarker
Executes the directive, with the values passed by the setValues() method.
execute() - Method in FieldMarker
Executes the directive, with the values passed by the setValues() method.
execute() - Method in FormMarker
Executes the directive, with the values passed by the setValues() method.
execute(io.micronaut.context.env.Environment, java.util.Map, freemarker.template.TemplateModel, freemarker.template.TemplateDirectiveBody) - Method in FreemarkerDirective
Executes this user-defined directive; called by FreeMarker when the user-defined directive is called in the template.
execute() - Method in GUISetupMarker
execute() - Method in HTMLMarker
Executes the directive, with the values passed by the setValues() method.
execute() - Method in LanguageMarker
Executes the directive, with the values passed by the setValues() method.
execute() - Method in ListMarker
Executes the directive, with the values passed by the setValues() method.
execute() - Method in LookupMarker
Executes the directive, with the values passed by the setValues() method.
execute() - Method in MarkerInterface
Executes the directive, with the values passed by the setValues() method.
execute() - Method in MenuItemMarker
Executes the directive, with the values passed by the setValues() method.
execute() - Method in MenuMarker
Executes the directive, with the values passed by the setValues() method.
execute() - Method in MessagesMarker
Executes the directive, with the values passed by the setValues() method.
execute() - Method in PagerMarker
Executes the directive, with the values passed by the setValues() method.
execute() - Method in PreloadMessagesMarker
Executes the directive, with the values passed by the setValues() method.
execute() - Method in ShowMarker
Executes the directive, with the values passed by the setValues() method.
execute() - Method in TitleMarker
Executes the directive, with the values passed by the setValues() method.
executeDelete(PreparedQuery<?, Number>) - Method in EFrameJdbcRepositoryOperations
executeDomainMethod(org.simplemes.eframe.domain.annotation.DomainEntityInterface, java.lang.String) - Method in DomainEntityHelper
Executes the domain's XYZ method, if defined.
executeQuery(java.lang.String, Class<T>, java.lang.Object) - Method in SQLUtils
Executes the given SQL as a prepared statement with the given arguments.
executeWrite(io.micronaut.transaction.TransactionCallback) - Method in DomainEntityHelper
Start a transaction and rollback when finished.
executeWriteClosure(java.lang.Class, Closure<Object>) - Method in DomainEntityHelper
Start a transaction and rollback when finished.
exists() - Method in MockFile
Tests whether the file or directory denoted by this abstract pathname exists.
exists(java.lang.String) - Method in MockRenderer
viewName - view name to be render
expandChildElement(org.simplemes.eframe.data.FieldDefinitionInterface) - Method in DomainController
Expands the given field as a child list.
exportReportToHTML(org.simplemes.eframe.reports.Report, java.io.Writer) - Method in ReportEngine
Exports the given report to the HTML output stream.
exportReportToPDF(org.simplemes.eframe.reports.Report, java.io.OutputStream) - Method in ReportEngine
Exports the given report to the PDF output stream.
ExtensibleFieldHelper - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.custom
This class defines methods to access extensible field definitions define by module additions, users and flex types.
ExtensibleFieldHelper() - Constructor in ExtensibleFieldHelper
ExtensibleFieldHolder - Annotation Type in org.simplemes.eframe.data.annotation
This annotation allows the application developer to mark a domain object as allowing extension fields (custom fields).
ExtensibleFieldHolderTransformation - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.data.annotation
This class provides the compile-time AST transformation that adds an extensible field to the given domain class.
ExtensibleFieldHolderTransformation() - Constructor in ExtensibleFieldHolderTransformation
Basic Constructor.
ExtensionController - Class in sample.controller
Test controller for extension mechanism.
ExtensionController() - Constructor in ExtensionController
ExtensionPoint - Annotation Type in org.simplemes.eframe.custom.annotation
This annotation allows the application developer to mark a method as an extension point.
ExtensionPointDocumentExtractor - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.application
A utility application that will extract the ExtensionPoints defined in the current application's build/classes/main/groovy directory.
ExtensionPointDocumentExtractor() - Constructor in ExtensionPointDocumentExtractor
ExtensionPointHelper - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.custom.annotation
Provides helper methods for the ExtensionPoint annotation.
ExtensionPointTransformation - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.custom.annotation
This annotation allows the application developer to mark a method as an extension point.
ExtensionPointTransformation() - Constructor in ExtensionPointTransformation
Basic Constructor.
ExtensionService - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.custom.service
Provides access to the extensions that allow user to customize the GUI and application.
ExtensionService() - Constructor in ExtensionService
extractBlock(java.lang.String, java.lang.String) - Method in JavascriptTestUtils
Extract a single block of javascript that starts with the given text.
extractCookieValueFromHeader(java.lang.String) - Method in BaseAPISpecification
Extracts the cookie name/value from the given set-cookie header string.
extractImportantMethodsFromStackTrace() - Method in LogUtils
extractProperty(java.lang.String, java.lang.String) - Method in JavascriptTestUtils
Extracts the given property from a javascript segment.
extractScriptsFromPage(java.lang.String) - Method in JavascriptTestUtils
Extracts the scripts from the given page text.
extractTag(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.Boolean) - Method in HTMLTestUtils
Extract the first HTML tag/content from the input HTML.


fetchAuthentication(HttpRequest<?>) - Method in AutoRefreshAuthenticationFetcher
The delimiter to use for the field-specific parameter names.
FieldAdjuster - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.custom.gui
This class gathers the field customizations for a domain and manipulates the field ordering as needed to deal with the user's customizations.
FieldAdjuster() - Constructor in FieldAdjuster
FieldAdjustmentInterface - Interface in org.simplemes.eframe.custom.gui
This interface defines a adjustment to the fields/order defined for a domain class.
FieldAdjustmentInterface() - Constructor in FieldAdjustmentInterface
FieldDefinitionFactory - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.data
Builds the correct field definition for a given property of class field.
FieldDefinitionFactory() - Constructor in FieldDefinitionFactory
FieldDefinitionInterface - Interface in org.simplemes.eframe.data
Defines fields used by the framework.
FieldDefinitionInterface() - Constructor in FieldDefinitionInterface
FieldDefinitions - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.data
Contains all of the fields defined for domain/POGO object.
fieldDefinitions - Field in CRUDGUITester
The field definitions for the domain class.
FieldDefinitions() - Constructor in FieldDefinitions
fieldDialog(io.micronaut.http.HttpRequest, java.security.Principal) - Method in ExtensionController
Serves the custom field edit/add dialog content for the definition GUI configuration editor.
FieldExtension - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.custom.domain
This class defines a single custom field for an application.
FieldExtension() - Constructor in FieldExtension
FieldExtensionRepository - Interface in org.simplemes.eframe.custom.domain
The FieldExtension repository base interface.
FieldExtensionRepository() - Constructor in FieldExtensionRepository
FieldFormatFactory - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.data.format
Builds the correct field format for the given object class.
FieldFormatFactory() - Constructor in FieldFormatFactory
FieldFormatInterface - Interface in org.simplemes.eframe.data.format
Defines the basic field format handling.
FieldFormatInterface() - Constructor in FieldFormatInterface
FieldGUIExtension - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.custom.domain
This defines the field extensions added to the GUI for a given domain class.
FieldGUIExtension() - Constructor in FieldGUIExtension
FieldGUIExtensionRepository - Interface in org.simplemes.eframe.custom.domain
The FieldGUIExtension repository base interface.
FieldGUIExtensionRepository() - Constructor in FieldGUIExtensionRepository
FieldHolderMap - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.custom
Defines the Map used to hide the ExtensibleFieldHolder extensions to the Map logic.
FieldHolderMap() - Constructor in FieldHolderMap
FieldHolderMapDeserializer - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.json
A deserializer for read a FieldHolderMap from JSON.
FieldHolderMapDeserializer() - Constructor in FieldHolderMapDeserializer
FieldHolderMapInterface - Interface in org.simplemes.eframe.custom
Defines the Map interface used to hide the ExtensibleFieldHolder extensions to the Map logic.
FieldHolderMapSerializer - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.json
A serializer for writing a The FieldHolderMap to JSON output.
FieldHolderMapSerializer() - Constructor in FieldHolderMapSerializer
FieldInsertAdjustment - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.custom.gui
This holds a single Insert adjustment to the field order for a GUI.
FieldInsertAdjustment() - Constructor in FieldInsertAdjustment
FieldInterface - Interface in org.simplemes.eframe.custom.domain
Defines the basic user-defined data field.
FieldInterface() - Constructor in FieldInterface
FieldMarker - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.web.ui.webix.freemarker
Provides the efField freemarker marker implementation.
FieldMarker() - Constructor in FieldMarker
FieldMoveAdjustment - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.custom.gui
This holds a single field move adjustment to the field order for a GUI.
FieldMoveAdjustment() - Constructor in FieldMoveAdjustment
fieldOrder - Field in CRUDGUITester
The fieldOrder list (flattened) from the domain class.
fieldOrderCheck(java.lang.Boolean) - Method in DomainTester
If true, then the field order checks are made.
FieldRemoveAdjustment - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.custom.gui
This holds a single Removal adjustment to the field order for a GUI.
FieldRemoveAdjustment() - Constructor in FieldRemoveAdjustment
FieldReplaceAllAdjustment - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.custom.gui
This holds a the replace all list for a field list adjustment.
FieldReplaceAllAdjustment() - Constructor in FieldReplaceAllAdjustment
FieldSizes - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.misc
Defines many field size limits used in the framework.
FieldSizes() - Constructor in FieldSizes
FieldTrait - Trait in org.simplemes.eframe.custom.domain
Defines common logic used for the generic fields (e.g.
FieldTrait() - Constructor in FieldTrait
FileArchiver - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.archive
Archives one or more domain objects to a file and removes them from the database.
FileArchiver() - Constructor in FileArchiver
FileFactory - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.misc
This is a pluggable File object creator.
FileFactory() - Constructor in FileFactory
fileReference - Field in FileArchiver
The relative path for the XML file.
FileUtils - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.misc
Some general-purpose file utilities.
FileUtils() - Constructor in FileUtils
fill(org.simplemes.eframe.reports.Report) - Method in ReportEngine
Fills a report result using the given report and data.
fillInField(java.lang.String, java.lang.Object, org.simplemes.eframe.data.FieldDefinitionInterface) - Method in CRUDGUITester
Fills in the field value.
filter(io.micronaut.http.HttpRequest, java.security.Principal) - Method in ReportController
Displays the change filter page for the report engine interface.
filterUpdate(io.micronaut.http.HttpRequest, java.lang.Object, java.security.Principal) - Method in ReportController
Handles the user's changes to the filter parameters and re-directs to the report display with the correct values.
find(groovy.lang.Closure) - Method in PreferenceHolder
Finds the preferences for the given page/user/element.
findActionButtons() - Method in ListWidget
Looks through the parameters for action buttons (e.g. name@buttonHandler).
findAllArchives() - Method in ArchiverInterface
Gets a list of archive file references that exist in the active archive area (folder).
findAllArchives(java.io.File, java.util.List) - Method in FileArchiver
Gets a list of archive file references that exist in the active archive area (folder).
findAllByCategoryAndDefaultConfig(java.lang.String, java.lang.Boolean) - Method in DashboardConfigRepository
findAllByDashboardConfig(org.simplemes.eframe.dashboard.domain.DashboardConfig) - Method in DashboardButtonRepository
findAllByDashboardConfig(org.simplemes.eframe.dashboard.domain.DashboardConfig) - Method in DashboardPanelRepository
findAllByDashboardConfig(org.simplemes.eframe.dashboard.domain.DashboardConfig) - Method in DashboardPanelSplitterRepository
findAllByDateTimeGreaterThan(java.util.Date) - Method in AllFieldsDomainRepository
findAllByDateTimeLessThan(java.util.Date) - Method in AllFieldsDomainRepository
findAllByDefaultConfig(java.lang.Boolean) - Method in DashboardConfigRepository
findAllByDomainClassName(java.lang.String) - Method in FieldExtensionRepository
findAllByFieldNameIlike(java.lang.String) - Method in FlexFieldRepository
findAllByFlexType(org.simplemes.eframe.custom.domain.FlexType) - Method in FlexFieldRepository
findAllByName(java.lang.String) - Method in AllFieldsDomainRepository
findAllByNameLike(java.lang.String, io.micronaut.data.model.Pageable) - Method in SampleParentRepository
findAllByOrder(sample.domain.Order) - Method in CustomOrderComponentRepository
findAllByOrder(sample.domain.Order) - Method in OrderLineRepository
findAllBySampleChild(sample.domain.SampleChild) - Method in SampleGrandChildRepository
findAllBySampleParent(sample.domain.SampleParent) - Method in SampleChildRepository
findAllByUserName(java.lang.String) - Method in RefreshTokenRepository
findArgs() - Method in LookupMarker
Finds the args passed as arg1, arg2... parameters for the marker.
findByAuthority(java.lang.String) - Method in RoleRepository
findByCategoryAndDefaultConfig(java.lang.String, java.lang.Boolean) - Method in DashboardConfigRepository
findByDashboard(java.lang.String) - Method in DashboardConfigRepository
findByDomainName(java.lang.String) - Method in FieldGUIExtensionRepository
findByFieldName(java.lang.String) - Method in FieldExtensionRepository
findByFlexType(java.lang.String) - Method in FlexTypeRepository
findById(java.util.UUID) - Method in CustomOrderComponentRepository
findById(java.util.UUID) - Method in OrderRepository
findById(java.util.UUID) - Method in RoleRepository
findById(java.util.UUID) - Method in UserRepository
findByName(java.lang.String) - Method in AllFieldsDomainRepository
findByName(java.lang.String) - Method in SampleParentRepository
findByOrder(java.lang.String) - Method in OrderRepository
findByRefreshToken(java.lang.String) - Method in RefreshTokenRepository
findByRma(java.lang.String) - Method in RMARepository
findByTitle(java.lang.String) - Method in AllFieldsDomainRepository
findByType(java.lang.Class) - Method in BasicFieldFormat
Finds the field format instance for the given Java standard type (e.g.
findByUserName(java.lang.String) - Method in UserRepository
findByUserNameAndEnabled(java.lang.String, java.lang.Boolean) - Method in UserRepository
findByUserNameAndPage(java.lang.String, java.lang.String) - Method in UserPreferenceRepository
findByUuid(java.util.UUID) - Method in AllFieldsDomainRepository
findByUuid(java.util.UUID) - Method in ArchiveLogRepository
findByUuid(java.util.UUID) - Method in DashboardButtonRepository
findByUuid(java.util.UUID) - Method in DashboardConfigRepository
findByUuid(java.util.UUID) - Method in DashboardPanelRepository
findByUuid(java.util.UUID) - Method in DashboardPanelSplitterRepository
findByUuid(java.lang.Class, java.util.UUID) - Method in DomainEntityHelper
Reads the given record from the database.
findByUuid(java.util.UUID) - Method in FieldExtensionRepository
findByUuid(java.util.UUID) - Method in FieldGUIExtensionRepository
findByUuid(java.util.UUID) - Method in FlexFieldRepository
findByUuid(java.util.UUID) - Method in FlexTypeRepository
findByUuid(java.util.UUID) - Method in OrderLineRepository
findByUuid(java.util.UUID) - Method in OrderRepository
findByUuid(java.util.UUID) - Method in RefreshTokenRepository
findByUuid(java.util.UUID) - Method in RMARepository
findByUuid(java.util.UUID) - Method in RoleRepository
findByUuid(java.util.UUID) - Method in SampleChildRepository
findByUuid(java.util.UUID) - Method in SampleGrandChildRepository
findByUuid(java.util.UUID) - Method in SampleParentRepository
findByUuid(java.util.UUID) - Method in UserPreferenceRepository
findByUuid(java.util.UUID) - Method in UserRepository
FindComponentResponseDetail - Class in sample.pogo
The sample response from the OrderController.findComponents() method.
FindComponentResponseDetail() - Constructor in FindComponentResponseDetail
findComponents(io.micronaut.http.HttpRequest, java.security.Principal) - Method in OrderController
Returns a list (JSON formatted) that contains a POGO list of values.
findDomainRecord(java.lang.Class, java.lang.Object) - Method in DomainUtils
Returns the domain record that matches the given uuid or primary key.
findLine(java.lang.String, java.lang.String) - Method in TextUtils
Utility method to find the line in the output with the given text.
findLogoutButton() - Method in BaseGUISpecification
Finds the logout button on the current page.
findMethod(java.lang.Class, java.lang.String, java.lang.Class) - Method in ASTUtils
Finds the method from the given class, with the given arguments.
findPredecessor(List<String>, java.lang.String) - Method in FieldAdjuster
Finds the predecessor string for a given element.
findPreferences(io.micronaut.http.HttpRequest) - Method in UserPreferenceController
Finds the given preference.
findPreferences(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String) - Method in UserPreferenceService
Finds the given preference(s).
findRecord(java.util.Map) - Method in CRUDGUITester
Finds the domain record in the DB for the given parameter set.
findRecords() - Method in SearchEngineRequestBulkIndex
Returns the domain objects using their IDs stored in domainIDs.
findRelatedRecords(java.lang.Object) - Method in DomainUtils
Calls the domain object's findRelatedRecords() method for the given object.
findRelatedRecords() - Method in SampleParent
Support routine for archiving.
findSimplePreference(io.micronaut.http.HttpRequest) - Method in UserPreferenceController
Finds the simple preference value for the current user and the given page.
findSimplePreference(java.lang.String, java.lang.String) - Method in UserPreferenceService
Saves the given preference value into the user's preferences for the give element.
findString(java.lang.String) - Method in WebClientLookup
Finds the given key from the locale-specific resources.
findTypeFromParser(com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonParser) - Method in JSONByIDDeserializer
Determines the type from the parser (if possible).
findTypeFromParser(com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonParser) - Method in JSONByKeyDeserializer
Determines the type from the parser (if possible).
findWork(io.micronaut.http.HttpRequest, java.security.Principal) - Method in OrderController
Returns a list (JSON formatted) that contains a POGO list of values.
FindWorkResponse - Class in sample.pogo
The sample response from the WorkListService.findWork() service method.
FindWorkResponse() - Constructor in FindWorkResponse
FindWorkResponseDetail - Class in sample.pogo
The sample response from the WorkListService.findWork() service method.
FindWorkResponseDetail() - Constructor in FindWorkResponseDetail
finish(java.io.Writer) - Method in TypeableMapper
Finishes the output of the JSON.
finishedBulkRequest(int) - Method in SearchHelper
This is called when a bulk request is finished.
finishedRequest() - Method in SearchHelper
Notifies the helper that a request was added.
fixGStringArgument(java.lang.Object) - Method in TextUtils
fixInClauseArray(java.lang.String, java.lang.Object) - Method in SQLUtils
Fixes the IN(?)
fixSpecialCasesForPut(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object, org.simplemes.eframe.data.FieldDefinitionInterface) - Method in FieldHolderMap
Fixes some special cases that need to be stored in non-standard format (e.g.
fixValueToForceFailure(java.lang.String, java.lang.Object) - Method in CRUDGUITester
Fixes the value to intentionally trigger a test error.
FLASH_DETAILS - Field in StandardModelAndView
The name of the Freemarker data model element that holds the server-side flash details message text.
FLASH - Field in StandardModelAndView
The name of the Freemarker data model element that holds the server-side flash message text.
FlexField - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.custom.domain
Defines the basic user-defined data field used explicitly in domain class.
FlexField() - Constructor in FlexField
FlexFieldRepository - Interface in org.simplemes.eframe.custom.domain
The FlexField repository base interface.
FlexFieldRepository() - Constructor in FlexFieldRepository
FlexType - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.custom.domain
Defines the basic user-defined data types.
FlexType() - Constructor in FlexType
FlexTypeController - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.custom.controller
Handles the controller actions for the Flex Type objects.
FlexTypeController() - Constructor in FlexTypeController
FlexTypeRepository - Interface in org.simplemes.eframe.custom.domain
The FlexType repository base interface.
FlexTypeRepository() - Constructor in FlexTypeRepository
forbidden(io.micronaut.http.HttpRequest) - Method in GlobalErrorController
Handles the FORBIDDEN response from the security logic.
ForeignReferenceSerializer - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.json
A serializer for writing foreign domain references with a simple format: just the key field(s) and an ID.
ForeignReferenceSerializer() - Constructor in ForeignReferenceSerializer
format(java.lang.Object, java.util.Locale, org.simplemes.eframe.data.FieldDefinitionInterface) - Method in BigDecimalFieldFormat
Formats the given value for display as a string into the correct type for a field.
format(java.lang.Object, java.util.Locale, org.simplemes.eframe.data.FieldDefinitionInterface) - Method in BooleanFieldFormat
Formats the given value for display as a string into the correct type for a field.
format(java.lang.Object, java.util.Locale, org.simplemes.eframe.data.FieldDefinitionInterface) - Method in ChildListFieldFormat
Formats the given value for display as a string into the correct type for a field.
format(java.lang.Object, java.util.Locale, org.simplemes.eframe.data.FieldDefinitionInterface) - Method in CustomChildListFieldFormat
Formats the given value for display as a string into the correct type for a field.
format(java.lang.Object, java.util.Locale, org.simplemes.eframe.data.FieldDefinitionInterface) - Method in DateFieldFormat
Formats the given value for display as a string into the correct type for a field.
format(java.lang.Object, java.util.Locale, org.simplemes.eframe.data.FieldDefinitionInterface) - Method in DateOnlyFieldFormat
Formats the given value for display as a string into the correct type for a field.
format(java.lang.Object, java.util.Locale, org.simplemes.eframe.data.FieldDefinitionInterface) - Method in DomainReferenceFieldFormat
Formats the given value for display as a string into the correct type for a field.
format(java.lang.Object, java.util.Locale, org.simplemes.eframe.data.FieldDefinitionInterface) - Method in DomainRefListFieldFormat
Formats the given value for display as a string into the correct type for a field.
format(java.lang.Object, java.util.Locale, org.simplemes.eframe.data.FieldDefinitionInterface) - Method in EncodedTypeFieldFormat
Formats the given value for display as a string into the correct type for a field.
format(java.lang.Object, java.util.Locale, org.simplemes.eframe.data.FieldDefinitionInterface) - Method in EnumFieldFormat
Formats the given value for display as a string into the correct type for a field.
The javascript template formatter for HTML tags, but allows the safe tags (e.g. bold).
format(java.lang.Object, java.util.Locale, org.simplemes.eframe.data.FieldDefinitionInterface) - Method in FieldFormatInterface
Formats the given value for display as a string into the correct type for a field.
format(java.lang.Object, java.util.Locale, org.simplemes.eframe.data.FieldDefinitionInterface) - Method in IntegerFieldFormat
Formats the given value for display as a string into the correct type for a field.
format(org.simplemes.eframe.date.DateOnly) - Method in ISODate
Formats the given dateOnly in standard ISO 8601 format.
format(java.lang.Object, java.util.Locale, org.simplemes.eframe.data.FieldDefinitionInterface) - Method in LongFieldFormat
Formats the given value for display as a string into the correct type for a field.
format(java.lang.Object, java.util.Locale, org.simplemes.eframe.data.FieldDefinitionInterface) - Method in StringFieldFormat
Formats the given value for display as a string into the correct type for a field.
formatConfigurableTypeValues(java.lang.Object, java.util.Map) - Method in ExtensibleFieldHelper
Formats all of the Extensible Field name/value pairs for display.
formatCustomListForJSON(java.lang.Object, org.simplemes.eframe.data.FieldDefinitionInterface) - Method in CustomChildListFieldFormat
Formats the given value for display as a string into the correct type for a field.
formatDate(org.simplemes.eframe.date.DateOnly, java.util.Locale) - Method in DateUtils
Formats the given DateOnly for GUI display.
formatElapsedTime(long, java.util.Locale, java.lang.String) - Method in DateUtils
Build a human-readable elapsed time string from the given elapsed time (ms), but only shows one number to make it readable.
formatExceptionForHTML(java.lang.Throwable) - Method in HTMLUtils
Formats an exception with stack trace for clear display on an HTML error page.
formatExpectedValueForShow(java.lang.Object) - Method in CRUDGUITester
Format the expected value to a display format (string usually).
formatFields(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.Boolean, java.lang.Integer) - Method in ReportUtils
Formats the extensible fields from the json field in a format suitable for web pages.
formatForDisplay(java.lang.Object) - Method in BaseLabeledFieldWidget
Formats the given value for display in the text field.
formatForDisplay(java.lang.Object) - Method in DateFieldWidget
Formats the given value for display in the text field.
formatForDisplay(java.lang.Object) - Method in DateOnlyFieldWidget
Formats the given value for display in the text field.
formatForDisplay(java.lang.Object) - Method in MultiComboboxWidget
Formats the given value for display in the text field.
formatForDisplay(java.lang.Object) - Method in NumberFieldWidget
Formats the given value for display in the text field.
formatForDisplay(java.lang.Object) - Method in ReportEngine
Formats the given value for use in the HTML page.
formatForDisplay(java.lang.Object) - Method in TextFieldWidget
Formats the given value for display in the text field.
formatForIndex(java.lang.Object) - Method in SearchEngineClient
Formats the given object as JSON for the search engine index requests.
formatForm(java.lang.Object, java.util.Locale, org.simplemes.eframe.data.FieldDefinitionInterface) - Method in BasicFieldFormat
Formats the given value for uses in an input value in a UI form.
formatForm(java.lang.Object, java.util.Locale, org.simplemes.eframe.data.FieldDefinitionInterface) - Method in DateFieldFormat
Formats the given value for uses in an input value in a UI form.
formatForm(java.lang.Object, java.util.Locale, org.simplemes.eframe.data.FieldDefinitionInterface) - Method in DateOnlyFieldFormat
Formats the given value for uses in an input value in a UI form.
formatForm(java.util.Date) - Method in DateUtils
Formats the given date for form default values in locale-independent format.
formatForm(java.lang.Object, java.util.Locale, org.simplemes.eframe.data.FieldDefinitionInterface) - Method in FieldFormatInterface
Formats the given value for uses in an input value in a UI form.
formatForObject(java.lang.Object, org.simplemes.eframe.data.format.FieldFormatInterface) - Method in JavascriptUtils
Formats the value for use in a standard javascript object block (e.g. : var o ={name: 'value'}).
formatForURL(java.lang.Object) - Method in ReportEngine
Formats the given value for use on a URL.
formatLargeNumberReadable(long, java.util.Locale) - Method in NumberUtils
Build a human-readable large number with M, K, G, etc. 3,543,725 is displayed as '3.1M' and 54,543,725 is displayed as '54M'.
formatMultilineHTMLString(java.lang.String) - Method in JavascriptUtils
Formats the given string as a Javascript string, with multi-line support and double quote escaping.
formatNumber(java.lang.Number, java.util.Locale, boolean) - Method in NumberUtils
Build a human-readable form of the given Number with the specified locale.
formatRelativeTime(long, java.util.Locale, java.lang.String) - Method in DateUtils
Build a human-readable relative time.
FormMarker - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.web.ui.webix.freemarker
Provides the efForm Freemarker marker implementation.
FormMarker() - Constructor in FormMarker
FreemarkerDirective - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.web.ui.webix.freemarker
The main entry point for freemarker directives.
FreemarkerDirective() - Constructor in FreemarkerDirective
FreemarkerDirectiveConfiguration - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.web.ui.webix.freemarker
Updates the Freemarker configuration needed for a standard freemarker setup.
FreemarkerDirectiveConfiguration() - Constructor in FreemarkerDirectiveConfiguration
FreemarkerWrapper - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.web.view
A simple wrapper used to wrap a Map so the Freemarker will not recursively wrap the elements.
FreemarkerWrapper() - Constructor in FreemarkerWrapper
fromJSON(java.lang.String) - Method in FieldHolderMap
Parses the given JSON text into this Map.


