@org.simplemes.eframe.domain.annotation.DomainEntity @io.micronaut.data.annotation.MappedEntity(value: order_bom_component) @java.lang.SuppressWarnings(value: unused) @groovy.transform.ToString(includeNames: true, includePackage: false, excludes: [order]) @groovy.transform.EqualsAndHashCode(includes: [uuid]) class OrderBOMComponent extends java.lang.Object
Defines a single component required for a given order. This is basically a copy of the ProductComponent records defined for the product.
This element informally belongs to the MES Core Order domain. Since the Order is in another module, the normal child relationship can't be used. Instead, the AssemblyAddition adds this as a custom child to the core domain.
Type | Name and description |
private org.simplemes.mes.product.domain.Product |
component This is the component (product) required for the main assembly. |
private static java.lang.Object |
fieldOrder Internal definitions. |
private static java.lang.Object |
keys The primary key(s) for this child element. |
private org.simplemes.mes.demand.domain.Order |
order The Order this component is required for. |
private BigDecimal |
qty The number of pieces required for each assembly (required). |
private java.lang.Integer |
sequence The sequence this component should be displayed in. |
private java.util.UUID |
uuid |
Constructor and description |
() Empty constructor that copies the important fields from the given ProductComponent. |
(ProductComponent productComponent) A copy constructor that copies the important fields from the given ProductComponent. |
() |
Methods inherited from class | Name |
class java.lang.Object |
java.lang.Object#wait(long, int), java.lang.Object#wait(), java.lang.Object#wait(long), java.lang.Object#equals(java.lang.Object), java.lang.Object#toString(), java.lang.Object#hashCode(), java.lang.Object#getClass(), java.lang.Object#notify(), java.lang.Object#notifyAll() |
This is the component (product) required for the main assembly. (Required)
Internal definitions.
The primary key(s) for this child element.
The Order this component is required for.
The number of pieces required for each assembly (required).
The sequence this component should be displayed in. Duplicates allowed.
Empty constructor that copies the important fields from the given ProductComponent.
A copy constructor that copies the important fields from the given ProductComponent.
- The product component record to copy the values from.Groovy Documentation