generate() - Method in BaseWidget
Returns the final UI text and adds the closing text values as needed.
generate(groovy.lang.Closure) - Method in DataGenerator
Triggers the generation of the data.
get(java.lang.Object) - Method in FieldHolderMap
Returns the value to which the specified key is mapped, or null if this map contains no mapping for the key.
get(java.lang.String) - Method in MockPreferenceHolder
Returns the appropriate bean implementation, if needed.
get(java.util.UUID) - Method in OrderRepository
get(java.lang.String) - Method in PreferenceHolder
Gets the preference from the stored setting.
get() - Method in SampleParentController
get(java.lang.Object) - Method in ShortTermCacheMap
Returns the value to which the specified key is mapped, or null if this map contains no mapping for the key.
get(java.util.UUID) - Method in UserRepository
getAbsolutePath() - Method in MockFile
Returns the absolute pathname string of this abstract pathname.
getAddition() - Method in AdditionInterface
Returns the elements needed/provided by this addition.
getAdditions() - Method in AdditionHelper
Returns the list of additions.
getAdjustments() - Method in FieldGUIExtension
Get the Adjustments.
getAllBrowserPaths() - Method in ControllerUtils
Returns all of the paths defined by the controllers in the server.
getAllControllers() - Method in ControllerUtils
Returns all of the controller classes defined in the system.
getAllDomains() - Method in DomainUtils
Returns all of the domain classes defined in the system.
getAllFieldsDomain() - Method in SampleParentInterface
getAllFieldsDomains() - Method in SampleParentInterface
getAllServices() - Method in ServiceUtils
Returns all of the service classes defined in the system.
getAllValues(java.lang.Class) - Method in EncodedTypeListUtils
Returns the list of valid values for the given ChoiceList base class.
getApplicationContext() - Method in DomainEntityHelper
Get the application context from the holders.
getApplicationContext() - Method in ExtensionPointHelper
Get the application context from the holders.
getArchiver() - Method in ArchiverFactory
Builds an archiver for a single use.
getArchiver() - Method in ArchiverFactoryInterface
Builds an archiver for a single use.
getArgs() - Method in ValidationError
getArgs() - Method in ValidationErrorInterface
Returns the other args for the error message.
getAssetPath(java.lang.String, org.simplemes.eframe.web.ui.webix.freemarker.BaseMarker) - Method in AssetMarker
Allows access to the asset logic for other markers to use.
getAssets() - Method in AdditionInterface
Returns the assets defined in this addition.
getAssets() - Method in BaseAddition
Returns the assets defined in this addition.
getAt(java.lang.String) - Method in StandardModelAndView
Provides subscript access to the model without worrying about the Optional get() call.
getAttributes() - Method in MockPrincipal
The mock attributes.
getAuthoritySummary() - Method in User
Finds all of the user roles this user has assigned and returns it as a comma-delimited list of roles (titles).
getBean(Class<T>) - Method in Holders
Convenience method to get the bean from the Application Context.
getBeanImpl() - Method in MockBean
Returns the appropriate bean implementation, if needed.
getBooleanAttribute(java.lang.String) - Method in BaseWidget
Returns the given boolean attribute as a boolean if the value is "true".
getBulkPercentComplete() - Method in SearchStatus
Calculate the percent complete on the bulk requests.
getBundleControl() - Method in MessageSource
The control used to load the bundle.
getBundleRelativePath() - Method in Report
Returns the relative path for a bundle reference.
getClassName(java.io.File) - Method in ExtensionPointDocumentExtractor
Converts the given file name into a class package/name.
getClient() - Method in BaseAPISpecification
Gets the current (static) client for requests sent to the embedded server.
getClientFormatType() - Method in BasicFieldFormat
Returns the client format type code.
getClientFormatType() - Method in ConfigurableTypeDomainFormat
Returns the client format type code.
getClientFormatType() - Method in CustomChildListFieldFormat
Returns the client format type code.
getClientFormatType() - Method in DomainReferenceFieldFormat
Returns the client format type code.
getClientFormatType() - Method in EncodedTypeFieldFormat
Returns the client format type code.
getClientFormatType() - Method in FieldFormatInterface
Returns the client format type code.
getClientFormatType() - Method in LongFieldFormat
Returns the client format type code.
getClientLevels() - Method in LoggingController
Returns the list of client javascript levels defined in the system.
getCode() - Method in ValidationError
The message code.
getCode() - Method in ValidationErrorInterface
The message code.
getColumnIndex(java.lang.Class, java.lang.String) - Method in BaseGUISpecification
Determines the column index for the given column (field) name for the given domain.
getColumnName(java.lang.Class, java.lang.String) - Method in DomainEntityHelper
Returns the column name for the given field in the domain entity.
getColumnName() - Method in FieldDefinitionInterface
The field's Database column name.
getColumnName() - Method in PersistentProperty
getComboListItem(java.lang.String) - Method in BaseGUISpecification
Finds the combobox popup list item with the given ID.
getCompiledReport() - Method in Report
Returns the compiled report.
getComplexHolder(java.lang.Object) - Method in DomainEntityHelper
Finds the complex custom fields holder for given domain object.
getComplexHolder(java.lang.Object) - Method in ExtensibleFieldHelper
Gets the complex field holder.
getConfigMap() - Method in FieldHolderMap
Returns the master config Map from this map.
getConfiguration(io.micronaut.views.freemarker.FreemarkerViewsRendererConfiguration, io.micronaut.views.ViewsConfiguration, io.micronaut.context.env.Environment) - Method in EFrameFreemarkerFactory
getControllerByName(java.lang.String) - Method in ControllerUtils
Finds the controller Class using the given simpleName for the class.
getControllerClass() - Method in BaseWidget
Determines the Controller Class to be used by this widget.
getControllerClass() - Method in MarkerContext
Returns the class for the controller.
getCoreTasks() - Method in TaskMenuControllerUtils
Determines the core tasks from all defined controllers.
getCurrentFields(java.lang.Object, java.lang.String) - Method in ConfigurableFormatInterface
Gets list of fields currently selected for the Configurable Type value.
getCurrentFields(java.lang.Object, java.lang.String) - Method in ConfigurableTypeDomainFormat
Gets list of fields currently selected for the Configurable Type value.
getCurrentRequest() - Method in Holders
Returns the current request for this thread.
getCurrentUserName() - Method in SecurityUtils
A Convenience method to return the user name for the user currently logged in for the current HTTP request.
getCustomChildLists(org.simplemes.eframe.domain.annotation.DomainEntityInterface) - Method in ExtensibleFieldHelper
Gets the custom fields that are child object lists.
getCustomHolderFieldName(java.lang.Class) - Method in ExtensibleFieldHelper
Gets the name of the custom field value holder in the domain object.
getDashboardEvent(java.lang.String) - Method in BaseDashboardSpecification
Gets the given event's contents from the standard test activity DashboardTestController.DISPLAY_EVENT_ACTIVITY.
getDataSource() - Method in Holders
Returns the current data source.
getDateCreated() - Method in SampleParentInterface
getDateFormat(java.util.Locale) - Method in DateUtils
Finds the right date formatter for the given locale.
getDateFormat(java.util.Locale) - Method in GUISetupMarker
Gets the date only format for the given locale.
getDateOnlyFormat(java.util.Locale) - Method in DateUtils
Finds the right date formatter for the given locale.
getDateUpdated() - Method in SampleParentInterface
getDBConnection() - Method in EFrameJdbcRepositoryOperations
Ensure that the current SQL is being executed in a transaction - Static version for a single data source.
getDBConnection() - Method in Holders
Returns the a connection for the current transaction.
getDefaultParameters() - Method in Report
Finds the default values for the report parameters.
getDefinedReportParameters() - Method in Report
Finds the defined report parameters.
getDisplayValue() - Method in ArchiveSearchHit
Builds the display value for this hit.
getDisplayValue() - Method in BasicFieldFormat
Returns the display value for the choice list.
getDisplayValue() - Method in BasicStatus
Returns the display value for the choice list.
getDisplayValue() - Method in ChoiceListItemInterface
The display value for the choice.
getDisplayValue() - Method in FlexType
Returns the display value for the choice list (e.g. a domain record or enum element).
getDisplayValue() - Method in SearchHit
Builds the display value for this hit.
getDomain() - Method in BaseCrudController
Returns the expected domain needed for this controller.
getDomain() - Method in BaseCrudController2
Returns the expected domain needed for this controller.
getDomain(java.lang.String) - Method in DomainUtils
Returns a domain class, using the simple name for the class (case insensitive).
getDomainClass() - Method in BaseWidget
Determines the Class for the domain related to the controller.
getDomainClass(java.lang.String) - Method in ControllerUtils
Finds the domain class associated with the base controller URI.
getDomainClass() - Method in SearchHit
This will read the actual domain object from the DB.
getDomainClassForIndex(java.lang.String) - Method in SearchHelper
Get the domain class associated with the given index name.
getDomainLabel() - Method in TitleMarker
Returns the desired domain object's display label.
getDomainObject() - Method in DomainSaveTransactionEvent
getDomains() - Method in SearchEngineRequestBulkArchiveIndex
Returns the domain objects using their IDs stored in domainIDs.
getDomainSettingValue(org.simplemes.eframe.domain.annotation.DomainEntityInterface, java.lang.String) - Method in DomainEntityHelper
Gets a value from the domain settings in the given object.
getEffectiveFieldDefinitions(java.lang.Class, java.lang.Object) - Method in ExtensibleFieldHelper
Find the effective FieldDefinitions for the given domain/POGO class.
getEffectiveFieldDefinitions(java.lang.Class) - Method in MockFieldExtension
Mock for: Find the effective FieldDefinitions for the given domain/POGO class.
getEffectiveFieldOrder(java.lang.Class, List<String>) - Method in ExtensibleFieldHelper
Determines the effective field order after applying the addition (extension) modules to the domain and then the user's adjustments to the static fieldOrder from the domain class.
getEffectiveFieldOrder(java.lang.Class, List<String>) - Method in MockFieldExtension
Mock for: Determines the effective field order after applying the addition (extension) modules to the domain and then the user's adjustments to the static fieldOrder from the domain class.
getEffectiveRowLimit() - Method in Report
Determine the effective row limit to use for the report.
getEffectiveValue() - Method in ReportFieldDefinition
Gets the effective value for the report.
getElementNames() - Method in PreferenceHolder
Returns the list of element names.
getEncodedTypes() - Method in AdditionInterface
Returns the list of encoded field types that will be supported.
getEncodedTypes() - Method in BaseAddition
Returns the list of encoded field types that data layer will support.
getEntity() - Method in MockRestClient.MockResponse
getEntity() - Method in UpdateFailedException
getExists() - Method in DialogModule
Returns true if the dialog is visible.
getExtensibleFieldMap(java.lang.Object) - Method in ExtensibleFieldHelper
Gets the field holder front-end Map.
getExtensibleFieldMapNoParse(java.lang.Object) - Method in ExtensibleFieldHelper
Gets the field holder front-end Map.
getExtensibleFieldsText(java.lang.Object, java.lang.String) - Method in ExtensibleFieldHelper
Gets the field holder text.
getExtensionConfiguration(java.lang.Class) - Method in ExtensionService
Finds the current extension configuration for a given domain.
getExtensions(Class<T>) - Method in HyperlinkProducerFactory
Returns a list of extension objects for a specific extension type.
getFailureCount() - Method in SearchHelper
Returns the current failure count.
getField() - Method in PersistentProperty
getFieldDefinitions(java.lang.Class) - Method in DomainUtils
Find the FieldDefinitions for the given domain/POGO class.
getFieldFormat() - Method in FieldInterface
The format of this field (e.g.
getFieldLabel(java.lang.String) - Method in BaseGUISpecification
Finds the field label (text) for the given field name.
getFieldLabel() - Method in FieldInterface
The label to use when displaying or prompting for this field value.
getFieldMap(java.lang.String, boolean) - Method in FieldHolderMap
Returns the field config Map for the given field.
getFieldMaxLength(java.lang.reflect.Field) - Method in PersistentProperty
Finds the max length of the given field, from the
getFieldName() - Method in FieldInterface
The name of the field.
getFieldName() - Method in ValidationError
The name of the field with the validation error.
getFieldName() - Method in ValidationErrorInterface
The name of the field with the validation error.
getFields() - Method in AdditionInterface
Returns the field extensions defined in this addition.
getFields() - Method in BaseAddition
Returns the field extensions defined in this addition.
getFieldsToDisplay(java.lang.Class, java.lang.String) - Method in BaseDefinitionPageMarker
Determines the effective fields to display.
getFieldSummary() - Method in FlexType
Builds the transient list of the fields defined for this flex type.
getFieldType(java.lang.Class, java.lang.String) - Method in DomainUtils
Finds the class for the given field name.
getFieldValue(java.lang.Object) - Method in AdditionFieldDefinition
Gets the given field value from the given object (domain or POGO depending on sub-class).
getFieldValue(java.lang.Object) - Method in ConfigurableTypeFieldDefinition
Gets the given field value from the given object (domain or POGO depending on sub-class).
getFieldValue(java.lang.Object) - Method in CustomFieldDefinition
Gets the given field value from the given object (domain or POGO depending on sub-class).
getFieldValue(java.lang.Object, java.lang.String) - Method in ExtensibleFieldHelper
Gets the value in a custom field holder.
getFieldValue(java.lang.Object) - Method in FieldDefinitionInterface
Gets the given field value from the given object (domain or POGO depending on sub-class).
getFieldValue(java.lang.Object) - Method in ReportFieldDefinition
Gets the given field value from the given object (domain or POGO depending on sub-class).
getFieldValue(java.lang.Object) - Method in SimpleFieldDefinition
Gets the given field value from the given object (domain or POGO depending on sub-class).
getFinishedRequestCount() - Method in SearchHelper
Returns the current request count.
getFormat() - Method in FieldDefinitionInterface
The format of this field (e.g.
getFormat() - Method in SimpleFieldDefinition
Gets the field format.
getFreemarkerConfiguration() - Method in UnitTestRenderer
Returns the the unit test Freemarker configuration class.
getFromShortTermCache(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object) - Method in ExtensibleFieldHelper
Gets the value from the short-term cache in the domain object.
getFullDateFormat(java.util.Locale) - Method in GUISetupMarker
Gets the full date/time format for the given locale.
getGlobalPostscript() - Method in MarkerCoordinator
Returns the current global postscript (as a string).
getGridEditor(org.simplemes.eframe.data.FieldDefinitionInterface) - Method in BasicFieldFormat
getGridEditor(org.simplemes.eframe.data.FieldDefinitionInterface) - Method in BooleanFieldFormat
Defines the editor to use for this type of field when used in an editable inline grid.
getGridEditor(org.simplemes.eframe.data.FieldDefinitionInterface) - Method in DateFieldFormat
Defines the editor to use for this type of field when used in an editable inline grid.
getGridEditor(org.simplemes.eframe.data.FieldDefinitionInterface) - Method in DateOnlyFieldFormat
Defines the editor to use for this type of field when used in an editable inline grid.
getGridEditor(org.simplemes.eframe.data.FieldDefinitionInterface) - Method in DomainReferenceFieldFormat
Defines the editor to use for this type of field when used in an editable inline grid.
getGridEditor(org.simplemes.eframe.data.FieldDefinitionInterface) - Method in EncodedTypeFieldFormat
Defines the editor to use for this type of field when used in an editable inline grid.
getGridEditor(org.simplemes.eframe.data.FieldDefinitionInterface) - Method in EnumFieldFormat
Defines the editor to use for this type of field when used in an editable inline grid.
getGridEditor(org.simplemes.eframe.data.FieldDefinitionInterface) - Method in FieldFormatInterface
Defines the editor to use for this type of field when used in an editable inline grid.
getGuiHints() - Method in FieldDefinitionInterface
The GUI hints (field-specific parameters) to pass to a marker.
getGuiHints() - Method in FieldInterface
Some GUI hints, stored as name/value paris in a standard map.
getHandler(java.lang.String) - Method in HyperlinkProducerFactory
Returns the hyperlink producer associated with a specific hyperlink type.
getHistoryTracking() - Method in FieldInterface
The history tracking setting.
getHyperlink(net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRPrintHyperlink) - Method in HyperlinkProducer
Generates the String hyperlink for a hyperlink instance.
getId() - Method in BigDecimalFieldFormat
The internal ID for the format.
getId() - Method in BooleanFieldFormat
The internal ID for the format.
getId() - Method in ChildListFieldFormat
The internal ID for the format.
getId() - Method in ChoiceListItemInterface
Returns internal ID for this choice.
getId() - Method in ConfigurableTypeDomainFormat
The internal ID for the format.
getId() - Method in CustomChildListFieldFormat
The internal ID for the format.
getId() - Method in DateFieldFormat
The internal ID for the format.
getId() - Method in DateOnlyFieldFormat
The internal ID for the format.
getId() - Method in DomainReferenceFieldFormat
The internal ID for the format.
getId() - Method in DomainRefListFieldFormat
The internal ID for the format.
getId() - Method in EncodedTypeFieldFormat
The internal ID for the format.
getId() - Method in EncodedTypeInterface
Returns the encoded ID of this value.
getId() - Method in EnumFieldFormat
The internal ID for the format.
getId() - Method in FieldFormatInterface
The internal ID for the format.
getId() - Method in FlexType
Returns internal ID for this choice.
getId() - Method in IntegerFieldFormat
The internal ID for the format.
getId() - Method in LongFieldFormat
The internal ID for the format.
getId() - Method in StringFieldFormat
The internal ID for the format.
getIndexNameForDomain(java.lang.Class) - Method in SearchHelper
Get the index name for the given domain class.
getIndexView() - Method in BaseCrudController2
Determines the uri of the index page.
getInfoMsg() - Method in UndoActionInterface
Returns an optional message to be displayed when the user triggers this undo action.
getInitialDataLoaders() - Method in AdditionInterface
Returns a list of classes that define non-domain classes that will perform initial data loading.
getInitialDataLoaders() - Method in BaseAddition
Returns a list of classes that define non-domain classes that will perform initial data loading.
getInputField(java.lang.String) - Method in BaseGUISpecification
Finds the given input text field element on the GUI.
getInputStream(org.simplemes.eframe.reports.Report) - Method in ReportHelper
Opens an input stream for the report's jrxml file.
getInputWidth() - Method in ComboboxWidget
Determines the size of this widget's input field (in characters).
getInputWidth() - Method in DateFieldWidget
Determines the size of this widget's input field (in characters).
getInputWidth() - Method in DateOnlyFieldWidget
Determines the size of this widget's input field (in characters).
getInstance() - Method in BasicFieldFormat
Returns a singleton instance of this format.
getInstance() - Method in DomainEntityHelper
getInstance() - Method in SQLUtils
getJarFilePath(java.net.URL) - Method in ClassPathScanner
Gets the file name for the given JAR file URL.
getJarFiles() - Method in ClassPathUtils
Gets a list of the .jar files from the classpath.
getJson() - Method in UndoActionInterface
The JSON content to submit in order to undo a previous action.
getKey() - Method in ColumnPreference
The key (column name) for this preference.
getKey() - Method in ConfigButtonPreference
The key for this preference.
getKey() - Method in DialogPreference
The key for this preference.
getKey() - Method in PreferenceSettingInterface
The key for this preference.
getKey() - Method in SplitterPreference
The key for this preference.
getKey() - Method in TreeStatePreference
The key for this preference.
getKeyFields(java.lang.Class) - Method in DomainUtils
Finds the key field(s) for a given domain class.
getLabel() - Method in AdditionFieldDefinition
The display label.
getLabel() - Method in CustomFieldDefinition
The display label.
getLabel() - Method in FieldDefinitionInterface
The display label.
getLevelText() - Method in MessageHolder
Returns the level (as text).
getLink() - Method in ArchiveSearchHit
Builds the link HREF for this search hit.
getLink() - Method in SearchHit
Builds the link HREF for this search hit.
getListElementFromPOGO(java.lang.String) - Method in ControllerUtils
Gets the list content class for the given POGO class.
getLocalizedBulkIndexStatus() - Method in SearchStatus
Localizes the bulk indexing status.
getLocalizedName(java.util.Locale) - Method in TaskMenuFolder
Returns the localized name.
getLocalizedName(java.util.Locale) - Method in TaskMenuItem
Returns the localized name.
getLocalizedStatus() - Method in SearchStatus
Localizes the overall status.
getLocalizedTooltip(java.util.Locale) - Method in TaskMenuFolder
Returns the localized tooltip.
getLocalizedTooltip(java.util.Locale) - Method in TaskMenuItem
Returns the localized tooltip.
getLogger(java.lang.Class) - Method in LogUtils
Finds the logger for the given class.
getLoggingLevelIfClear(java.lang.String) - Method in LoggingController
Finds the logging level, if the current level is clear (null).
getLoggingLevels(java.lang.String) - Method in LoggingController
Finds the current logging level for the given logger (class).
getMaxLength() - Method in FieldDefinitionInterface
The maximum length of the custom value (Strings only). 0 or null means no limit (except for column limitations).
getMaxLength() - Method in FieldInterface
The maximum length of the custom value (Strings only). 0 or null means no limit (except for column limitations).
getMaxLength() - Method in NumberFieldWidget
Determines the max number of characters this field can contain.
getMaxLength() - Method in PersistentProperty
getMaxLength() - Method in TextFieldWidget
Determines the max number of characters this field can contain.
getMaxValueWidth() - Method in MultiComboboxWidget
Keep track of the max width of any value in the list.
getMessage() - Method in MessageBasedException
Returns the detail message string of this throwable.
getMessage(java.lang.String, java.util.Locale, java.lang.Object) - Method in MessageSource
Looks up the given string from the supported resource bundle(s) and formats the arguments into the message for a localized display string.
getMessage() - Method in MockAppender
Returns the first message.
getMessageFormat(java.lang.String, java.util.Locale) - Method in MessageSource
Checks gets the message format for the given key/locale.
getMessageSource() - Method in GlobalUtils
Gets the message source bean (if possible).
getModelValue(java.lang.String) - Method in BaseMarker
Gets an unwrapped model value for the given key name.
getModuleName() - Method in EFrameJacksonModule
Method that returns a display that can be used by Jackson for informational purposes, as well as in associating extensions with module that provides them.
getModules() - Method in ModuleUtils
Returns the modules from the class path in readable format.
getMoreNotes() - Method in SampleParentInterface
getName() - Method in AdditionInterface
Returns the name of this addition.
getName() - Method in BaseAddition
Returns the name of this addition.
getName() - Method in FieldDefinitionInterface
The field's internal name.
getName() - Method in FieldFormatInterface
The external name for the format.
getName() - Method in MockFile
Returns the base file name.
getName() - Method in MockPrincipal
Returns the name of this principal.
getName() - Method in PersistentProperty
getName() - Method in SampleParentInterface
getName() - Method in TaskMenuItem
Returns the sanitized name.
getNotDisplayed() - Method in SampleParentInterface
getNotes() - Method in SampleParentInterface
getObject() - Method in ArchiveSearchHit
This returns the archive reference since the archive object is not in the DB.
getObject() - Method in SearchHit
This will read the actual domain object from the DB.
getObjectMapper() - Method in BaseSpecification
Gets or builds an object mapper that is configured for the eframe testing.
getObjectMapper() - Method in Holders
Returns the object mapper in use for this server.
getObjectWrapper() - Method in BaseMarker
Returns the object wrapper for accessing the raw objects in a freemarker data model.
getOpenLevels(java.lang.String) - Method in LoggingController
Determines the 'open' top-level entries in the tree from the user preferences.
getOrder() - Method in AutoRefreshTokenFilter
The order of the object.
getOriginalFieldDefinition(java.lang.Object) - Method in FieldHolderMap
Gets the original field definition of the given field (if found) from the internal config map.
getOtherLevels(java.lang.String) - Method in LoggingController
Determines the 'other' logger levels the user cares about.
getPageSize() - Method in ListWidget
Determines the desired page size.
getPanelName(java.lang.String) - Method in PanelUtils
Determines the panel name from a given 'field' name definition.
getParentFieldName(java.lang.Class) - Method in DomainUtils
Finds the field name for the parent reference field name on the given domain class.
getPasswordEncoder() - Method in User
Finds the right encoder to use.
getPersistentField(java.lang.Class, java.lang.String) - Method in DomainUtils
Gets a single persistent field for the given domain entity class.
getPersistentFields(java.lang.Class) - Method in DomainUtils
Gets the persistent fields for the given Domain entity class.
getPersistentFields() - Method in MockDomainUtils
Returns the list of mocked properties for this object.
getPersistentProperties(java.lang.Class) - Method in DomainEntityHelper
Returns the list of persistent properties (columns) for the given domain class.
getPostscript() - Method in MarkerCoordinator
Returns the current postscript (as a string).
getPreferences() - Method in UserPreference
Get the Preferences.
getPreparedStatement(java.lang.String) - Method in BaseSpecification
Creates a prepared SQL statement.
getPreparedStatement(java.lang.String) - Method in DomainEntityHelper
Creates a prepared SQL statement.
getPreparedStatement(java.lang.String) - Method in SQLUtils
Creates a prepared statement for the given SQL.
getPrescript() - Method in MarkerCoordinator
Returns the current prescript (as a string).
getPrimaryKeyField(java.lang.Class) - Method in DomainUtils
Determines the default sort field for the domain.
getReadonlyFieldValue(java.lang.String) - Method in BaseGUISpecification
Finds the field value (text) for the given field name.
getRealClassFromBean(java.lang.Class) - Method in TypeUtils
Finds the real, underlying class for the given clazz for the bean.
getReferenceType() - Method in FieldDefinitionInterface
The class defined for the referenced element (mainly used for List, enumerations and encoded types).
getReferenceType() - Method in PersistentProperty
getReportParameters() - Method in Report
Finds the effective report parameters to use.
getRepositoryFromAnnotation(java.lang.Class) - Method in DomainEntityHelper
Determine the repository from the
getRequestLocale(java.util.Locale) - Method in GlobalUtils
Determines the locale to be used from the request.
getRequestParameters() - Method in BaseMarker
Gets the parameters from the HTTP request that called this marker.
getRequestParameters() - Method in BaseWidget
Gets the parameters from the HTTP request that called this marker.
getRequestParameters() - Method in MarkerInterface
Gets the parameters from the HTTP request that called this marker.
getRequestSource(io.micronaut.http.HttpRequest) - Method in RefreshTokenService
Returns the request source IP address (as string) plus other request-related details (e.g.
getRequired() - Method in FieldInterface
True if the field is considered required.
getReSizerPreference(java.lang.String) - Method in DashboardMarker
Finds the user's preference for the panel size (from last resize).
getResource(java.lang.String) - Method in ReportResourceCache
Retrieves a given resource from the cache.
getResourceBundles(java.lang.String, java.util.Locale) - Method in MessageSource
Gets/loads the given resource bundle for the given locale.
getResourcePath(java.lang.String) - Method in ReportResourceHandler
Provides the resource path to use for the given ID in the report.
getRestClient() - Method in SearchEngineClient
Returns the client used to talk to the search engine.
getRmaSummary() - Method in RMA
Finds all of the user roles this user has assigned and returns it as a comma-delimited list of roles (titles).
getRootPath() - Method in BaseCrudController
Returns the Root URI path for this controller.
getRootPath() - Method in BaseCrudController2
Returns the Root URI path for this controller.
getRootPath() - Method in ClassPathScanner
Returns the root path for the desired resources.
getRootPath(java.lang.Class) - Method in ControllerUtils
Finds the root path for this controller (as specified in the
getSampleChildren() - Method in SampleParentInterface
getSearchDomainSettings(java.lang.Class) - Method in SearchHelper
Returns the effective search settings for the given class.
getSearchEngineClient() - Method in SearchHelper
getSequence() - Method in FieldDefinitionInterface
The display sequence.
getSequence() - Method in FieldInterface
The sequence this field should be displayed in.
getSettings() - Method in MockPreferenceHolder
Returns the list of settings.
getSettings() - Method in PreferenceHolder
Returns the list of settings.
getSizeAttribute(java.lang.String) - Method in BaseWidget
Returns the given size attribute as a string input to tk.pw() or tk.ph().
getSortType(Class<FieldFormatInterface>) - Method in DomainToolkitUtils
Determines the client sort type for the given field type.
getStaticFieldOrder(java.lang.Class) - Method in DomainUtils
Find static field order from the class (and super classes).
getStaticProperty(java.lang.Object, java.lang.String) - Method in TypeUtils
Gets the static property from the object.
getStaticPropertyInSuperClasses(java.lang.Class, java.lang.String) - Method in TypeUtils
Find all values of a given property
getStatus() - Method in MockSearchEngineClient
Returns the status of the search engine's cluster.
getStatus() - Method in SearchEngineClient
Returns the status of the search engine's cluster.
getStatus() - Method in SearchEngineClientInterface
Returns the status of the search engine's cluster.
getStatus() - Method in SearchHelper
Returns the status of the search engine's cluster.
getStatus() - Method in SearchService
Gets the search engine's status.
getStatusCSSClass() - Method in SearchStatus
Builds the display CSS class that corresponds to the status color.
getSubReports() - Method in Report
Returns the list of sub-reports that need to be compiled.
getSuccessEvents() - Method in UndoActionInterface
Returns optional dashboard events to trigger after the undo action completes successfully.
getSuperClasses(java.lang.Class, List<Class>) - Method in TypeUtils
Find all of the super-classes for the given class.
getTableName(java.lang.Class) - Method in DomainEntityHelper
Returns the table name for the given domain entity.
getTaskMenu() - Method in TaskMenuHelper
Determines the core task menu from the controllers.
getTaskMenuItems() - Method in DashboardController
Defines the standard end-user task entry points that this controller handles.
getTaskMenuItems() - Method in ReportController
getText() - Method in MessagesModule
getThreadFactory() - Method in SearchEnginePoolExecutor
Returns the thread factory used to create new threads.
getTime() - Method in DateOnly
Returns the number of milliseconds since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 GMT represented by this Date object.
getTitle() - Method in SampleParentInterface
getToolkitDialectForLocale(java.util.Locale) - Method in GUISetupMarker
Gets the full language/dialect for the given locale that works for the toolkit.
getTooltip(java.lang.String) - Method in BaseGUISpecification
Returns the given dynamic tooltip (needed for toolkit 8.0 tooltips on buttons).
getTransactionManager() - Method in DomainEntityHelper
Get the current transaction manager.
getTransientFields(java.lang.Class) - Method in DomainUtils
Gets the transient fields for the given domain entity class.
getType() - Method in BigDecimalFieldFormat
The Class that represents this type.
getType() - Method in BooleanFieldFormat
The Class that represents this type.
getType() - Method in DateFieldFormat
The Class that represents this type.
getType() - Method in DateOnlyFieldFormat
The Class that represents this type.
getType() - Method in DomainReferenceFieldFormat
The Class that represents this type.
getType() - Method in DomainRefListFieldFormat
The Class that represents this type.
getType() - Method in EnumFieldFormat
The Class that represents this type.
getType() - Method in FieldDefinitionInterface
The basic field type.
getType() - Method in FieldFormatInterface
Returns the Class that represents this type.
getType() - Method in IntegerFieldFormat
The Class that represents this type.
getType() - Method in LongFieldFormat
The Class that represents this type.
getType() - Method in PersistentProperty
getType() - Method in StringFieldFormat
The Class that represents this type.
getUndoActions() - Method in StartResponse
The undo action(s) needed to undo the previous user action.
getUndoActions() - Method in UndoableInterface
The undo action(s) needed to undo the previous user action.
getUniqueIDCounter() - Method in BaseMarker
Increments the unique counter and returns the value.
getUniqueIDCounter() - Method in MarkerCoordinator
Increments the unique counter and returns the value.
getUri() - Method in MarkerContext
Returns the current URI.
getUri() - Method in UndoActionInterface
The URI to submit the JSON content to in order to undo a previous action.
getURIRoot(java.lang.Class) - Method in DomainUtils
Determines the root URI for the controller associated with the given domain.
getUserDetails(java.lang.String) - Method in RefreshTokenService
Gets the refresh token's user details.
getUserDetailsAndNewToken(java.lang.String) - Method in RefreshTokenService
Gets the refresh token's user details and creates a replacement token.
getUserDetailsForUserName(java.lang.String) - Method in RefreshTokenService
Returns the user details for the given user name.
getUuid() - Method in DomainEntityInterface
Returns the record UUID.
getUuid() - Method in FieldInterface
getUuid() - Method in SampleParentInterface
getValidationMessages(java.lang.Object) - Method in DomainUtils
Converts the domain object's errors into readable messages and stores them in a MessageHolder, as errors.
getValidValues(org.simplemes.eframe.data.FieldDefinitionInterface) - Method in BasicFieldFormat
Returns the list of valid values for those formats that use a combobox or similar widget.
getValidValues(org.simplemes.eframe.data.FieldDefinitionInterface) - Method in BasicStatus
Returns the list of valid values for those formats that use a combobox or similar widget.
getValidValues(org.simplemes.eframe.data.FieldDefinitionInterface) - Method in ConfigurableTypeDomainFormat
Returns the list of valid values for those formats that use a combobox or similar widget.
getValidValues(org.simplemes.eframe.data.FieldDefinitionInterface) - Method in DomainReferenceFieldFormat
Returns the list of valid values for those formats that use a combobox or similar widget.
getValidValues(org.simplemes.eframe.data.FieldDefinitionInterface) - Method in DomainRefListFieldFormat
Returns the list of valid values for those formats that use a combobox or similar widget.
getValidValues(org.simplemes.eframe.data.FieldDefinitionInterface) - Method in EncodedTypeFieldFormat
Returns the list of valid values for those formats that use a combobox or similar widget.
getValidValues(org.simplemes.eframe.data.FieldDefinitionInterface) - Method in EnumFieldFormat
Returns the list of valid values for those formats that use a combobox or similar widget.
getValidValues(org.simplemes.eframe.data.FieldDefinitionInterface) - Method in FieldFormatInterface
Returns the list of valid values for those formats that use a combobox or similar widget.
getValidValuesURI(org.simplemes.eframe.data.FieldDefinitionInterface) - Method in BasicFieldFormat
Returns the URI used for the suggest/auto-complete lookup for this field.
getValidValuesURI(org.simplemes.eframe.data.FieldDefinitionInterface) - Method in DomainReferenceFieldFormat
Returns the URI used for the suggest/auto-complete lookup for this field.
getValidValuesURI(org.simplemes.eframe.data.FieldDefinitionInterface) - Method in FieldFormatInterface
Returns the URI used for the suggest/auto-complete lookup for this field.
getValue() - Method in BasicFieldFormat
Returns the value for the choice list (e.g. a domain record of enum element).
getValue() - Method in BasicStatus
Returns the value for the choice list (e.g. a domain record of enum element).
getValue() - Method in BooleanFieldModule
getValue() - Method in ChoiceListItemInterface
Returns the value for the choice list (e.g. a domain record or enum element).
getValue() - Method in DomainReference
Determines the value of the field from the model.
getValue() - Method in FlexType
Returns the value for the choice list (e.g. a domain record or enum element).
getValueClassName() - Method in FieldInterface
The class that provides the field values.
getView(java.lang.String) - Method in BaseCrudController
Determines the view to display for the given method.
getView() - Method in ComboboxWidget
Returns the toolkit view widget type (e.g.
getView() - Method in MultiComboboxWidget
Returns the toolkit view widget type (e.g.
getView(java.lang.String) - Method in OrderController
Determines the view to display for the given method.
getView(java.lang.String) - Method in RMAController
Determines the view to display for the given method.
getView(java.lang.String) - Method in SampleController
Determines the view to display for the given method.
getWaitForAjaxOnLoad() - Method in AbstractPage
If true, then the page will wait on load until the Ajax queries are completed.
getWaitForAjaxOnLoad() - Method in DashboardPage
If true, then the page will wait on load until the Ajax queries are completed.
getWaitForAjaxOnLoad() - Method in JavascriptTesterPage
If true, then the page will wait on load until the Ajax queries are completed.
getWebClientAssetService() - Method in BaseCrudController2
The service that handles retrieves the client content.
GlobalErrorController - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.application.controller
The global error handler.
GlobalErrorController() - Constructor in GlobalErrorController
Globals - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.application
Global settings for the entire app server.
Globals() - Constructor in Globals
globalSearch(java.lang.String, java.util.Map) - Method in MockSearchEngineClient
Performs a mock global search using the given query string.
globalSearch(java.lang.String, java.util.Map) - Method in SearchEngineClient
Performs a global search using the given query string.
globalSearch(java.lang.String, java.util.Map) - Method in SearchEngineClientInterface
Performs a global search using the given query string.
globalSearch(java.lang.String, java.util.Map) - Method in SearchHelper
Performs a standard global search with the query string.
globalSearch(java.lang.String, java.util.Map) - Method in SearchService
Performs a standard global search with the query string.
GlobalSpecExtension - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.test
The global Spock extension used to run the reportFailure() method on the specifications.
GlobalSpecExtension() - Constructor in GlobalSpecExtension
GlobalUtils - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.i18n
Miscellaneous globalization utils.
GlobalUtils() - Constructor in GlobalUtils
go(java.lang.String) - Method in CRUDGUITester
Sends the browser to the given page (relative to the domain's controller top level).
GridModule - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.test.page
Defines the GEB page elements for a toolkit-based grid used for inline grids.
GridModule() - Constructor in GridModule
GridWidget - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.web.ui.webix.widget
The base Grid widget class.
GridWidget() - Constructor in GridWidget
GUI_TEST_USER - Field in SecurityUtils
The generic test user for the GUI tests.
GUIEventInterface - Interface in org.simplemes.eframe.preference.event
This defines the interface used by the User preferences handlers to respond to user GUI state events.
GUIEventInterface() - Constructor in GUIEventInterface
GUISetupMarker - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.web.ui.webix.freemarker
Provides the efGUISetup freemarker implementation.
GUISetupMarker() - Constructor in GUISetupMarker
guiStateChanged(java.lang.String) - Method in UserPreferenceController
Handles user's changes to the GUI state.
guiStateChanged(java.util.Map) - Method in UserPreferenceService
Handles the gui state change event.


handleAsset(java.lang.String, io.micronaut.http.MediaType, java.lang.String, HttpRequest<?>, io.micronaut.http.filter.ServerFilterChain) - Method in EFrameAssetPipelineService
Handles the asset request, but falls back to dev mode if the asset is no in the manifest.
handleAsset(java.lang.String, HttpRequest<?>, io.micronaut.http.filter.ServerFilterChain) - Method in WebClientAssetService
Handles the request from the client for web assets.
handleAssetWorkAround(java.lang.String, io.micronaut.http.MediaType, java.lang.String, HttpRequest<?>, io.micronaut.http.filter.ServerFilterChain) - Method in EFrameAssetPipelineService
handleEvent(java.util.Map) - Method in ColumnResized
Handles the list column resized event.
handleEvent(java.util.Map) - Method in ConfigButtonToggled
Handles the toggled event when called from the client.
handleEvent(java.util.Map) - Method in DialogChanged
Handles the list dialog change position/size event.
handleEvent(java.util.Map) - Method in GUIEventInterface
Handles a GUI event.
handleEvent(java.util.Map) - Method in ListSorted
Handles the list sorted event when called from the client.
handleEvent(java.util.Map) - Method in SplitterResized
Handles the list splitter resized event.
handleEvent(java.util.Map) - Method in TreeStateChanged
Handles the list column resized event.
handlePersistenceChange(org.simplemes.eframe.domain.annotation.DomainEntityInterface) - Method in SearchHelper
Handles the persistence update/create for domains.
handlePersistenceDelete(org.simplemes.eframe.domain.annotation.DomainEntityInterface) - Method in SearchHelper
Handles the persistence delete for domains.
handleResource(java.lang.String, [B) - Method in ReportResourceHandler
Stores the given resource (image) in a temporary cache so the resource can be server up by the ReportController.image method.
handleUnknownProperty(com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.DeserializationContext, com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonParser, JsonDeserializer<?>, java.lang.Object, java.lang.String) - Method in DeserializationProblemHandler
Method called when a JSON Object property with an unrecognized name is encountered.
hasAnyLowerCase(java.lang.String) - Method in NameUtils
Determines if the string has any lowercase characters.
hasExtensibleFields(java.lang.Class) - Method in ExtensibleFieldHelper
Returns true if the given class has extensible fields (
hasExtensibleFields(org.simplemes.eframe.domain.PersistentProperty) - Method in FieldFormatFactory
Checks for extensible field holder in the property's domain class.
hasPanels - Field in CRUDGUITester
Set to true it appears the page has tabbed panels.
hierarchyToString() - Method in DashboardConfig
Build human readable version of this dashboard's hierarchy.
HistoryTracking - Enum in org.simplemes.eframe.custom
Defines the options for tracking custom field history.
HistoryTracking() - Constructor in HistoryTracking
Holders - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.application
A place to hold specific global values.
Holders() - Constructor in Holders
HomeController - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.application.controller
The main index page (home).
HomeController() - Constructor in HomeController
HomePage - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.test.page
Defines the GEB Page for the framework's home page.
HomePage() - Constructor in HomePage
htmlIDBase(java.lang.String) - Method in CRUDGUITester
The base name for the standard elements' HTML IDs.
HTMLMarker - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.web.ui.webix.freemarker
Provides the implementation of the <@efHTML> marker.
HTMLMarker() - Constructor in HTMLMarker
HTMLTestUtils - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.test
Some utilities for testing generated HTML code.
HTMLTestUtils() - Constructor in HTMLTestUtils
HTMLUtils - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.misc
Some general-purpose HTML generation utilities.
HTMLUtils() - Constructor in HTMLUtils
HyperlinkProducer - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.reports
Creates a hyperlink for the report engine.
HyperlinkProducer() - Constructor in HyperlinkProducer
HyperlinkProducerFactory - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.reports
This is the factory and registry to register the HyperLinkProducer for our reports.
HyperlinkProducerFactory() - Constructor in HyperlinkProducerFactory


ID - Field in BigDecimalFieldFormat
The internal ID for the format.
ID - Field in BooleanFieldFormat
The internal ID for the format.
ID - Field in ChildListFieldFormat
The internal ID for the format.
ID - Field in ConfigurableTypeDomainFormat
The internal ID for the format.
ID - Field in CustomChildListFieldFormat
The internal ID for the format.
ID - Field in DateFieldFormat
The internal ID for the format.
ID - Field in DateOnlyFieldFormat
The internal ID for the format.
ID - Field in DomainReferenceFieldFormat
The internal ID for the format.
ID - Field in DomainRefListFieldFormat
The internal ID for the format.
ID - Field in EncodedTypeFieldFormat
The internal ID for the format.
ID - Field in EnumFieldFormat
The internal ID for the format.
ID - Field in IntegerFieldFormat
The internal ID for the format.
ID - Field in LongFieldFormat
The internal ID for the format.
ID - Field in StringFieldFormat
The internal ID for the format.
ignoreFieldForValidation(org.simplemes.eframe.domain.PersistentProperty) - Method in DomainEntityHelper
Determines if the given field should be ignored from the core validations (e.g. null and length).
image(io.micronaut.http.HttpRequest, java.security.Principal) - Method in ReportController
Serves the report images needed for the report engine.
index(java.security.Principal) - Method in BaseCrudController
Displays the index page.
index(io.micronaut.http.HttpRequest, java.security.Principal) - Method in BaseCrudController2
Displays the index page.
index(io.micronaut.http.HttpRequest, java.security.Principal) - Method in DashboardController
The main dashboard entry point used at runtime.
index(java.security.Principal) - Method in DemoDataController
Displays the index page.
index(java.security.Principal) - Method in HomeController
Displays the index page.
index(java.security.Principal) - Method in JavascriptTesterController
Displays the index page.
index(java.security.Principal) - Method in LoggingController
Displays the index page.
index(io.micronaut.http.HttpRequest, java.security.Principal) - Method in pageTesterController
Displays the given page (by default the index.hbs).
index(io.micronaut.http.HttpRequest, java.security.Principal) - Method in ReportController
Displays a single report using the third-party report engine.
index(io.micronaut.http.HttpRequest, java.security.Principal) - Method in SearchController
Displays the search index page.
index(java.security.Principal) - Method in TaskMenuController
Provides the javascript used to define the task menu.
indexObject(java.lang.Object) - Method in MockSearchEngineClient
Indexes a single object, waiting for completion.
indexObject(java.lang.Object) - Method in SearchEngineClient
Indexes a single object, waiting for completion.
indexObject(java.lang.Object) - Method in SearchEngineClientInterface
Indexes a single object, waiting for completion.
indexObject(java.lang.Object) - Method in SearchHelper
Indexes a single object, waiting for completion.
initialDataLoad() - Method in Role
Load initial Role records.
initialDataLoad() - Method in SampleChild
Load initial records.
initialDataLoad() - Method in SampleParent
Load initial records.
initialDataLoad() - Method in User
Load initial user records, only if there are no user records in the DB.
InitialDataLoader - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.application
Loads any initial data records needed for a new system.
InitialDataLoader.IDL - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.application
The Initial Data load (IDL) spec for a single domain.
InitialDataLoader.IDL() - Constructor in InitialDataLoader.IDL
InitialDataLoader() - Constructor in InitialDataLoader
InitialDataRecords - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.test
A holder that records the initial data records that are normally loaded by all initial data loaders.
InitialDataRecords() - Constructor in InitialDataRecords
install() - Method in MockAdditionHelper
Installs the mock domainUtils as the current DomainUtils instance.
install() - Method in MockBean
Installs the mock.
install() - Method in MockControllerUtils
Installs the mock ControllerUtils as the current ControllerUtils instance.
install() - Method in MockDomainUtils
Installs the mock domainUtils as the current DomainUtils instance.
install() - Method in MockFieldExtension
Installs the mock domainUtils as the current DomainUtils instance.
install() - Method in MockPreferenceHolder
Installs the mock.
install() - Method in MockRenderer
Installs the mock.
install() - Method in MockSecurityUtils
Installs the mock.
instance - Field in DomainEntityHelper
A singleton, used for simplified unit testing with a mocked class.
instance - Field in ExtensionPointHelper
A singleton, used for simplified unit testing with a mocked class.
IntegerFieldFormat - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.data.format
Defines a basic Integer field format.
IntegerFieldFormat() - Constructor in IntegerFieldFormat
intercept(org.spockframework.runtime.extension.IMethodInvocation) - Method in BaseFailureListener
InternalAddition - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.custom
Defines an internal addition for the framework that is used to specify some features for the framework (e.g.
InternalAddition() - Constructor in InternalAddition
invokeGroovyMethod(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.Object) - Method in ASTUtils
Invokes the given groovy class/method with arguments.
isAllGranted(java.lang.String, java.security.Principal) - Method in SecurityUtils
Returns true if any role in the given list is not granted to the given user.
isAllowed(java.lang.String) - Method in SearchableJacksonFilter
Determines if the field is allowed (e.g. not excluded).
isArchiveHit(java.util.Map) - Method in ArchiveSearchHit
Determines if the given hit result is an archived object reference.
isButtonPanelDisplayed() - Method in BaseDashboardSpecification
Returns true if the test BUTTON_PANEL is displayed (somewhere).
isChild() - Method in FieldDefinitionInterface
If true, then this field is a wholly-owned child of the entity.
isChild - Field in PersistentProperty
Defines if this property is child reference in a parent for a parent/child relationship.
isComboBoxField(org.simplemes.eframe.data.format.FieldFormatInterface) - Method in CRUDGUITester
Returns true if the given field format is normally displayed in a combobox.
isComplexCustomFieldHolder(java.lang.String) - Method in EFrameJacksonModule
Determines if the given field is a custom field holder.
isCustom() - Method in FieldDefinitionInterface
If true, then this field is a custom field.
isCustomFieldHolder(java.lang.String) - Method in DomainTester
Returns true if the field is the custom field holder.
isCustomFieldHolder(java.lang.Class, java.lang.String) - Method in EFrameJacksonModule
Determines if the given field is a custom field holder.
isDefaultChoice() - Method in BasicFieldFormat
Returns true if this choice is the default choice in the list.
isDefaultChoice() - Method in BasicStatus
Returns true if this choice is the default choice in the list.
isDefaultChoice() - Method in ChoiceListItemInterface
Returns true if this choice is the default choice in the list.
isDefaultChoice() - Method in FlexType
Returns true if this choice is the default choice in the list.
isDefaultChoice() - Method in SimpleChoiceListItem
Returns true if this choice is the default choice in the list.
isDefaultChoice() - Method in StringFieldFormat
Returns true if this choice is the default choice in the list.
isDirectory() - Method in MockFile
Mock method to simulate a real directory, when needed.
isDirty() - Method in FieldHolderMap
isDirty() - Method in FieldHolderMapInterface
Returns true if the Map has changed since the last time the JSON was generated (toJSON()).
isDisplayFieldNameForJSON(java.lang.String) - Method in NameUtils
Determines if the given field name is a display field name (e.g.
isDisplayingTime() - Method in DateFieldWidget
Determines if this widget should display time.
isDisplayingTime() - Method in DateOnlyFieldWidget
Determines if this widget should display time.
isDomainEntity(java.lang.Class) - Method in DomainUtils
Returns true if this is a domain entity.
isDomainSearchable(java.lang.Class) - Method in SearchHelper
Determines if the given domain is searchable and if the search engine is configured for this application.
isEnabled() - Method in BasicStatus
Returns true if this status means that the object is enabled.
isEnabled() - Method in DisabledStatus
Returns true if this status means that the object is enabled.
isEnabled() - Method in EnabledStatus
Returns true if this status means that the object is enabled.
isEnabled() - Method in SampleBasicStatus
Returns true if this status means that the object is enabled.
isEnvironmentDev() - Method in DomainEntityHelper
Determines if the current run environment is the test environment.
isEnvironmentDev() - Method in Holders
Returns true if the current environment is dev.
isEnvironmentProduction() - Method in Holders
Returns true if the current environment is production.
isEnvironmentTest() - Method in DomainEntityHelper
Determines if the current run environment is the test environment.
isEnvironmentTest() - Method in Holders
Returns true if the current environment is test.
isError() - Method in MessagesModule
isFile() - Method in MockFile
Mock method to simulate a real file, when needed.
isFireFox() - Method in BaseGUISpecification
Returns true if the GUI test is running in firefox.
isIdle() - Method in SearchEnginePoolExecutor
Determines if the pool is idle and has no requests in queue.
isInfo() - Method in MessagesModule
isJustAnonymous(io.micronaut.security.annotation.Secured) - Method in ControllerTester
Returns true if the given annotation just contains isAnonymous().
isLegalIdentifier(java.lang.String) - Method in NameUtils
Determines if the given string is a legal Java identifier.
isMock(java.lang.Object) - Method in TypeUtils
Determines if the given object is a mock.
isNativeJSONType(org.simplemes.eframe.data.format.FieldFormatInterface) - Method in FieldHolderMap
Determines if the given format is one of the native JSON types that is supported.
isNullable() - Method in PersistentProperty
isNumber(java.lang.String) - Method in NumberUtils
Determines if the given value is a number string.
isNumberClass(java.lang.Class) - Method in NumberUtils
Returns true if the class is a number class (primitive ot sub-class of Number).
ISODate - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.date
ISODate() - Constructor in ISODate
isPanel(java.lang.String) - Method in PanelUtils
Determines if the given 'field' name is a panel.
isParentReference() - Method in FieldDefinitionInterface
If true, then this field is a reference the parent entity.
isParentReference - Field in PersistentProperty
Defines if this property is parent reference in a child for a parent/child relationship.
isParsingFromJSON() - Method in FieldHolderMap
isParsingFromJSON() - Method in FieldHolderMapInterface
Returns True if the Map has changed since the last time the JSON was generated (toJSON()).
isPdf() - Method in Report
Returns true if the report output in PDF is requested.
isPrimaryKey(java.lang.Class, java.lang.String) - Method in DomainToolkitUtils
Determines if the given field is one of the primary key fields.
isPrimaryUuid() - Method in FieldDefinitionInterface
If true, then this field the primary key UUID for the record.
isPrimitiveAssignableTo(java.lang.Class, java.lang.Class) - Method in TypeUtils
Determines if the two classes can be assigned to each other if one is a primitive.
isPropertySpecial(java.lang.Class, java.lang.String) - Method in DomainUtils
Determine if the given property is a special field that we want to ignore in GUIs and such.
isReference() - Method in FieldDefinitionInterface
If true, then this field is a reference to another persistent entity.
isRequired() - Method in FieldDefinitionInterface
If true, then this field is flagged as required.
isSearchable() - Method in SearchDomainSettings
Returns the searchable state.
isSearchable(java.lang.Class) - Method in SearchHelper
Determines if the given class is searchable.
isSearchDisabled() - Method in SearchHelper
Determines if the search engine is configured and enabled.
isSearchServerUp() - Method in BaseGUISpecification
isSecured(java.lang.reflect.Method, java.lang.String) - Method in ControllerTester
Determines if the given class is secured, with an optional role.
isSelected(int) - Method in GridModule
Determines if the given row is marked as a selected row.
isSeparator() - Method in MenuItemMarker
Returns true if this menu item is the separator.
isSimple(java.lang.Class) - Method in MockFieldDefinitions
Determines if the class is a simple class for field definition purposes.
isSimpleQueryString(java.lang.String) - Method in SearchHelper
Determines if this query string is simple.
isSuccess() - Method in MessagesModule
isTopLevel() - Method in MenuMarker
Returns true if it is the top-level menu.
isToStringAllowed(java.lang.Object) - Method in DomainBinder
isUseUnderscoresInJson() - Method in FieldHolderMap
isUseUnderscoresInJson() - Method in FieldHolderMapInterface
True if the the generated JSON should use an underscore as a prefix on the custom field and _config elements.
isUUID(java.lang.String) - Method in UUIDUtils
Returns true if the given string is a valid UUID.
isValidClass(java.lang.Class) - Method in TypeableMapper
Determines if the given class is valid for de-serialization using this mapper.
isWarn() - Method in MessagesModule
isWarning() - Method in MessagesModule
iterator() - Method in FieldDefinitions
Returns an iterator for all fields in the this definition.


JavascriptTesterController - Class in sample.controller
A simple controller to support javascript library testing.
JavascriptTesterController() - Constructor in JavascriptTesterController
JavascriptTesterPage - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.test.page
Tge Page definition for tests using the JavascriptTesterController.
JavascriptTesterPage() - Constructor in JavascriptTesterPage
JavascriptTestUtils - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.test
Some utilities for testing generated Javascript code.
JavascriptTestUtils() - Constructor in JavascriptTestUtils
JavascriptUtils - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.misc
Miscellaneous utility methods for generating/using client-side javascript.
JavascriptUtils() - Constructor in JavascriptUtils
JSONByID - Annotation Type in org.simplemes.eframe.json
JSONByID() - Constructor in JSONByID
JSONByIDDeserializer - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.json
Defines the Jackson deserializer that will serialize domain references with just the domain record's ID.
JSONByIDDeserializer() - Constructor in JSONByIDDeserializer
JSONByIDSerializer - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.json
Defines the Jackson serializer that will serialize domain references with just the domain record's ID.
JSONByIDSerializer() - Constructor in JSONByIDSerializer
JSONByKey - Annotation Type in org.simplemes.eframe.json
Defines a field that will serialized to JSON using just the domain record's primary key field (first string key field).
JSONByKey() - Constructor in JSONByKey
JSONByKeyDeserializer - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.json
Defines the Jackson deserializer that will serialize domain references with just the domain record's primary key field.
JSONByKeyDeserializer() - Constructor in JSONByKeyDeserializer
JSONByKeySerializer - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.json
Defines the Jackson serializer that will serialize domain references with just the domain record's primary key field.
JSONByKeySerializer() - Constructor in JSONByKeySerializer
jsonFile - Field in FileArchiver
The JSON File the domain object is written to.
JSPageOptions - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.web.ui
Defines the page options for javascript client pages.
JSPageOptions() - Constructor in JSPageOptions
JWT_REFRESH_TOKEN - Field in RefreshTokenService
The name of the cookie for the refresh token.
jwtCookieConfiguration - Field in AutoRefreshAuthenticationFetcher
jwtTokenValidator - Field in AutoRefreshAuthenticationFetcher
jwtValidator - Field in AutoRefreshAuthenticationFetcher


keyName - Field in FileArchiver
The name of the key field of the first domain object.


LanguageMarker - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.web.ui.webix.freemarker
Provides the efLanguage Freemarker marker implementation.
LanguageMarker() - Constructor in LanguageMarker
LAST_24_HOURS - Field in ReportTimeIntervalEnum
Last 24 Hours
LAST_30_DAYS - Field in ReportTimeIntervalEnum
Last 30 days.
LAST_6_MONTHS - Field in ReportTimeIntervalEnum
Last 6 Months.
LAST_7_DAYS - Field in ReportTimeIntervalEnum
Last 30 days.
LAST_MONTH - Field in ReportTimeIntervalEnum
Last Month
LAST_YEAR - Field in ReportTimeIntervalEnum
Last Year.
lastErrorMessage - Field in BaseController
The most recent error message returned to the client.
lastLazyChildParentLoaded - Field in DomainEntityHelper
Records the last parent loaded for a lazy child loader (in test mode only).
lastLazyRefLoaded - Field in DomainEntityHelper
Records the last lazy reference loaded (in test mode only).
lastLazyRefParentLoaded - Field in DomainEntityHelper
Records the last parent loaded for a lazy reference list loader (in test mode only).
lastWarningMessage - Field in SearchValidation
The most recent warning message.
lazyChildLoad(org.simplemes.eframe.domain.annotation.DomainEntityInterface, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.Class) - Method in DomainEntityHelper
Performs the lazy load of the given field from the child domain class using the given mapped by field name.
lazyReferenceLoad(org.simplemes.eframe.domain.annotation.DomainEntityInterface, java.lang.String, org.simplemes.eframe.domain.annotation.DomainEntityInterface) - Method in DomainEntityHelper
Performs the lazy read of the given domain object, if it has not already been loaded.
lazyRefListLoad(org.simplemes.eframe.domain.annotation.DomainEntityInterface, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.Class) - Method in DomainEntityHelper
Performs the lazy load of the given field from the mapping table.
leftShift(org.simplemes.eframe.data.FieldDefinitionInterface) - Method in FieldDefinitions
Add a new entry to the the field definition.
leftShift(org.simplemes.eframe.web.task.TaskMenuItem) - Method in TaskMenu
Adds the given menu item to the folder structure in the correct location.
leftShift(org.simplemes.eframe.web.task.TaskMenuItem) - Method in TaskMenuFolder
Adds the given menu item to this folder.
LEVEL_ERROR - Field in MessageHolder
The severity level (int) for error messages (highest severity).
LEVEL_ERROR_STRING - Field in MessageHolder
The severity level string for error messages (highest severity).
LEVEL_INFO - Field in MessageHolder
The severity level (int) for information messages (lowest severity).
LEVEL_INFO_STRING - Field in MessageHolder
The severity level string for information messages (lowest severity).
LEVEL_WARN - Field in MessageHolder
The severity level (int) for warning messages (middle severity).
LEVEL_WARN_STRING - Field in MessageHolder
The severity level string for warning messages (middle severity).
limitedLengthList(java.util.List) - Method in LogUtils
Build a string representation of the list of objects with limits on the size of each object and number of objects.
limitedLengthString(java.lang.String, int) - Method in LogUtils
Trims the given string if it exceeds the MAX_ELEMENT_SIZE (default: 40).
list() - Method in AllFieldsDomainRepository
list() - Method in ArchiveLogRepository
list(io.micronaut.http.HttpRequest, java.security.Principal) - Method in BaseCrudController
Returns a list (JSON formatted) from the controller's domain for use by the index page.
list(io.micronaut.http.HttpRequest, java.security.Principal) - Method in BaseCrudController2
Returns a list (JSON formatted) from the controller's domain for use by the index page.
list() - Method in CustomOrderComponentRepository
list() - Method in DashboardButtonRepository
list() - Method in DashboardConfigRepository
list() - Method in DashboardPanelRepository
list() - Method in DashboardPanelSplitterRepository
list(java.lang.Class) - Method in DomainEntityHelper
Executes the list() method on the domain object's repository.
list() - Method in FieldExtensionRepository
list() - Method in FieldGUIExtensionRepository
list() - Method in FlexFieldRepository
list() - Method in FlexTypeRepository
list() - Method in OrderLineRepository
list() - Method in OrderRepository
list() - Method in RefreshTokenRepository
list() - Method in RMARepository
list() - Method in RoleRepository
list() - Method in SampleChildRepository
list() - Method in SampleGrandChildRepository
list() - Method in SampleParentRepository
list() - Method in UserPreferenceRepository
list() - Method in UserRepository
list() - Method in WorkArounds
Lists the current work arounds enabled.
listColumns(java.lang.String) - Method in CRUDGUITester
A list of columns that are displayed in the list page.
ListFieldLoaderInterface - Interface in org.simplemes.eframe.data.format
Defines a custom field format that the value needs to be loaded from the database as a list.
ListFieldLoaderInterface() - Constructor in ListFieldLoaderInterface
listFiles() - Method in MockFile
Mock method to simulate a directory (when needed).
ListMarker - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.web.ui.webix.freemarker
Provides the efDefinitionList Freemarker marker implementation.
ListMarker() - Constructor in ListMarker
ListSorted - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.preference.event
Detects when a list's sorting has changed from the default and stores this in the users preferences.
ListSorted() - Constructor in ListSorted
ListWidget - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.web.ui.webix.widget
The base definition list widget class.
ListWidget() - Constructor in ListWidget
load() - Method in InitialDataLoader.IDL
load() - Method in PreferenceHolder
Load or create new UserPreference record.
loadBundles(List<URL>) - Method in MessageSource
Loads the bundles for the given URL(s).
loadChildRecords(org.simplemes.eframe.domain.annotation.DomainEntityInterface, java.lang.Class, java.lang.String) - Method in DomainEntityHelper
Loads a list of child records for the given parent domain object.
loadChildRecords(java.lang.Object) - Method in DomainUtils
Forces the load of child records that might have a lazy loader.
loadClass(java.lang.String) - Method in TypeUtils
Returns the class instance for the name.
loadDemoData() - Method in DashboardDemoDataLoader
Loads the demo data.
loadDemoData() - Method in DemoDataLoaderInterface
Loads the demo data.
loadDemoData() - Method in SampleDemoDataLoader
Loads the demo data.
loadLocales() - Method in WebClientLookup
Loads the locales from the client sub-module(s).
loadManifest() - Method in AssetMarker
Make sure the manifest is loaded into the AssetPipelineConfigHolder.
loadPreferences() - Method in GridWidget
Loads the preferences for the grid/page.
loadSplitterSizes() - Method in DashboardMarker
Loads the user preferences for the dashboard page.
locale() - Method in SampleController
log - Field in FieldMoveAdjustment
The logger for this class.
logClientMessage(java.util.Map, java.util.Map) - Method in LogUtils
Logs the given client-side message to the standard logger.
LOGGED_IN - Field in StandardModelAndView
The name of the Freemarker data model element that holds the logged in flag.
LoggingController - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.system.controller
This controller provides access to the logging configuration for runtime logging changes.
LoggingController() - Constructor in LoggingController
login(java.lang.String, java.lang.String) - Method in BaseAPISpecification
Logs the user in as the given user, if not already logged in.
login(java.lang.String, java.lang.String) - Method in BaseGUISpecification
Logs the user in as the given user, if not already logged in.
LoginAuthController - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.security.controller
Handles the login authentication view pages.
LoginAuthController() - Constructor in LoginAuthController
loginHandler - Field in AutoRefreshTokenFilter
loginHandler - Field in LoginAuthController
LoginPage - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.test.page
Defines the standard login GEB page elements for testing.
LoginPage() - Constructor in LoginPage
logout() - Method in BaseAPISpecification
Logs out the current test user.
logout() - Method in BaseGUISpecification
Logs the user out.
logout(HttpRequest<?>) - Method in CookieClearingLogoutHandler
logStackTrace(org.slf4j.Logger, java.lang.Throwable, java.lang.Object) - Method in LogUtils
Logs a given stack trace for safety.
LogUtils - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.misc
Utility methods for logging.
LogUtils() - Constructor in LogUtils
LongFieldFormat - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.data.format
Defines a basic Long field format.
LongFieldFormat() - Constructor in LongFieldFormat
lookup(java.lang.String) - Method in AbstractPage
Looks up the given key in the bundle.
lookup(java.lang.String, java.util.Locale, java.lang.Object) - Method in BaseGUISpecification
Convenience method for general message.properties lookup.
lookup(java.lang.String, java.util.Locale, java.lang.Object) - Method in BaseMarker
Convenience method for general message.properties lookup.
lookup(java.lang.String, java.util.Locale, java.lang.Object) - Method in BaseSpecification
Convenience method for general message.properties lookup.
lookup(java.lang.String, java.util.Locale, java.lang.Object) - Method in BaseWidget
Convenience method for general message.properties lookup.
lookup(java.lang.String, java.util.List) - Method in CRUDGUITester
Lookup a code from the message bundle.
lookup(java.lang.String, java.util.Locale, java.lang.Object) - Method in GlobalUtils
Convenience method for general message.properties lookup.
lookup(java.lang.String, java.util.Locale, java.lang.Object) - Method in WebClientLookup
Convenience method for general client localization lookup.
lookupKey(java.lang.String, java.util.Locale) - Method in MessageSource
Looks up the given string from the supported resource bundle(s).
lookupLabelAndTooltip(java.lang.String, java.util.Locale) - Method in BaseMarker
Looks up the given label using the given key or the label/tooltip attributes for this marker.
lookupLabelAndTooltip(java.lang.String, java.lang.String) - Method in GlobalUtils
Convenience method to lookup a label and a tooltip based on inputs from parameters.
LookupMarker - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.web.ui.webix.freemarker
Provides the implementation of the <@efLookup> marker.
LookupMarker() - Constructor in LookupMarker
lookupRequired(java.lang.String, java.util.Locale, java.lang.Object) - Method in BaseGUISpecification
Convenience method for general message.properties lookup for fields marked as required.
lookupRequired(java.lang.String, java.util.Locale, java.lang.Object) - Method in BaseSpecification
Convenience method for general message.properties lookup for fields marked as required.
lookupRequired(java.lang.String, java.util.List) - Method in CRUDGUITester
Lookup a code from the message bundle, add the required flag (*).
lowercaseFirstLetter(java.lang.String) - Method in NameUtils
Force the first letter to lowercase.
lowercaseFirstWord(java.lang.String) - Method in NameUtils
Force the first word to lowercase.


main(java.lang.String) - Method in Application
main(java.lang.String) - Method in ExtensionPointDocumentExtractor
makeArchiveRefBase(java.lang.Object) - Method in ArchiverInterface
Build the archive basic reference name.
makeArchiveRefBase(java.lang.Object) - Method in FileArchiver
Build the archive basic reference name.
makePathFromReference(java.lang.String) - Method in FileArchiver
Creates a archive file's path name using the given reference.
makeReferenceFromPath(java.lang.String) - Method in FileArchiver
Creates a archive file's reference from the given path name.
MARKER_CONTEXT - Field in StandardModelAndView
The name of the Freemarker data model element that holds the MarkerContext for the current page (Value: '_markerContext').
MarkerContext - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.web.ui.webix.freemarker
Defines the context a given marker instance is executing in.
MarkerContext() - Constructor in MarkerContext
MarkerCoordinator - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.web.ui.webix.freemarker
This is used to coordinate between multiple markers that need to produce a legal web page.
MarkerCoordinator() - Constructor in MarkerCoordinator
MarkerException - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.web.ui.webix.freemarker
The general-purpose run-time error for marker exceptions.
MarkerException() - Constructor in MarkerException
MarkerInterface - Interface in org.simplemes.eframe.web.ui.webix.freemarker
Defines the methods that a freemarker marker implementation will provide.
MarkerInterface() - Constructor in MarkerInterface
match(java.lang.String) - Method in ClassPathScanner
Returns the portion of the given URL matches the desired search spec.
matches(java.lang.String, java.lang.String) - Method in PasswordEncoderService
MAX_CLASS_NAME_LENGTH - Field in FieldSizes
Defines the size a typical class name: 255 characters.
MAX_CODE_LENGTH - Field in FieldSizes
Defines the size of most object's code (ID) within the eframe classes: 30 characters.
MAX_ELEMENT_SIZE - Field in LogUtils
The maximum size of an element to be printed in the string representation of a list.
MAX_ELEMENTS - Field in LogUtils
The maximum elements to be printed in the string representation of a list.
MAX_KEY_LENGTH - Field in FieldSizes
Defines the maximum expected size of an application key field for domain objects: 100 characters.
MAX_LABEL_LENGTH - Field in FieldSizes
Defines the size of a label (or label lookup key): 80 characters.
MAX_NOTES_LENGTH - Field in FieldSizes
Defines the maximum expected size of a generic notes element: 1024 characters.
MAX_PATH_LENGTH - Field in FieldSizes
Defines the maximum expected size of a generic file name and path: 100 characters.
MAX_SINGLE_LINE_LENGTH - Field in FieldSizes
Defines the size of the largest single-line text input field: 256 characters.
MAX_TITLE_LENGTH - Field in FieldSizes
Defines the size of most object's short title field: 80 characters.
MAX_URL_LENGTH - Field in FieldSizes
Defines the maximum expected size of a generic URL/URI element: 255 characters.
MAX_VALUE - Field in HistoryTracking
MAX_VALUE - Field in ReportTimeIntervalEnum
MAX_XML_LENGTH - Field in FieldSizes
Defines the maximum expected size of a generic XML-encoded element: 1024 characters.
maxSize(java.lang.String, int) - Method in DomainTester
Adds a maxSize check for the given field.
memory(io.micronaut.http.HttpRequest, java.security.Principal) - Method in DashboardTestController
Serves up a page from static memory for the dashboard testers.
The name of the holder in the marker coordinator that holds the list of menu items defined by menuItem markers.
MENU_LEVEL - Field in MenuMarker
The name of the current menu level in the marker coordinator.
MenuItemMarker - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.web.ui.webix.freemarker
Provides the freemarker marker implementation.
MenuItemMarker() - Constructor in MenuItemMarker
MenuMarker - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.web.ui.webix.freemarker
Provides the freemarker marker implementation.
MenuMarker() - Constructor in MenuMarker
mergeConfig(java.util.Map, java.lang.Object) - Method in FieldHolderMap
Merges the given _config map into this map.
mergeFieldConfig(java.lang.Object, java.util.Map, java.util.Map, java.lang.Object) - Method in FieldHolderMap
Merges the given _config map for a single field into the dest config map, if allowed.
mergeMap(org.simplemes.eframe.custom.FieldHolderMapInterface, java.lang.Object) - Method in FieldHolderMap
Merges the given map into this map.
mergeMap(org.simplemes.eframe.custom.FieldHolderMapInterface, java.lang.Object) - Method in FieldHolderMapInterface
Merges the given map into this map.
MessageBasedException - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.exception
A general-purpose message exception that uses error numbers and messages from the .properties file to localize the message.
MessageBasedException() - Constructor in MessageBasedException
MessageHolder - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.exception
This class encapsulates multiple response messages (error, etc) and allows controllers to render them in a consistent format.
MessageHolder() - Constructor in MessageHolder
MessageHolderSerializer - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.exception
This is the Jackson serializer used for a MessageHolder.
MessageHolderSerializer() - Constructor in MessageHolderSerializer
MESSAGES - Field in StandardModelAndView
The name of the Freemarker data model element that holds the server-side messages to display to the user.
messagesFile - Field in MessageSource
messagesFileLastChanged - Field in MessageSource
MessagesMarker - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.web.ui.webix.freemarker
Provides the efMessages Freemarker marker implementation.
MessagesMarker() - Constructor in MessagesMarker
MessagesModule - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.test.page
Defines the GEB page elements the standard message area.
MessagesModule() - Constructor in MessagesModule
MessageSource - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.i18n
A bean that provides the message bundle access to lookup localized text.
messageSource - Field in GlobalUtils
The run-time message source bean.
MessageSource() - Constructor in MessageSource
methodExists(ClassNode, java.lang.String, Parameter) - Method in ASTUtils
Determines if the given method already exists in the class node.
MILLIS_PER_DAY - Field in DateUtils
The number milliseconds in a whole day.
MIN_VALUE - Field in HistoryTracking
MIN_VALUE - Field in ReportTimeIntervalEnum
minimalParams(Map<String, Object>) - Method in CRUDGUITester
The parameters needed to create a second test record with the minimal required fields specified.
MINIMUM_WIDTH - Field in ComboboxWidget
The minimum width of the input section of the field (20).
missingPropertySuffixes - Field in CRUDGUITester
mock(java.lang.String, ch.qos.logback.classic.Level) - Method in MockAppender
Creates a mock appender and attaches it to the logger for the given class.
MockAdditionHelper - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.test
Builds a very simple mock/stub Addition that is found by the getHelper.
MockAdditionHelper() - Constructor in MockAdditionHelper
MockAppender - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.test
A Mock appender for the logback logging system.
MockAppender() - Constructor in MockAppender
MockBean - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.test
Builds a very simple mock/stub context and lets the context find the given bean with the getBean() method.
MockBean() - Constructor in MockBean
MockControllerUtils - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.test
Builds a very simple mock/stub version of ControllerUtils that returns the given controller(s) classes as possible controllers.
MockControllerUtils() - Constructor in MockControllerUtils
MockDomainUtils - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.test
Builds a very simple mock/stub version of DomainUtils that returns the given domain(s) classes as possible domains.
MockDomainUtils() - Constructor in MockDomainUtils
MockFieldDefinitions - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.test
A mock of the FieldDefinitions, designed to easily create the field definitions needed for marker and related testing.
MockFieldDefinitions() - Constructor in MockFieldDefinitions
MockFieldExtension - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.test
Builds a very simple mock/stub version of ExtensibleFieldHelper that returns the given custom fields.
mockFieldExtension(java.util.Map) - Method in BaseSpecification
Mocks a specific field extension.
MockFieldExtension() - Constructor in MockFieldExtension
MockFile - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.test
A mock File that can be used to write text to string for later use.
MockFile() - Constructor in MockFile
MockFileFactory - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.test
A mock FileFactory that can be used to write text to string for later use.
MockFileFactory() - Constructor in MockFileFactory
MockPersistentProperty - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.test
A very simple mock/stub of a PersistentProperty for mocked domain use.
MockPersistentProperty() - Constructor in MockPersistentProperty
MockPreferenceHolder - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.test
Builds a very simple mock/stub for the PreferenceHolder that returns the given preference.
MockPreferenceHolder() - Constructor in MockPreferenceHolder
MockPrincipal - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.test
A mock of the user Principal for use in unit tests only.
MockPrincipal() - Constructor in MockPrincipal
MockRenderer - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.test
Builds a very simple mock/stub for the view renderer.
MockRenderer() - Constructor in MockRenderer
mockRequest(java.util.Map) - Method in BaseSpecification
Mocks a request with the given parameters.
MockResponse(java.lang.String) - Constructor in MockRestClient.MockResponse
The constructor.
MockRestClient - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.search
This is a mock client that can simulate the external search engine's response to various requests.
MockRestClient.MockResponse - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.search
A mock for the response from the rest client.
MockRestClient.MockResponse() - Constructor in MockRestClient.MockResponse
MockRestClient() - Constructor in MockRestClient
MockSearchEngineClient - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.search
This mock client simulates the search interface to the external search engine (Elastic Search in this case).
MockSearchEngineClient() - Constructor in MockSearchEngineClient
MockSearchEngineRequest - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.search
A mock request used for testing.
MockSearchEngineRequest() - Constructor in MockSearchEngineRequest
MockSecurityUtils - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.test
Builds a very simple mock/stub for the SecurityUtils.
MockSecurityUtils() - Constructor in MockSecurityUtils
ModuleUtils - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.application
Utility methods to detect the modules used by the current application.
ModuleUtils() - Constructor in ModuleUtils
MultiComboboxWidget - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.web.ui.webix.widget
A multi-select combobox widget.
MultiComboboxWidget() - Constructor in MultiComboboxWidget


name(java.lang.String) - Method in PreferenceHolder
Sets the named definition for this preference.
NameUtils - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.misc
Miscellaneous utilities for manipulating names in the application and for the framework.
NameUtils() - Constructor in NameUtils
needs(java.lang.String) - Method in BaseSpecification
Determines if this test class needs a given feature.
needsServer() - Method in BaseSpecification
Determines if this test class needs the servers started.
newFile(java.lang.String) - Method in FileFactory
The factory method to return a new File() instance for the given path.
newFile(java.lang.String) - Method in MockFileFactory
The factory method to return a new File() instance for the given path.
newReader() - Method in MockFile
Builds a new reader for the mock file.
newThread(java.lang.Runnable) - Method in SearchEnginePoolExecutor.SearchThreadFactory
newWriter() - Method in MockFile
Builds a new writer (uses the provided writer).
next() - Method in HistoryTracking
next() - Method in ReportTimeIntervalEnum
NONE - Field in HistoryTracking
nonZeroRecordCount(java.lang.Class) - Method in BaseGUISpecification
Returns true if the given domain has non-zero record count.
notFound(io.micronaut.http.HttpRequest) - Method in GlobalErrorController
Standard page not found display.
notInFieldOrder(List<String>) - Method in DomainTester
Verifies that the given fields are not in the Domain's field order.
notNullCheck(java.lang.String) - Method in DomainTester
Verifies that the nulls can't be saved for the given field.
NumberFieldWidget - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.web.ui.webix.widget
The text input field for numbers widget.
NumberFieldWidget() - Constructor in NumberFieldWidget
NumberUtils - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.misc
Some general-purpose number utilities.
NumberUtils() - Constructor in NumberUtils


objectsToDelete - Field in FileArchiver
The list of domain objects to delete when successfully finished writing the archive.
offer(java.lang.Runnable) - Method in SearchEngineRequestQueue
onLoad(geb.Page) - Method in AbstractPage
Triggered on load.
onNewSaveEvent(org.simplemes.eframe.domain.DomainSaveTransactionEvent) - Method in SearchTransactionEventListener
onStartup(io.micronaut.context.event.StartupEvent) - Method in Holders
Handles application startup events.
onStartup(io.micronaut.context.event.StartupEvent) - Method in StartupHandler
Executed on Startup.
openEditor() - Method in BaseDashboardSpecification
Opens the editor dialog.
OptimisticLockException - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.domain
This is triggered when an update fails due to optimistic lock failure (version mis-match or record deleted).
OptimisticLockException() - Constructor in OptimisticLockException
Order - Class in sample.domain
A sample domain class that simulates an order.
Order() - Constructor in Order
orderComponentList(java.security.Principal) - Method in OrderController
OrderController - Class in sample.controller
Handles the controller actions for the Order objects.
OrderController() - Constructor in OrderController
OrderLine - Class in sample.domain
A sample domain class that simulates an order line item.
OrderLine() - Constructor in OrderLine
OrderLineRepository - Interface in sample.domain
The OrderLine repository base interface.
OrderLineRepository() - Constructor in OrderLineRepository
OrderRepository - Interface in sample.domain
The Order repository base interface.
OrderRepository() - Constructor in OrderRepository
OrderServiceInterface - Interface in sample.service
A test interface.
OrderServiceInterface() - Constructor in OrderServiceInterface
orderWorkList(java.security.Principal) - Method in OrderController
organizeFieldsIntoPanels(List<String>) - Method in PanelUtils
Takes the given list of fields an organizes the fields into a map for each panel.
OTHERS_ELEMENT - Field in LoggingController
The user preference element the 'others' are stored under.
OTHERS_KEY - Field in LoggingController
The user preference key for the SimpleStringPreference used to store the 'other' levels.


page(io.micronaut.http.HttpRequest, java.security.Principal) - Method in DashboardTestController
Serves up a page for the dashboard testers.
page(java.lang.String) - Method in PreferenceHolder
Sets the HTML page this preference is defined for.
PagerMarker - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.web.ui.webix.freemarker
Provides the implementation of the <@efLookup> marker.
PagerMarker() - Constructor in PagerMarker
PagerWidget - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.web.ui.webix.widget
The pager widget.
PagerWidget() - Constructor in PagerWidget
pageTesterController - Class in sample.controller
A simple controller to support UI view testing.
pageTesterController() - Constructor in pageTesterController
panelDetailsDialog(java.security.Principal) - Method in DashboardConfigController
Displays the panel details dialog page.
PanelModule - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.test.page
Defines the GEB page elements for a standard tabbed panel with the given index.
PanelModule() - Constructor in PanelModule
PanelUtils - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.web
Utilities to work with display panels.
PanelUtils() - Constructor in PanelUtils
PARAM_PAGE_SOURCE - Field in ControllerUtils
The name of the HTTP request parameter that will hold the source page that made this request.
parameterToReadableString(Parameter) - Method in ASTUtils
Creates a human-readable form of the parameter's name/class.
PARAMS - Field in StandardModelAndView
The name of the Freemarker data model element that holds the HTTP request's parameters (as a Map) (Value: 'params').
parse(java.lang.String, java.util.Locale, org.simplemes.eframe.data.FieldDefinitionInterface) - Method in BigDecimalFieldFormat
Parses the given value from a string into the correct type for a field.
parse(java.lang.String, java.util.Locale, org.simplemes.eframe.data.FieldDefinitionInterface) - Method in BooleanFieldFormat
Parses the given value from a string into the correct type for a field.
parse(java.lang.String, java.util.Locale, org.simplemes.eframe.data.FieldDefinitionInterface) - Method in ChildListFieldFormat
Parses the given value from a string into the correct type for a field.
parse(java.lang.String, java.util.Locale, org.simplemes.eframe.data.FieldDefinitionInterface) - Method in CustomChildListFieldFormat
Parses the given value from a string into the correct type for a field.
parse(java.lang.String, java.util.Locale, org.simplemes.eframe.data.FieldDefinitionInterface) - Method in DateFieldFormat
Parses the given value from a string into the correct type for a field.
parse(java.lang.String, java.util.Locale, org.simplemes.eframe.data.FieldDefinitionInterface) - Method in DateOnlyFieldFormat
Parses the given value from a string into the correct type for a field.
parse(java.lang.String, java.util.Locale, org.simplemes.eframe.data.FieldDefinitionInterface) - Method in DomainReferenceFieldFormat
Parses the given value from a string into the correct type for a field.
parse(java.lang.String, java.util.Locale, org.simplemes.eframe.data.FieldDefinitionInterface) - Method in DomainRefListFieldFormat
Parses the given value from a string into the correct type for a field.
parse(java.lang.String, java.util.Locale, org.simplemes.eframe.data.FieldDefinitionInterface) - Method in EncodedTypeFieldFormat
Parses the given value from a string into the correct type for a field.
parse(java.lang.String, java.util.Locale, org.simplemes.eframe.data.FieldDefinitionInterface) - Method in EnumFieldFormat
Parses the given value from a string into the correct type for a field.
parse(java.lang.String, java.util.Locale, org.simplemes.eframe.data.FieldDefinitionInterface) - Method in FieldFormatInterface
Parses the given value from a string into the correct type for a field.
parse(java.lang.String, java.util.Locale, org.simplemes.eframe.data.FieldDefinitionInterface) - Method in IntegerFieldFormat
Parses the given value from a string into the correct type for a field.
parse(java.lang.String) - Method in ISODate
Parses the given date/time in standard ISO format.
parse(java.lang.String, java.util.Locale, org.simplemes.eframe.data.FieldDefinitionInterface) - Method in LongFieldFormat
Parses the given value from a string into the correct type for a field.
parse(java.lang.String, java.util.Locale, org.simplemes.eframe.data.FieldDefinitionInterface) - Method in StringFieldFormat
Parses the given value from a string into the correct type for a field.
parseBody(io.micronaut.http.HttpRequest, java.lang.Class) - Method in BaseController
Parses the request's body as JSON and creates an object of the given clazz from the contents.
parseDate(java.lang.String, java.util.Locale) - Method in DateUtils
Parses the given string into a Date using the optional Locale.
parseDateOnly(java.lang.String, java.util.Locale) - Method in DateUtils
Parses the given string into a DateOnly using the optional Locale.
parseDateOnly(java.lang.String) - Method in ISODate
Parses the given date only standard ISO format.
parseFile(java.lang.String) - Method in WebClientLookup
Parses the given JS file for message definitions.
parseForm(java.lang.String, java.util.Locale, org.simplemes.eframe.data.FieldDefinitionInterface) - Method in BasicFieldFormat
Parses the given value from a string using the form submission format.
parseForm(java.lang.String, java.util.Locale, org.simplemes.eframe.data.FieldDefinitionInterface) - Method in DateFieldFormat
Parses the given value from a string using the form submission format.
parseForm(java.lang.String, java.util.Locale, org.simplemes.eframe.data.FieldDefinitionInterface) - Method in DateOnlyFieldFormat
Parses the given value from a string using the form submission format.
parseForm(java.lang.String) - Method in DateUtils
Parses the given string into a Date using the locale-independent date format.
parseForm(java.lang.String, java.util.Locale, org.simplemes.eframe.data.FieldDefinitionInterface) - Method in FieldFormatInterface
Parses the given value from a string using the form submission format.
parseJSONForCustomList(List<String>, org.simplemes.eframe.data.FieldDefinitionInterface) - Method in CustomChildListFieldFormat
Parses for custom JSON Child records.
parseLine(java.lang.String) - Method in WebClientLookup
Parses the given text line into valid key/value pair.
parseNameValuePairs(java.lang.String) - Method in TextUtils
Parses the name/value pairs in a string into a Map.
parseNumber(java.lang.String, java.util.Locale) - Method in NumberUtils
Parses a human-readable form of the given Number with the specified locale.
parsingFromJSON - Field in FieldHolderMap
True if the Map has changed since the last time the JSON was generated (toJSON()).
PassAllJacksonFilter - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.search
Defines a filter that allows all fields to be serialized.
PassAllJacksonFilter() - Constructor in PassAllJacksonFilter
PasswordEncoderService - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.security
Encodes (encrypts) a password.
PasswordEncoderService() - Constructor in PasswordEncoderService
passwordMatches(java.lang.String) - Method in User
Determines if the given password matches the user's current password.
PerformanceUtils - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.misc
Utility methods for performance investigations.
PerformanceUtils() - Constructor in PerformanceUtils
performRequest(org.elasticsearch.client.Request) - Method in MockRestClient
The simulated request method.
persist(InsertOperation<T>) - Method in EFrameJdbcRepositoryOperations
Read an entity using the given prefix to be passes to result set lookups.
persistAdjustmentsInText() - Method in FieldGUIExtension
Persist the transient adjustment List into the JSON for storage in the DB.
PersistentProperty - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.domain
Defines a single persistent property for a given domain object.
PersistentProperty(java.lang.reflect.Field) - Constructor in PersistentProperty
The Field constructor.
persistPreferencesInText() - Method in UserPreference
Persist the transient preferences Map into the JSON for storage in the DB.
persistToken(io.micronaut.security.token.event.RefreshTokenGeneratedEvent) - Method in RefreshTokenService
Persists the refresh token.
possibleBadLabelSuffixes - Field in CRUDGUITester
A list of string that indicate a piece of text might not be properly internationalized.
postAdjustQuery(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.Class) - Method in AdjustQueryInterface
ExtensionPoint post method to adjust the query string to make the input more user friendly.
postAdjustQuery(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.Class) - Method in SearchAdjustQueryExtension
ExtensionPoint post method to adjust the query string to make the input more user friendly.
postCoreMethod2(java.lang.String) - Method in SampleMisMatchedMethodExtensionInterface
postCoreMethod3(java.lang.String, java.lang.String) - Method in SampleMisMatchedMethodExtensionInterface
postCoreMethod4(java.lang.String, java.lang.Boolean) - Method in SampleMisMatchedMethodExtensionInterface
postCoreMethod5(java.lang.String) - Method in SampleMisMatchedMethodExtensionInterface
postCoreMethod(java.util.Map, java.lang.String, java.lang.Integer) - Method in SampleExtensionInterface
The extension method executed after the core method.
postCoreMethod(sample.pogo.SampleAlternatePOGO, sample.pogo.SamplePOGO) - Method in SampleExtensionPOGOInterface
The extension method executed after the core method.
postCoreMethod(java.util.Map) - Method in SampleNoArgumentExtensionInterface
The extension method executed after the core method.
postCoreXMethod(java.util.Map) - Method in SampleMisMatchedMethodExtensionInterface
preAdjustQuery(java.lang.String, java.lang.Class) - Method in AdjustQueryInterface
ExtensionPoint pre method to adjust the query string to make the input more user friendly.
preAdjustQuery(java.lang.String, java.lang.Class) - Method in SearchAdjustQueryExtension
ExtensionPoint pre method to adjust the query string to make the input more user friendly.
preBindSpecialColumn(java.util.Map, java.lang.String, java.lang.Object) - Method in DomainBinder
Handles mapping of some special values that are usually ignored by the bind() method.
PRECISION_LOW - Field in DateUtils
The date/elapsed time precision only needs to display a low precision (e.g. '3 hours').
PRECISION_MEDIUM - Field in DateUtils
The date/elapsed time precision needs to display a medium precision (e.g. '3 hours 23 minutes').
preCoreMethod2() - Method in SampleMisMatchedMethodExtensionInterface
preCoreMethod3() - Method in SampleMisMatchedMethodExtensionInterface
preCoreMethod4(java.lang.Integer) - Method in SampleMisMatchedMethodExtensionInterface
preCoreMethod5() - Method in SampleMisMatchedMethodExtensionInterface
preCoreMethod(java.lang.String, java.lang.Integer) - Method in SampleExtensionInterface
The extension method executed before the core method.
preCoreMethod(sample.pogo.SamplePOGO) - Method in SampleExtensionPOGOInterface
The extension method executed before the core method.
preCoreMethod() - Method in SampleMisMatchedMethodExtensionInterface
preCoreMethod() - Method in SampleNoArgumentExtensionInterface
The extension method executed before the core method.
Preference - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.preference
A generic holder for a single user Preference.
Preference() - Constructor in Preference
PreferenceDeserializer - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.preference
Serializes a Preference object to JSON for storage.
PreferenceDeserializer() - Constructor in PreferenceDeserializer
PreferenceHolder - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.preference
Defines a user preference object for given user, page and HTML element.
PreferenceHolder() - Constructor in PreferenceHolder
PreferenceSerializer - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.preference
Serializes a Preference object to JSON for storage.
PreferenceSerializer() - Constructor in PreferenceSerializer
PreferenceSettingInterface - Interface in org.simplemes.eframe.preference
Defines a user preference setting to contain the user's setting between sessions.
PreferenceSettingInterface() - Constructor in PreferenceSettingInterface
PreloadMessagesMarker - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.web.ui.webix.freemarker
Provides the efPreloadMessages Freemarker marker implementation.
PreloadMessagesMarker() - Constructor in PreloadMessagesMarker
preStart() - Method in StartupHandler
This method should be called from your Application class before the Micronaut.run() method is called.
prettyFormat(java.lang.Object) - Method in TextUtils
Pretty format a map/list using JSON syntax.
previous() - Method in HistoryTracking
previous() - Method in ReportTimeIntervalEnum
processClasses(java.io.File, java.io.File) - Method in ExtensionPointDocumentExtractor
Processes the given folder for .classes that provide the ExtensionPoint and writes them to the given doc output file.
PRODUCTION - Field in EFEnvironments
The production (runtime) environment.
ProductionInterface - Interface in sample
A sample interface implemented by production extensions.
ProductionInterface() - Constructor in ProductionInterface
propertyMissing(java.lang.String) - Method in BaseSpecification
The missing property handler.
propertyMissingGetter(java.lang.Object, java.lang.String) - Method in ExtensibleFieldHelper
Handles the propertyMissing (setter) calls for the given object.
propertyMissingSetter(java.lang.Object, java.lang.String, java.lang.Object) - Method in ExtensibleFieldHelper
Handles the propertyMissing calls for the given object.
put(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object, org.simplemes.eframe.data.FieldDefinitionInterface) - Method in FieldHolderMap
Puts the given value, with the given field definition.
put(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object) - Method in ShortTermCacheMap
Associates the specified value with the specified key in this map.
putAt(java.lang.String, java.lang.Object) - Method in StandardModelAndView
Provides subscript access to the model without worrying about the Optional get() call.
putResource(java.lang.String, java.lang.Object) - Method in ReportResourceCache
Puts a resource in the cache, with a soft reference.



read() - Method in ExtensionController
read(java.io.Reader) - Method in TypeableMapper
Reads multiple elements from the input reader and creates the original objects.
readList(org.simplemes.eframe.domain.annotation.DomainEntityInterface, org.simplemes.eframe.data.FieldDefinitionInterface) - Method in CustomChildListFieldFormat
Gets the given field value from the given object (domain or POGO depending on sub-class).
readList(org.simplemes.eframe.domain.annotation.DomainEntityInterface, org.simplemes.eframe.data.FieldDefinitionInterface) - Method in ListFieldLoaderInterface
Gets the given field value from the given object (domain or POGO depending on sub-class).
ReadOnlyFieldModule - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.test.page
Defines the GEB page elements for a standard read-only text field.
ReadOnlyFieldModule() - Constructor in ReadOnlyFieldModule
readOnlyFields(java.lang.String) - Method in CRUDGUITester
A list of fields that are not editable in the create/edit pages.
recordParams(Map<String, Object>) - Method in CRUDGUITester
Values to set in the domain object for created and edit.
referenceType - Field in PersistentProperty
Defines the ultimate object this property references.
RefreshToken - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.security.domain
The domain object for refresh token persistence.
RefreshToken() - Constructor in RefreshToken
refreshTokenCookieConfiguration - Field in RefreshTokenService
refreshTokenGenerator - Field in RefreshTokenService
refreshTokenPersistence - Field in LoginAuthController
RefreshTokenRepository - Interface in org.simplemes.eframe.security.domain
The RefreshToken repository base interface.
RefreshTokenRepository() - Constructor in RefreshTokenRepository
RefreshTokenService - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.security.service
Provides services for the JWT refresh tokens.
refreshTokenService - Field in AutoRefreshAuthenticationFetcher
refreshTokenService - Field in LoginAuthController
RefreshTokenService() - Constructor in RefreshTokenService
refreshTokenValidator - Field in LoginAuthController
refreshTokenValidator - Field in RefreshTokenService
register(Map<String, List<String>>, java.lang.Class) - Method in InitialDataRecords
Register any possible new records.
registerAutoCleanup(org.simplemes.eframe.test.AutoCleanupMockInterface) - Method in BaseSpecification
Registers an auto cleanup task with this test.
rejectedExecution(java.lang.Runnable, java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor) - Method in SearchEnginePoolExecutor
removeField(java.lang.String) - Method in FieldAdjustmentInterface
Removes the given field name from this adjustment.
removeField(java.lang.String) - Method in FieldInsertAdjustment
Removes the given field name from this adjustment.
removeField(java.lang.String) - Method in FieldMoveAdjustment
Removes the given field name from this adjustment.
removeField(java.lang.String) - Method in FieldRemoveAdjustment
Removes the given field name from this adjustment.
removeField(java.lang.String) - Method in FieldReplaceAllAdjustment
Removes the given field name from this adjustment.
removeObjectFromIndex(java.lang.Object) - Method in MockSearchEngineClient
Removes a single object from the index.
removeObjectFromIndex(java.lang.Object) - Method in SearchEngineClient
Removes a single object from the index.
removeObjectFromIndex(java.lang.Object) - Method in SearchEngineClientInterface
Removes a single object from the index.
removeObjectFromIndex(java.lang.Object) - Method in SearchHelper
Removes a single object from the index.
removeOtherLogger(java.lang.String) - Method in LoggingController
Removes the given 'other logger' from the list displayed.
removeOtherLoggerFromPref(java.lang.String) - Method in LoggingController
Removes a single level from the 'Others' logger list in the user preferences.
removeReferencesToField(java.lang.String, java.lang.String) - Method in FieldGUIExtension
Removes all references to the given field for the given domain.
render(java.lang.String, java.lang.Object) - Method in MockRenderer
viewName - view name to be render
render() - Method in UnitTestRenderer
Renders the rendered content.
renderContent() - Method in BaseMarker
Generate the body content so we can access any variables set by the markers in the body.
replaceBothToken(org.simplemes.eframe.security.domain.RefreshToken, java.lang.String) - Method in RefreshTokenService
Replaces the current token with a new one and return the correct cookies for the client.
replaceJwtToken(org.simplemes.eframe.security.domain.RefreshToken, java.lang.String) - Method in RefreshTokenService
Replaces the current JWT token (only) with a new one and return the correct cookie for the client.
ReplacementTokenResponse - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.security
Defines the replacement refresh token and user details for a replacement request.
ReplacementTokenResponse() - Constructor in ReplacementTokenResponse
replaceRefreshToken(java.lang.String, HttpRequest<?>, java.lang.Boolean) - Method in RefreshTokenService
Replaces the given refresh token with a new single use token.
Report - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.reports
Holds the report details needed to generate a report using the third-party report engine.
report(java.lang.String) - Method in BaseSpecification
Writes the screen shot to the reports directory.
Report() - Constructor in Report
reportActivity(io.micronaut.http.HttpRequest, java.security.Principal) - Method in ReportController
Displays the report dashboard activity.
ReportController - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.reports.controller
Support for report engine-style reports.
ReportController() - Constructor in ReportController
ReportEngine - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.reports
Provides low-level access to the external report engine.
ReportEngine() - Constructor in ReportEngine
reportFailure(java.lang.String) - Method in BaseSpecification
This method is called when the report fails.
ReportFieldDefinition - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.reports
Defines a single report parameter field to allow user input of parameters.
ReportFieldDefinition() - Constructor in ReportFieldDefinition
ReportHelper - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.reports
Provides helper methods for finding and using reports from the external report engine.
ReportHelper() - Constructor in ReportHelper
ReportResourceCache - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.reports
This provides a mechanism to hold the report engine images and other resources for later display within the browser.
ReportResourceCache() - Constructor in ReportResourceCache
ReportResourceHandler - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.reports
Handles the report engine's resource (image) processing suitable for use in a controller.
ReportResourceHandler() - Constructor in ReportResourceHandler
ReportTimeIntervalEnum - Enum in org.simplemes.eframe.reports
Defines a report/chart interval of time.
ReportTimeIntervalEnum() - Constructor in ReportTimeIntervalEnum
ReportUtils - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.reports
Report utils for use with the Report Engine.
ReportUtils() - Constructor in ReportUtils
repository - Field in DomainEntity
The repository class (interface) for this domain entity.
repositoryFieldName - Field in DomainEntity
Defines the field name to store the custom values in.
REQUEST - Field in StandardModelAndView
The name of the Freemarker data model element that holds the HTTP request object (Value: 'request').
requestBackgroundIndexObject(java.lang.Object) - Method in SearchHelper
Will create and submit an indexObject request to the search engine.
requestBackgroundObjectRemoval(java.lang.Object) - Method in SearchHelper
Will create and submit a deleteObject request to the search engine.
requestFailed() - Method in SearchHelper
Notifies the helper that a request failed.
requiredValues(Map<String, Object>) - Method in DomainTester
Sets the required values for the domain object.
resetCounts() - Method in SearchHelper
Resets the request counters.
resolveDomainPropertyReference(java.lang.String) - Method in DomainReference
Resolves a domain property reference (e.g.
resolveNestedObjectReference(java.lang.String, java.lang.Object) - Method in DomainReference
Resolves a nested object reference (e.g. router.operations) from a given field name.
resolveRelativePath(java.lang.String) - Method in FileUtils
Resolved the relative path elements ('..') to the specific path.
respond(org.spockframework.mock.IMockInvocation) - Method in MockAdditionHelper
respond(org.spockframework.mock.IMockInvocation) - Method in MockBean
respond(org.spockframework.mock.IMockInvocation) - Method in MockControllerUtils
respond(org.spockframework.mock.IMockInvocation) - Method in MockDomainUtils
respond(org.spockframework.mock.IMockInvocation) - Method in MockFieldExtension
respond(org.spockframework.mock.IMockInvocation) - Method in MockPersistentProperty
respond(org.spockframework.mock.IMockInvocation) - Method in MockSecurityUtils
restDelete(java.lang.String, java.security.Principal) - Method in BaseCrudController2
Deletes a single top-level domain object.
restDelete(java.lang.String, java.security.Principal) - Method in BaseCrudRestController
Deletes a single top-level domain object.
restGet(java.lang.String, java.security.Principal) - Method in BaseCrudController2
Gets a single domain object and returns it as a JSON content.
restGet(java.lang.String, java.security.Principal) - Method in BaseCrudRestController
Gets a single domain object and returns it as a JSON content.
restPost(io.micronaut.http.HttpRequest, java.security.Principal) - Method in BaseCrudController2
Creates a single top-level domain object.
restPost(io.micronaut.http.HttpRequest, java.security.Principal) - Method in BaseCrudRestController
Creates a single top-level domain object.
restPut(java.lang.String, io.micronaut.http.HttpRequest, java.security.Principal) - Method in BaseCrudController2
Updates a single top-level domain object.
restPut(java.lang.String, io.micronaut.http.HttpRequest, java.security.Principal) - Method in BaseCrudRestController
Updates a single top-level domain object.
revokeAllUserTokens(java.lang.String) - Method in RefreshTokenService
Revokes all user's tokens.
RMA - Class in sample.domain
A sample domain class that simulates an RMA approval.
RMA() - Constructor in RMA
RMAController - Class in sample.controller
Handles the controller actions for the Order objects.
RMAController() - Constructor in RMAController
RMARepository - Interface in sample.domain
The RMA repository base interface.
RMARepository() - Constructor in RMARepository
Role - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.security.domain
Defines a Role for security.
role(java.lang.String) - Method in ControllerTester
The security role that should be specified for the class (or all methods).
Role() - Constructor in Role
RoleRepository - Interface in org.simplemes.eframe.security.domain
The Role repository base interface.
RoleRepository() - Constructor in RoleRepository
Roles - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.security
Defines some useful constants for role assignments.
Roles() - Constructor in Roles
Rollback - Annotation Type in org.simplemes.eframe.test.annotation
This annotation can be used to mark a method to force a rollback when the test ends.
RollbackTransformation - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.test.annotation
This annotation can be used to mark a method to force a rollback when the test ends.
RollbackTransformation() - Constructor in RollbackTransformation
Basic Constructor.
ROOT_URI - Field in DashboardController
Root of the URI this controller services.
run() - Method in MockSearchEngineRequest
This executes the indexObject action on the external search server.
run() - Method in SearchEngineRequestBulkArchiveIndex
This executes the bulk index action on the external search server.
run() - Method in SearchEngineRequestBulkIndex
This executes the bulk index action on the external search server.
run() - Method in SearchEngineRequestIndexObject
This executes the indexObject action on the external search server.
run() - Method in SearchEngineRequestObjectRemoval
This executes the indexObject action on the external search server.


safeGetField(java.lang.Class, java.lang.String) - Method in TypeUtils
Returns the field from the class;s declared fields, null if not found.
SAMPLE_DATE_ONLY_MS - Field in UnitTestUtils
A date (milliseconds) useful for unit tests. 2010-06-15
A DateOnly ISO string for a specific date.
A Date ISO string for a specific date/time with no fractions.
SAMPLE_ISO_TIME_STRING - Field in UnitTestUtils
A Date ISO string for a specific date/time.
SAMPLE_TIME_MS - Field in UnitTestUtils
A date/time (milliseconds) useful for unit tests.
A date/time (milliseconds) with no fractions of a second, useful for unit tests.
SampleAddition - Class in sample
Defines an internal addition for the framework that is used to specify some features for the framework (e.g.
SampleAddition() - Constructor in SampleAddition
SampleAlternatePOGO - Class in sample.pogo
Another simple POGO for testing.
SampleAlternatePOGO() - Constructor in SampleAlternatePOGO
SampleBasicStatus - Class in sample
A test class that can be added to the list of basic samples.
SampleBasicStatus() - Constructor in SampleBasicStatus
SampleChild - Class in sample.domain
A test/Sample child domain class.
SampleChild() - Constructor in SampleChild
SampleChildRepository - Interface in sample.domain
The SampleChild repository base interface.
SampleChildRepository() - Constructor in SampleChildRepository
SampleController - Class in sample.controller
Test controller for extension mechanism.
SampleController() - Constructor in SampleController
SampleDemoDataLoader - Class in sample
Used to test the loading of demo data.
SampleDemoDataLoader() - Constructor in SampleDemoDataLoader
SampleExtensionInterface - Interface in sample
The interface to many sample ExtensionPoint tests.
SampleExtensionInterface() - Constructor in SampleExtensionInterface
SampleExtensionPOGOInterface - Interface in sample
The interface to many sample ExtensionPoint tests.
SampleExtensionPOGOInterface() - Constructor in SampleExtensionPOGOInterface
SampleGrandChild - Class in sample.domain
A test/Sample grand child domain class.
SampleGrandChild() - Constructor in SampleGrandChild
SampleGrandChildRepository - Interface in sample.domain
The SampleGrandChild repository base interface.
SampleGrandChildRepository() - Constructor in SampleGrandChildRepository
SampleMisMatchedMethodExtensionInterface - Interface in sample
The interface to many sample ExtensionPoint tests.
SampleMisMatchedMethodExtensionInterface() - Constructor in SampleMisMatchedMethodExtensionInterface
SampleNoArgumentExtensionInterface - Interface in sample
The interface to many sample ExtensionPoint tests.
SampleNoArgumentExtensionInterface() - Constructor in SampleNoArgumentExtensionInterface
SampleParent - Class in sample.domain
A test/Sample parent domain class.
SampleParent() - Constructor in SampleParent
SampleParentController - Class in sample.controller
Handles the controller actions for the SampleParent objects.
SampleParentController() - Constructor in SampleParentController
SampleParentInterface - Interface in sample.domain
Defines the fields used in a SampleParent object.
SampleParentInterface() - Constructor in SampleParentInterface
SampleParentRepository - Interface in sample.domain
The SampleParent repository base interface.
SampleParentRepository() - Constructor in SampleParentRepository
SamplePOGO - Class in sample.pogo
A simple POGO for testing.
SamplePOGO() - Constructor in SamplePOGO
SampleTrait - Trait in sample.controller
A trait used for testing.
SampleTrait() - Constructor in SampleTrait
sanitize(java.lang.String) - Method in TextFieldModule
Sanitizes non-printable characters from the HTML text.
save() - Method in DomainEntityInterface
Saves the record.
save() - Method in MockPreferenceHolder
Save current setting to database.
save(sample.domain.Order) - Method in OrderServiceInterface
save() - Method in PreferenceHolder
Save current setting to database.
saveChildList(org.simplemes.eframe.domain.annotation.DomainEntityInterface, java.util.List, java.lang.String, java.lang.Class, java.lang.String) - Method in DomainEntityHelper
Saves the given child list of records.
saveEditorChanges(org.simplemes.eframe.dashboard.domain.DashboardConfig) - Method in BaseDashboardSpecification
Opens the editor dialog and waits for the dialog to close and the record to be updated in the DB.
saveField(io.micronaut.http.HttpRequest, java.security.Principal) - Method in ExtensionController
Saves the custom field definition.
saveFieldOrder(io.micronaut.http.HttpRequest, java.security.Principal) - Method in ExtensionController
Saves the GUI definition field order.
saveFieldOrder(java.lang.Class, List<String>) - Method in ExtensionService
Saves the new field order as configured by the user in the Configuration GUI for a definition page.
saveList(org.simplemes.eframe.domain.annotation.DomainEntityInterface, java.util.List, org.simplemes.eframe.data.FieldDefinitionInterface) - Method in CustomChildListFieldFormat
Saves the list field values to the DB.
saveList(org.simplemes.eframe.domain.annotation.DomainEntityInterface, java.util.List, org.simplemes.eframe.data.FieldDefinitionInterface) - Method in ListFieldLoaderInterface
Saves the list field values to the DB.
saveSimplePreference(java.util.Map) - Method in UserPreferenceController
Saves the given preference value into the user's preferences for the give element.
saveSimplePreference(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.Object) - Method in UserPreferenceService
Saves the given preference value into the user's preferences for the give element.
scan() - Method in ClassPathScanner
Scans the classpath for matching resources.
scanFileFolder(java.io.File) - Method in ClassPathScanner
Scan a file folder, including sub-folders.
scanJarFolder(java.io.File) - Method in ClassPathScanner
Scan a JAR file folder, including sub-folders.
scanResource(java.net.URL) - Method in ClassPathScanner
Scans a single resource for sub-elements that match the pattern.
search(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.util.Map) - Method in SearchEngineClient
Performs an internal search (global or domain) for the given query string and the given URI.
SearchableJacksonFilter - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.search
Defines a filter that looks at the searchable static field for any excluded fields and removes them from the JSON for the search engine.
SearchableJacksonFilter() - Constructor in SearchableJacksonFilter
SearchAdjustQueryExtension - Class in sample
SearchAdjustQueryExtension() - Constructor in SearchAdjustQueryExtension
SearchController - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.search.controller
Global System control settings.
SearchController() - Constructor in SearchController
SearchDomainSettings - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.search
Defines the search settings for single domain class.
SearchDomainSettings() - Constructor in SearchDomainSettings
SearchEngineClient - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.search
This helper encapsulates the search interface to the external search engine (Elastic Search in this case).
SearchEngineClient() - Constructor in SearchEngineClient
SearchEngineClientInterface - Interface in org.simplemes.eframe.search
This interface defines the API provided by the search interface to the external search engine (Elastic Search in this case).
SearchEngineClientInterface() - Constructor in SearchEngineClientInterface
SearchEnginePoolExecutor - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.search
The thread pool executor that provides background processing of search engine requests.
SearchEnginePoolExecutor.SearchThreadFactory - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.search
The thread factory for the pool.
SearchEnginePoolExecutor.SearchThreadFactory() - Constructor in SearchEnginePoolExecutor.SearchThreadFactory
SearchEnginePoolExecutor() - Constructor in SearchEnginePoolExecutor
SearchEngineRequestBulkArchiveIndex - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.search
This encapsulates a bulk index request on a list of archive references.
SearchEngineRequestBulkArchiveIndex() - Constructor in SearchEngineRequestBulkArchiveIndex
SearchEngineRequestBulkIndex - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.search
This encapsulates a bulk index request on a list of domain objects.
SearchEngineRequestBulkIndex() - Constructor in SearchEngineRequestBulkIndex
SearchEngineRequestIndexObject - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.search
This encapsulates a index request on a domain object.
SearchEngineRequestIndexObject() - Constructor in SearchEngineRequestIndexObject
SearchEngineRequestInterface - Interface in org.simplemes.eframe.search
This is the common interface for all request handled by the search engine clients.
SearchEngineRequestInterface() - Constructor in SearchEngineRequestInterface
SearchEngineRequestObjectRemoval - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.search
This encapsulates a request to remove a domain object from the search engine index.
SearchEngineRequestObjectRemoval() - Constructor in SearchEngineRequestObjectRemoval
SearchEngineRequestQueue - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.search
The search request queue.
SearchEngineRequestQueue() - Constructor in SearchEngineRequestQueue
SearchHelper - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.search
This helper encapsulates the search interface.
SearchHelper() - Constructor in SearchHelper
SearchHit - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.search
A single search hit from the search engine.
SearchHit() - Constructor in SearchHit
SearchResult - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.search
This class contains the results of a search.
SearchResult() - Constructor in SearchResult
SearchService - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.search.service
A service to handle search-related tasks.
SearchService() - Constructor in SearchService
SearchStatus - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.search
This class contains the current search engine status.
SearchStatus() - Constructor in SearchStatus
SearchThreadFactory() - Constructor in SearchEnginePoolExecutor.SearchThreadFactory
SearchTransactionEventListener - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.search
Listens for the transaction commit events on domain objects.
SearchTransactionEventListener() - Constructor in SearchTransactionEventListener
SearchValidation - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.search
Provides validations for Domain Entities that check for search mis-configurations.
secured(java.lang.String, java.lang.String) - Method in ControllerTester
Adds a specific test for a single method name and role.
securityCheck(java.lang.Boolean) - Method in ControllerTester
If true, then the method security checks are made.
SecurityUtils - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.security
Utility methods to access the system's security features.
SecurityUtils() - Constructor in SecurityUtils
sendKey(java.lang.Object) - Method in BaseGUISpecification
Send the key(s) without wait to the browser.
sendRequest(java.util.Map) - Method in BaseAPISpecification
Sends an HTTP request to the embedded server using the internal client.
serialize(java.lang.Object, com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonGenerator, com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.SerializerProvider) - Method in ComplexCustomFieldSerializer
Serializes the domain record reference using the short string (e.g. primary key field).
serialize(org.simplemes.eframe.date.DateOnly, com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonGenerator, com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.SerializerProvider) - Method in DateOnlySerializer
serialize(java.lang.Object, com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonGenerator, com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.SerializerProvider) - Method in EncodedTypeSerializer
Serializes the enum using the toString() and adding a display value.
serialize(java.lang.Object, com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonGenerator, com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.SerializerProvider) - Method in EnumSerializer
Serializes the enum using the toString() and adding a display value.
serialize(org.simplemes.eframe.custom.FieldHolderMapInterface, com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonGenerator, com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.SerializerProvider) - Method in FieldHolderMapSerializer
serialize(java.lang.Object, com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonGenerator, com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.SerializerProvider) - Method in ForeignReferenceSerializer
Serializes the domain record reference using the short string (e.g. primary key field).
serialize(java.lang.Object, com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonGenerator, com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.SerializerProvider) - Method in JSONByIDSerializer
Generates a simple ID value (integer) for the node.
serialize(java.lang.Object, com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonGenerator, com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.SerializerProvider) - Method in JSONByKeySerializer
Generates a simple key value (integer) for the node.
serialize(org.simplemes.eframe.exception.MessageHolder, com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonGenerator, com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.SerializerProvider) - Method in MessageHolderSerializer
Serializes a MessageHolder.
serialize(org.simplemes.eframe.preference.Preference, com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonGenerator, com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.SerializerProvider) - Method in PreferenceSerializer
Serializes a Preference object to a JSON object (text).
serializeAsField(java.lang.Object, com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonGenerator, com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.SerializerProvider, com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ser.PropertyWriter) - Method in SearchableJacksonFilter
ServiceUtils - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.service
Service support utilities.
ServiceUtils() - Constructor in ServiceUtils
set(java.lang.String, org.simplemes.eframe.preference.PreferenceSettingInterface) - Method in PreferenceHolder
Sets the preference in the stored setting.
setAdjustments(List<FieldAdjustmentInterface>) - Method in FieldGUIExtension
Sets the Adjustments.
setAdjustmentsText(java.lang.String) - Method in FieldGUIExtension
Sets the adjustments.
setAllFieldsDomain(sample.domain.AllFieldsDomain) - Method in SampleParentInterface
setAllFieldsDomains(List<AllFieldsDomain>) - Method in SampleParentInterface
setChild(boolean) - Method in PersistentProperty
setColumnName(java.lang.String) - Method in PersistentProperty
setCombobox(java.lang.String, java.lang.String) - Method in BaseGUISpecification
Sets a combobox to the given ID setting.
setContentType(java.lang.String) - Method in Report
Sets the content type for this report.
setCurrentUser(java.lang.String) - Method in BaseSpecification
Temporarily sets the current user for this test.
setData(List<Map>) - Method in Report
Sets the report data for the report.
setDateCreated(java.util.Date) - Method in SampleParentInterface
setDateUpdated(java.util.Date) - Method in SampleParentInterface
setDefaultValues() - Method in SimpleFieldDefinition
Sets the default values (e.g. for the label), if none are provided.
setDetailsInConfig(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object, org.simplemes.eframe.data.FieldDefinitionInterface) - Method in FieldHolderMap
Records the type and related info into the config element, if needed for JSON deserialization.
setDirty(boolean) - Method in FieldHolderMap
setDirty(boolean) - Method in FieldHolderMapInterface
Sets the dirty flag.
setDomainSettingValue(org.simplemes.eframe.domain.annotation.DomainEntityInterface, java.lang.String, java.lang.Object) - Method in DomainEntityHelper
Sets a value in the domain settings in the given object.
setElement(java.lang.String) - Method in PreferenceHolder
Returns the list of element names.
setExclude(List<String>) - Method in SearchDomainSettings
setExtensibleFieldMap(java.lang.Object, org.simplemes.eframe.custom.FieldHolderMap) - Method in ExtensibleFieldHelper
Sets the field holder front-end Map.
setExtensibleFieldsText(java.lang.Object, java.lang.String, java.lang.String) - Method in ExtensibleFieldHelper
Sets the field holder text.
setField(java.lang.reflect.Field) - Method in PersistentProperty
setFieldFormat(org.simplemes.eframe.data.format.BasicFieldFormat) - Method in FieldInterface
The format of this field (e.g.
setFieldLabel(java.lang.String) - Method in FieldInterface
The label to use when displaying or prompting for this field value.
setFieldName(java.lang.String) - Method in FieldInterface
The name of the field.
setFieldValue(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object) - Method in AdditionFieldDefinition
Sets the given field value in the given object (domain or POGO depending on sub-class).
setFieldValue(java.lang.String, java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object) - Method in BaseGUISpecification
Checks and sets the given field value.
setFieldValue(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object) - Method in ConfigurableTypeFieldDefinition
Sets the given field value in the given object (domain or POGO depending on sub-class).
setFieldValue(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object) - Method in CustomFieldDefinition
Sets the given field value in the given object (domain or POGO depending on sub-class).
setFieldValue(java.lang.Object, java.lang.String, java.lang.Object) - Method in ExtensibleFieldHelper
Sets the value in a custom field holder.
setFieldValue(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object) - Method in FieldDefinitionInterface
Sets the given field value in the given object (domain or POGO depending on sub-class).
setFieldValue(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object) - Method in ReportFieldDefinition
Sets the given field value in the given object (domain or POGO depending on sub-class).
setFieldValue(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object) - Method in SimpleFieldDefinition
Sets the given field value in the given object (domain or POGO depending on sub-class).
setGuiHints(java.lang.String) - Method in FieldInterface
Some GUI hints, stored as name/value paris in a standard map.
setHistoryTracking(org.simplemes.eframe.custom.HistoryTracking) - Method in FieldInterface
The history tracking setting.
setHosts(List<HttpHost>) - Method in SearchEngineClientInterface
Sets the external search hosts to be used.
setInstance(org.simplemes.eframe.domain.annotation.DomainEntityHelper) - Method in DomainEntityHelper
setLoggingLevel(java.lang.String) - Method in LoggingController
This sets or clears the current logging level for the given logger.
setMaxLength(java.lang.Integer) - Method in FieldInterface
The maximum length of the custom value (Strings only). 0 or null means no limit (except for column limitations).
setMaxLength(java.lang.Integer) - Method in PersistentProperty
setMemoryPages(java.lang.String, java.lang.String) - Method in DashboardTestController
Sets the content of the memory pages available.
setMoreNotes(java.lang.String) - Method in SampleParentInterface
setMultiCombobox(java.lang.String, java.util.List) - Method in BaseGUISpecification
Sets a multi-select combobox to the given list of IDs.
setName(java.lang.String) - Method in PersistentProperty
setName(java.lang.String) - Method in SampleParentInterface
setNotDisplayed(java.lang.String) - Method in SampleParentInterface
setNotes(java.lang.String) - Method in SampleParentInterface
setNullable(boolean) - Method in PersistentProperty
setParentReference(boolean) - Method in PersistentProperty
setParsingFromJSON(boolean) - Method in FieldHolderMap
setParsingFromJSON(boolean) - Method in FieldHolderMapInterface
RSet to True if the Map has changed since the last time the JSON was generated (toJSON()).
setPreference(org.simplemes.eframe.preference.PreferenceSettingInterface) - Method in MockPreferenceHolder
Internal method to set/update the preference.
setPreference(org.simplemes.eframe.preference.PreferenceSettingInterface) - Method in PreferenceHolder
Set the given preference in the current settings.
setPreferences(List<Preference>) - Method in UserPreference
Sets the Preferences.
setPreferencesText(java.lang.String) - Method in UserPreference
Sets the Preferences.
setReferenceType(java.lang.Class) - Method in PersistentProperty
setRequired(java.lang.Boolean) - Method in FieldInterface
True if the field is considered required.
setSampleChildren(List<SampleChild>) - Method in SampleParentInterface
setSequence(java.lang.Integer) - Method in FieldInterface
The sequence this field should be displayed in.
setSettings(java.util.List) - Method in PreferenceHolder
Sets the list of settings.
setTimeToMidnightUTC() - Method in DateOnly
Sets the time part of this DateOnly to midnight, UTC.
The name of the element in the domain settings holder that will contain the list of loaded children.
SETTINGS_LOADED_REFERENCE - Field in DomainEntityHelper
The name of the element in the domain settings holder that will contain the already loaded flag for a foreign reference.
The name of the element in the domain settings holder that will contain flag that the domain has been sent for search engine marking.
setTitle(java.lang.String) - Method in SampleParentInterface
setTraceLogLevel(java.lang.Class) - Method in BaseSpecification
Temporarily sets the log level to trace for the given class.
setType(java.lang.Class) - Method in PersistentProperty
setUnderscoreOnCustomFields(java.lang.Object, boolean) - Method in SearchEngineClient
Set or clear the underscore flag on the fieldHolderMap in the given object and all children objects.
setup() - Method in BaseGUISpecification
Initializes the GUI, if needed.
setup() - Method in BaseSpecification
Sets up the Spock test.
setupFile(java.lang.Object) - Method in FileArchiver
Builds an archiver for a given domain object.
setupModule(SetupContext) - Method in EFrameJacksonModule
Method called by ObjectMapper when module is registered.
setupSpec() - Method in BaseSpecification
The setup method.
setUri(java.lang.String) - Method in CRUDGUITester
The URI to the controller for this domain class.
setUseUnderscoresInJson(boolean) - Method in FieldHolderMap
setUseUnderscoresInJson(boolean) - Method in FieldHolderMapInterface
True if the the generated JSON should use an underscore as a prefix on the custom field and _config elements.
setUuid(java.util.UUID) - Method in DomainEntityInterface
Sets the record UUID.
setUuid(java.util.UUID) - Method in FieldInterface
setUuid(java.util.UUID) - Method in SampleParentInterface
setValue(java.lang.Object) - Method in BooleanFieldModule
setValueClassName(java.lang.String) - Method in FieldInterface
The class that provides the field values.
setValues(io.micronaut.context.env.Environment, java.util.Map, freemarker.template.TemplateModel, freemarker.template.TemplateDirectiveBody) - Method in BaseMarker
Sets the values passed from the directive execution.
setValues(io.micronaut.context.env.Environment, java.util.Map, freemarker.template.TemplateModel, freemarker.template.TemplateDirectiveBody) - Method in MarkerInterface
Sets the values passed from the directive execution.
ShortTermCacheMap - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.misc
This is a map that will be used to temporarily cache some data for a very short time.
ShortTermCacheMap() - Constructor in ShortTermCacheMap
shouldForceDevMode(java.lang.String, HttpRequest<?>) - Method in EFrameAssetPipelineService
Determines if the we should force dev mode on the given asset.
show(java.lang.String, java.security.Principal) - Method in BaseCrudController
Displays the show page.
The name of the element in the marker coordinator that indicates an efShow marker is in process.
showFields(java.lang.String) - Method in CRUDGUITester
A list of fields that are displayed in the show page.
ShowMarker - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.web.ui.webix.freemarker
Provides the efShow Freemarker marker implementation.
ShowMarker() - Constructor in ShowMarker
shutdownPool() - Method in SearchEnginePoolExecutor
Shuts down the pool.
SimpleChoiceListItem - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.data
A generic entry of the ChoiceListItemInterface element.
SimpleChoiceListItem() - Constructor in SimpleChoiceListItem
SimpleFieldDefinition - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.data
A simple field definition.
SimpleFieldDefinition() - Constructor in SimpleFieldDefinition
SimplePreferenceFactory - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.preference
Factory to build the correct SimplePreference, based on the value type.
SimplePreferenceFactory() - Constructor in SimplePreferenceFactory
SimpleStringPreference - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.preference
This holds the a simple string preference.
SimpleStringPreference() - Constructor in SimpleStringPreference
SimplifiedSQLException - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.exception
Defines a wrapper exception that simplifies (clarifies) the message for the SQL exception.
SimplifiedSQLException() - Constructor in SimplifiedSQLException
simplifyH2Exception(java.sql.SQLException) - Method in SimplifiedSQLException
Handles H2 exceptions to strip out the important stuff (if possible).
simulateDelete(java.lang.String) - Method in MockRestClient
Simulates a DELETE action (e.g. delete all indices or remove single document from index).
simulateGet(java.lang.String, org.apache.http.HttpEntity) - Method in MockRestClient
Simulates a GET action.
simulatePost(java.lang.String, org.apache.http.HttpEntity) - Method in MockRestClient
Simulates a POST action (e.g. document bulk index).
simulatePut(java.lang.String, org.apache.http.HttpEntity) - Method in MockRestClient
Simulates a PUT action (e.g. document index).
sort() - Method in TaskMenu
Sorts the folders and all sub folders.
sortAll() - Method in TaskMenuFolder
Sorts the folders and menu items.
sortData(java.util.Collection) - Method in GridWidget
Sorts the data, if a user-sorting option is in needed.
sortDomainsForLoading(List<IDL>) - Method in InitialDataLoader
Sorts the given list of Maps in the order needed for initial data loading.
SplitterPreference - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.preference
This holds the specific preferences for a panel in a splitter for the desired display mode (size).
SplitterPreference() - Constructor in SplitterPreference
SplitterResized - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.preference.event
Handles the SplitterResized event from a list GUI.
SplitterResized() - Constructor in SplitterResized
SQLUtils - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.domain
Common utility methods used to access SQL data directly.
SQLUtils() - Constructor in SQLUtils
The standard scale/precision for decimal values.
standardGUISleep(int) - Method in BaseGUISpecification
Convenience method to wait a standard delay time (approx 100ms) for the GUI to react.
StandardModelAndView - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.controller
Defines an enhanced version of the model and view object used to display a page from a controller method.
StandardModelAndView() - Constructor in StandardModelAndView
start(io.micronaut.http.HttpRequest, java.security.Principal) - Method in DashboardTestController
Sample test method to process a POST request for a sample start.
start() - Method in GlobalSpecExtension
start(java.io.Writer) - Method in TypeableMapper
Starts the output of the JSON.
start(sample.StartRequest) - Method in WorkServiceInterface
startBulkIndex(java.lang.Object, java.security.Principal) - Method in SearchController
Starts the bulk index request.
startBulkIndex(java.lang.Boolean) - Method in SearchService
Rebuilds all search indices, with an option to delete existing indices.
startBulkIndexRequest(java.lang.Boolean) - Method in SearchHelper
Starts the bulk index request.
started(sample.StartRequest, sample.StartResponse, boolean) - Method in ProductionInterface
Called when an order is started (sample code).
started(sample.StartRequest, sample.StartResponse, boolean) - Method in StartExtension
Called when an order is started (sample code).
StartExtension - Class in sample.service
A sample extension that handles Start actions.
StartExtension() - Constructor in StartExtension
startPool() - Method in SearchEnginePoolExecutor
Creates and starts the execution pool.
StartRequest - Class in sample
The start request POGO (sample).
StartRequest() - Constructor in StartRequest
StartResponse - Class in sample
The start result response POGO (sample).
StartResponse() - Constructor in StartResponse
startServerIfNeeded() - Method in BaseSpecification
Starts an embedded server, if needed.
StartUndoAction - Class in sample
Defines the action needed to undo a single start action.
StartUndoAction() - Constructor in StartUndoAction
StartupHandler - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.application
This bean is executed on startup.
StartupHandler() - Constructor in StartupHandler
staticMethodMissingHandler(java.lang.Class, java.lang.String, java.lang.Object) - Method in DomainEntityHelper
Handles missing static methods in a
status(java.security.Principal) - Method in SearchController
Returns the current search engine status as JSON/XML.
status(java.security.Principal) - Method in StatusController
Displays the index page.
StatusController - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.application.controller
Status controller.
StatusController() - Constructor in StatusController
stop() - Method in GlobalSpecExtension
storeIdsLoadedForChildList(org.simplemes.eframe.domain.annotation.DomainEntityInterface, java.lang.String, java.util.List) - Method in DomainEntityHelper
Stores the list of uuid's loaded for a child list.
StringFieldFormat - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.data.format
Defines a basic string field format.
StringFieldFormat() - Constructor in StringFieldFormat
stringToEncodedConverter() - Method in EncodedTypeConverters
SUB_MENU_COUNTER_NAME - Field in MenuMarker
The name of the current sub-menu counter in the marker coordinator.
SUB_OBJECT_DELIMITER - Field in DomainReference
The delimiter used to denote a sub-object reference (e.g. flexType.fields).
subtractDays(org.simplemes.eframe.date.DateOnly, int) - Method in DateUtils
Subtract the given number of days from the given date.
The name of the parameter on the suggest server-side requests for the filter field value.
suggestOrder(io.micronaut.http.HttpRequest, java.security.Principal) - Method in OrderController
Test method for a suggest list.
swap(org.simplemes.eframe.exception.MessageHolder) - Method in MessageHolder
Swaps the given message from the otherMessages list with the main message.


TaskMenu - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.web.task
Defines a task menu which has folders and tasks the user can execute.
taskMenu(Map<String, Object>) - Method in ControllerTester
Defines a single expected task menus needed in the controller.
TaskMenu() - Constructor in TaskMenu
taskMenu - Field in TaskMenuHelper
The cached task menu built from all controllers.
TaskMenuController - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.web.task.controller
Defines the controller access to the main menu (Task Menu).
TaskMenuController() - Constructor in TaskMenuController
TaskMenuControllerUtils - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.web.task
Provides access to the controller details for building a task menu from the controllers.
TaskMenuControllerUtils() - Constructor in TaskMenuControllerUtils
TaskMenuFolder - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.web.task
Defines a folder (group) of task menu items.
TaskMenuFolder() - Constructor in TaskMenuFolder
TaskMenuHelper - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.web.task
Provides utility methods for building a task menu from controller responses.
TaskMenuHelper() - Constructor in TaskMenuHelper
TaskMenuItem - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.web.task
Defines a single task menu entry that the user can execute.
TaskMenuItem() - Constructor in TaskMenuItem
test(groovy.lang.Closure) - Method in ControllerTester
test(groovy.lang.Closure) - Method in CRUDGUITester
Triggers the test itself.
test(groovy.lang.Closure) - Method in DomainTester
test(java.lang.Boolean) - Method in ExtensionController
TEST_USER - Field in SecurityUtils
The generic test user for the test mode return values for method in this class.
testCreatePage() - Method in CRUDGUITester
Perform the tests on the create page.
testEditPage() - Method in CRUDGUITester
Perform the tests on the edit page.
tester(org.simplemes.eframe.test.BaseGUISpecification) - Method in CRUDGUITester
Sets the domain to Spock test specification to be used to the tests.
testFieldOrder() - Method in DomainTester
Verifies that all fields are listed in the fieldOrder static value.
testListPage() - Method in CRUDGUITester
Perform the tests on the list page.
testShowPage() - Method in CRUDGUITester
Perform the tests on the show page.
testShowPageDelete(java.lang.Object) - Method in CRUDGUITester
Test the delete action on the show page.
testShowPageFields() - Method in CRUDGUITester
test the displayed fields.
text() - Method in MessagesModule
TextFieldModule - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.test.page
Defines the GEB page elements for a standard editable text field.
TextFieldModule() - Constructor in TextFieldModule
TextFieldWidget - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.web.ui.webix.widget
The text input field widget.
TextFieldWidget() - Constructor in TextFieldWidget
TextUtils - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.misc
General-purpose text manipulation utilities.
TextUtils() - Constructor in TextUtils
THIS_MONTH - Field in ReportTimeIntervalEnum
This Month.
THIS_YEAR - Field in ReportTimeIntervalEnum
This Year.
throwsException() - Method in SampleController
throwsInfiniteException() - Method in SampleController
TIMEZONE_UTC - Field in DateUtils
The UTC Timezone.
TITLE - Field in JavascriptTesterPage
TitleMarker - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.web.ui.webix.freemarker
Provides the implementation of the efTitle/> marker.
TitleMarker() - Constructor in TitleMarker
toClassHierarchy(java.lang.Class, List<String>) - Method in TypeUtils
Generates an indented class hierarchy for a given class.
toColumnName(java.lang.String) - Method in NameUtils
Converts the given field name to a standard column name.
TODAY - Field in ReportTimeIntervalEnum
Today (since Midnight).
toDomainName(java.lang.Object) - Method in NameUtils
Converts the given simple class name to a domain name convention.
toFullString() - Method in TaskMenu
Build human readable version of this object's full contents.
toFullString(java.lang.Integer) - Method in TaskMenuFolder
Build human readable version of this object's full contents.
toJSON() - Method in FieldHolderMap
Serializes this Map to JSON.
toJSON() - Method in FieldHolderMapInterface
Serializes this Map to JSON.
tokenConfiguration - Field in AutoRefreshAuthenticationFetcher
toLegalIdentifier(java.lang.String) - Method in NameUtils
Converts the given text to a legal Java identifier.
toLevel(java.lang.String) - Method in LogUtils
Converts the given string Level to the correct logger Level.
ToolbarWidget - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.web.ui.webix.widget
The tool bar widget.
ToolbarWidget() - Constructor in ToolbarWidget
ToolkitConstants - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.web.ui.webix
General-purpose top-level constants used by the toolkit.
ToolkitConstants() - Constructor in ToolkitConstants
toShortString() - Method in SampleParent
Returns a short representation of this object.
toShortString(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Boolean) - Method in TypeUtils
A short string for the given object.
toString() - Method in ArchiveLog
Create human readable string for this record.
toString() - Method in BigDecimalFieldFormat
Returns a string representation of the object.
toString() - Method in BooleanFieldFormat
Returns a string representation of the object.
toString() - Method in ChildListFieldFormat
Returns a string representation of the object.
toString() - Method in ConfigurableTypeDomainFormat
Returns a string representation of the object.
toString() - Method in CustomChildListFieldFormat
Returns a string representation of the object.
toString() - Method in DashboardButton
Build human readable version of this object.
toString() - Method in DashboardPanel
Build human readable version of this object.
toString() - Method in DashboardPanelSplitter
Build human readable version of this object.
toString() - Method in DateFieldFormat
Returns a string representation of the object.
toString() - Method in DateOnly
Returns the human readable format.
toString() - Method in DateOnlyFieldFormat
Returns a string representation of the object.
toString() - Method in DisabledStatus
toString() - Method in DomainReferenceFieldFormat
Returns a string representation of the object.
toString() - Method in DomainRefListFieldFormat
Returns a string representation of the object.
toString() - Method in DomainSaveTransactionEvent
toString() - Method in EnabledStatus
toString() - Method in EncodedTypeFieldFormat
Returns a string representation of the object.
toString() - Method in EnumFieldFormat
Returns a string representation of the object.
toString() - Method in FieldDefinitions
Build human-readable form.
toString() - Method in FieldGUIExtension
Build a human-readable version of this object.
toString() - Method in FlexType
Build human readable version of this object.
toString() - Method in IntegerFieldFormat
Returns a string representation of the object.
toString() - Method in LongFieldFormat
Returns a string representation of the object.
toString() - Method in MarkerCoordinator
toString() - Method in MarkerException
Builds the message for display.
toString() - Method in MessageBasedException
Format the exception as a string.
toString() - Method in MessageSource
toString() - Method in MockAppender
toString() - Method in OptimisticLockException
toString() - Method in PersistentProperty
toString() - Method in Role
Build a human-readable version of this object.
toString() - Method in SimplifiedSQLException
toString() - Method in StringFieldFormat
Returns a string representation of the object.
toString() - Method in UpdateFailedException
toString() - Method in UserPreference
Build a human-readable version of this object.
toString() - Method in ValidationError
toString(java.util.Locale) - Method in ValidationErrorInterface
toString() with a locale.
toStringBase(java.lang.Object) - Method in TextUtils
Builds the default toString() for the object (class and hashcode).
toStringForException() - Method in BaseMarker
Builds a human-readable form of this marker and its context for use in exceptions.
toStringForException() - Method in MarkerContext
Builds a human-readable form of this marker context and its context for use in exceptions.
toStringForException() - Method in MarkerInterface
Builds a human-readable form of this marker and its context for use in exceptions.
toStringLocalized(java.util.Locale) - Method in BasicFieldFormat
Returns a localized string representation of the object.
toStringLocalized(java.util.Locale) - Method in BasicStatus
Returns the localized display value for the choice.
toStringLocalized() - Method in ChoiceListItemInterface
Returns the localized display value for the choice (uses the default locale).
toStringLocalized(java.util.Locale) - Method in ConfigurableTypeInterface
Gets the localized display name for this type of configurable object.
toStringLocalized() - Method in FlexType
Returns the localized display value for the choice (uses the default locale).
toStringLocalized(java.lang.Object, java.util.Locale) - Method in GlobalUtils
Safely call toString() on an object, using the locale if the object supports it.
toStringLocalized(java.util.Locale) - Method in HistoryTracking
Build a human-readable version of this object.
toStringLocalized(java.util.Locale) - Method in MessageBasedException
Build a human-readable version of this exception.
toStringLocalized(java.util.Locale) - Method in Order
Builds a localized version of the order.
toStringLocalized(java.util.Locale) - Method in ReportTimeIntervalEnum
Build a human-readable version of this object.
toStringLocalized(java.util.Locale) - Method in SimpleChoiceListItem
toStringLocalized(java.util.Locale) - Method in ValidationException
Build a human-readable version of this exception.
trackHistory(java.lang.Object, org.simplemes.eframe.custom.HistoryTracking) - Method in FieldHolderMap
Track the history, if needed for the new value.
TransactionCallbackWrapper(Closure<Object>) - Constructor in DomainEntityHelper.TransactionCallbackWrapper
TREE_STATE_ELEMENT - Field in LoggingController
The user preference element the 'tree state' are stored under.
TreeStateChanged - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.preference.event
Handles the TreeStateChanged event from a tree/grid GUI.
TreeStateChanged() - Constructor in TreeStateChanged
TreeStatePreference - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.preference
This holds the list of expanded rows from a tree.
TreeStatePreference() - Constructor in TreeStatePreference
TRIGGER_EVENT_ACTIVITY - Field in DashboardTestController
A simple dashboard activity with a single input field that will trigger a dashboard event.
trimTrailingZeros(java.lang.String, java.util.Locale) - Method in NumberUtils
Trims the trailing zeros, after the decimal character.
truncate(java.util.Date, java.time.temporal.ChronoUnit, java.util.TimeZone) - Method in DateUtils
Truncate the given date/time to nearest (lower) value of the given field.
truncateSeconds(java.util.Date) - Method in DateUtils
Truncate the given date/time to nearest minute.
TypeableJSONInterface - Interface in org.simplemes.eframe.json
This interface flags any POGO elements that are allowed to be stored in a typeable JSON list.
TypeableJSONInterface() - Constructor in TypeableJSONInterface
TypeableMapper - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.json
The JSON formatter/parser that handles arbitrary list or map of objects in a single JSON string.
TypeableMapper() - Constructor in TypeableMapper
TypeUtils - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.misc
Various utilities that operate on generic types (or classes).
TypeUtils() - Constructor in TypeUtils


UIDefaults - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.web.ui
Basic UI default values, such as page sizes, etc.
UIDefaults() - Constructor in UIDefaults
unarchive(java.lang.String, java.lang.Boolean) - Method in ArchiverInterface
Unarchive the given file and save all of the domain objects in the archive.
unarchive(java.lang.String, java.lang.Boolean) - Method in FileArchiver
Unarchive the given file and save all of the domain objects in the archive.
UndoableInterface - Interface in org.simplemes.eframe.web.undo
Defines a request that can be un-done using one or more undoActions.
UndoableInterface() - Constructor in UndoableInterface
UndoActionInterface - Interface in org.simplemes.eframe.web.undo
Defines a single undo action to that will undo a previous user action.
UndoActionInterface() - Constructor in UndoActionInterface
undoStart(io.micronaut.http.HttpRequest, java.security.Principal) - Method in DashboardTestController
Sample test method to process a POST request for a sample undo start.
UnitTestRenderer - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.test
Defines a Freemarker renderer that can render views from memory(string).
UnitTestRenderer() - Constructor in UnitTestRenderer
UnitTestUtils - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.test
UnitTestUtils() - Constructor in UnitTestUtils
unlabeledFields(java.lang.String) - Method in CRUDGUITester
A list of fields that do not have a label.
unwrap(java.lang.Object) - Method in BaseMarker
Unwraps the given object from the freemarker variable holder.
update(UpdateOperation<T>) - Method in EFrameJdbcRepositoryOperations
update(UpdateOperation<T>) - Method in EFrameJdbcRepositoryOperationsJava
UpdateFailedException - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.domain
Exception thrown when a single-record update fails in the JDBC framework.
UpdateFailedException(java.lang.Object) - Constructor in UpdateFailedException
Entity constructor.
upperCaseFirstLetter(java.lang.String) - Method in ASTUtils
Shifts the first letter of the string to uppercase.
uppercaseFirstLetter(java.lang.String) - Method in NameUtils
Force the first letter to uppercase.
URLUtils - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.misc
Common URL/URI utils.
URLUtils() - Constructor in URLUtils
User - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.security.domain
The framework/security User definition.
USER_NAME - Field in StandardModelAndView
The name of the Freemarker data model element that holds the logged in user's name.
user(java.lang.String) - Method in PreferenceHolder
Sets the username who this preference is defined for.
User() - Constructor in User
UserController - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.security.controller
Handles the controller actions for the User objects.
UserController() - Constructor in UserController
UserPreference - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.preference.domain
This domain class allows the persistence of various user preferences.
UserPreference() - Constructor in UserPreference
UserPreferenceController - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.preference.controller
The controller for user preference changes from the GUI.
UserPreferenceController() - Constructor in UserPreferenceController
UserPreferenceRepository - Interface in org.simplemes.eframe.preference.domain
The UserPreference repository base interface.
UserPreferenceRepository() - Constructor in UserPreferenceRepository
UserPreferenceService - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.preference.service
Provides access to the user preferences that are used to save GUI settings and related objects.
UserPreferenceService() - Constructor in UserPreferenceService
UserRepository - Interface in org.simplemes.eframe.security.domain
The User repository base interface.
UserRepository() - Constructor in UserRepository
UUIDUtils - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.misc
Miscellaneous utilities for manipulating UUID's in the application and for the framework.
UUIDUtils() - Constructor in UUIDUtils


validate() - Method in AllFieldsDomain
validate() - Method in DashboardConfig
Validates the config.
validate(org.simplemes.eframe.domain.annotation.DomainEntityInterface) - Method in DomainEntityHelper
Performs the validations on the given domain object and returns a list of errors related to the problem.
validate(java.lang.Object) - Method in DomainUtils
Validates the given domain object.
validate() - Method in FieldTrait
validate() - Method in FlexType
validate() - Method in RMA
validate() - Method in SampleChild
validate(ClassNode, org.codehaus.groovy.control.SourceUnit) - Method in SearchValidation
Validates the search settings are correct.
validateButtons() - Method in DashboardConfig
Validate that the buttons are valid.
validateColumns(org.simplemes.eframe.domain.annotation.DomainEntityInterface) - Method in DomainEntityHelper
Performs the validations on the given domain object and returns a list of errors related to the problem.
validateConfigurableTypes(java.lang.Object, java.lang.String) - Method in ExtensibleFieldHelper
Validates the required fields for configurable types.
validateCustomFields(org.simplemes.eframe.domain.annotation.DomainEntityInterface) - Method in DomainEntityHelper
Performs the custom field validations on the given domain object and returns a list of errors related to the problem.
validateCustomFields(org.simplemes.eframe.domain.annotation.DomainEntityInterface) - Method in ExtensibleFieldHelper
Validates the required fields for custom fields.
validateForSave(org.simplemes.eframe.domain.annotation.DomainEntityInterface) - Method in DomainEntityHelper
Validates the domain object before a save.
validatePanels() - Method in DashboardConfig
Validate that the panels have valid panel (names) and parent panel references.
validateValueClassName() - Method in FieldTrait
Validates that the class name is correct for the current FieldFormat and is legal.
ValidationError - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.domain.validate
A single validation error on a field.
ValidationError(int, java.lang.String, java.lang.Object) - Constructor in ValidationError
Basic constructor.
ValidationErrorInterface - Interface in org.simplemes.eframe.domain.validate
A single validation error on a field.
ValidationException - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.exception
Defines a validation exception that is triggered when a domain object save() fails the validation.
ValidationException() - Constructor in ValidationException
validTypes - Field in TitleMarker
The valid title types.
value - Field in ExtensionPoint
The required value for the annotation.
VALUE_SEPARATOR - Field in TextUtils
A generic separator used in some places to concatenate values.
valueOf(java.lang.String) - Method in BasicFieldFormat
Returns the instance for the given DB ID.
valueOf(java.lang.String) - Method in BasicStatus
Returns the instance for the given DB ID.
valueOf(java.lang.String) - Method in HistoryTracking
valueOf(java.lang.String) - Method in ReportTimeIntervalEnum
values(Map<String, Object>) - Method in DataGenerator
Other fields to set in the domain objects.
VALUES - Field in HistoryTracking
The values are retained (no user or date info).
values() - Method in ReportTimeIntervalEnum
verify(java.util.Map) - Method in MockSearchEngineClient
This is a mock utility method that will verify that the given action was performed on this Mock client.
verifyArchive(java.lang.String) - Method in FileArchiver
Verify that the given archive file was written correctly and contains valid XML.
version() - Method in EFrameJacksonModule
Method that returns version of this module.
visit(ASTNode, org.codehaus.groovy.control.SourceUnit) - Method in DomainEntityTransformation
visit(ASTNode, org.codehaus.groovy.control.SourceUnit) - Method in ExtensibleFieldHolderTransformation
visit(ASTNode, org.codehaus.groovy.control.SourceUnit) - Method in ExtensionPointTransformation
visit(ASTNode, org.codehaus.groovy.control.SourceUnit) - Method in RollbackTransformation
visitSpec(org.spockframework.runtime.model.SpecInfo) - Method in GlobalSpecExtension


waitForAjaxCompletion() - Method in BaseGUISpecification
Waits for the combobox in a grid to display the input value.
waitForApplicationContext() - Method in StartupHandler
Waits for the application context to be defined.
waitForCompletion() - Method in AbstractPage
Waits for any outstanding jQuery Ajax or page loads to finish (+ a small extra delay).
waitForCompletion() - Method in CRUDGUITester
Waits for any outstanding Ajax calls to finish.
waitForDashboardEvent(java.lang.String) - Method in BaseDashboardSpecification
Waits for the given event to be displayed in the standard test activity DashboardTestController.DISPLAY_EVENT_ACTIVITY.
waitForGridComboboxInputValue(java.lang.String) - Method in BaseGUISpecification
Waits for the combobox in a grid to display the input value.
waitForIdle() - Method in SearchEnginePoolExecutor
Waits for the queue to be empty and the threads to be all idle.
waitForInitialDataLoad() - Method in BaseSpecification
Waits for the initial data load finishes.
waitForNonZeroRecordCount(java.lang.Class) - Method in BaseGUISpecification
Wait for a record to to be created in the database.
waitForPanelsToLoad() - Method in BaseDashboardSpecification
Waits for any outstanding panels to finish loading.
waitForRecordChange(java.lang.Object) - Method in BaseSpecification
Wait for a record to change in the database.
WebClientAsset - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.web.asset
Defines a single asset for the client.
WebClientAsset() - Constructor in WebClientAsset
WebClientAssetFilter - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.web.asset
This filter provides access to the client (vue-based) assets.
WebClientAssetFilter() - Constructor in WebClientAssetFilter
WebClientAssetService - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.web.asset
Handles requests for assets from the client (vue-based).
webClientAssetService - Field in WebClientAssetFilter
WebClientAssetService() - Constructor in WebClientAssetService
WebClientLookup - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.test
A support class for GUI tests that uses the client sub-module's localization files for lookups.
WebClientLookup() - Constructor in WebClientLookup
WidgetContext - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.web.ui.webix.widget
The context the widget is executing in.
WidgetContext() - Constructor in WidgetContext
WidgetFactory - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.web.ui
Builds a widget for the given field definition.
WidgetFactory() - Constructor in WidgetFactory
WidgetInterface - Interface in org.simplemes.eframe.web.ui
Defines the interface for all GUI widgets.
WidgetInterface() - Constructor in WidgetInterface
WORK_RECORD_COUNT - Field in OrderController
The number of rows available for the dummy findWork() method.
workAround299 - Field in WorkArounds
Workaround for micronaut-data cannot detect failed update issue.
WorkArounds - Class in org.simplemes.eframe.application.issues
Various work-around flags to solve issues in libraries used.
WorkArounds() - Constructor in WorkArounds
WorkServiceInterface - Interface in sample.service
WorkServiceInterface() - Constructor in WorkServiceInterface
wrapWithTransaction(boolean, MethodNode, org.codehaus.groovy.control.SourceUnit) - Method in ASTUtils
Wraps the given method with a closure that is called within a transaction.
write(java.lang.Object) - Method in BaseMarker
Writes the given output to the renderer.
writeDashboard() - Method in DashboardMarker
Writes the dashboard itself.
writeError(java.lang.Exception) - Method in DashboardMarker
writeList(java.io.Writer, java.util.List) - Method in TypeableMapper
Writes the given list of objects to the given writer.
writeNonStandardButton(java.lang.String) - Method in ButtonMarker
Writes the JS for a non-standard (HTML) button, based on the type option.
writeNormalButton() - Method in ButtonMarker
Writes the JS for a normal button.
writeOne(java.io.Writer, java.lang.Object, boolean) - Method in TypeableMapper
Writes a single element.
writer - Field in FileArchiver
The writer used to write the JSON to the file.
writeReport(org.simplemes.eframe.reports.Report, java.lang.Object) - Method in ReportEngine
Writes the given report to the given output writer.



YESTERDAY - Field in ReportTimeIntervalEnum



_format(java.util.TimeZone, java.util.Locale, java.util.Date, java.lang.StringBuffer) - Method in EFrameDateFormat
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _